Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 2: Goku's Growth
#2 of DBZ
This is the next chapter of my DBZ fan fiction. I do not own the original characters, they are copyright to the original creators and owners.
It had been several years since Voldock and Kakarot came to Earth, and many things happened in that time. Kakarot, now known as Goku, had slipped and hit his head, causing amnesia that seemed to be long lasting. Voldock, now known as Flame, knew that sooner or later, their past was going to catch up with them, but for now, it didn't matter. Goku seemed to have done well in learning from Grandpa Gohan, manners and fighting style included.
However, those years weren't without a terrible loss. On one night, Grandpa Gohan was killed by Goku, who had stayed awake til the moon came out and became a great ape, albeit, out of control due to his young age. After that night, Flame ripped out his tail, though it hurt quite a bit. When questioned, he simply told Goku that, even though they were brothers, he couldn't trust himself with a tail and left it at that.
Goku continued his training, and did his best to catch large enough meals. Flame just focused on training, always thinking that there would be a time that he and Goku would have to fight Frieza, but he had been able to sense others by their power level, or rather, ki. This way, he could keep an eye on Goku as he trained. Goku was quite perceptive, but Flame didn't know if he could sense ki or not. Time would tell of course, as did all things.
One day, while Goku was fishing, Flame was busy cleaning up the shrine to Grandpa Gohan. The only thing that reminded them both of him was a strange orange orb with 4 stars within it. Flame sensed it had some power, but didn't know what to make of it, but it served as a reminder to them both of what Gohan taught them. He steeled himself as he heard a strange noise approaching, similar to a growl, but louder, and longer, so he knew it couldn't be a normal beast.
Upon stepping out, he saw Goku talking with a blue-haired woman on what seemed to be some sort of vehicle. He approached them and introduced himself as Flame, inquiring about the device she was sitting upon. She introduced herself as Bulma, and told him that it was a motorcycle. He thought it odd, since he and Goku were always getting around on foot, but Earthlings would be individuals.
"So, why are you out here? Surely not for a nature stroll." Flame inquired.
"If you must know, I'm looking for something called a dragonball."
"A... dragonball?" Goku asked.
Then the woman pulled out what looked like a large pocketwatch and showed them that something was pinging on it. It wasn't a clock at all, it looked like a radar. Then she showed another orange orb with stars in it, Flame knowing immediately what that meant. He showed her the four star ball that reminded him and Goku of Grandpa Gohan. He looked at Goku then, somewhat serious.
"Goku, think we should help this young lady in her quest?"
"Of course Flame."
He smiled at his younger brother, and nodded to Bulma. "Then I guess we should go. Take Goku on your motorcycle, I can keep up on foot."
"Are you sure? I haven't seen anyone that fast before."
"Don't judge a book by it's cover Bulma."
They headed off, Bulma driving with Goku holding onto her, Flame actually able to keep up with them on foot. It didn't really take long before they had to settle down before sunset. Bulma pulled out what she called a capsule and tossed it after pressing the button, a house appearing, making the brothers blink in surprise. Flame, knowing the kinds of technology the universe had to offer, couldn't believe how convenient Earthlings have made things.
After several months of searching, fighting, and finding the dragonballs, all seven were gathered by the so-called Emperor Pillaf, who summoned the great dragon, Shenron. Goku and Flame stared in awe at the sight, but to prevent Pillaf from getting his wish of ruler of the world granted, Oolong, a pig, made a last ditch wish for a pair of women's underwear, stopping Pillaf.
That night, Goku stared at the moon again, ignoring Flame's urging not to, and by becoming a great ape, broke them out and caused massive damage. Flame's last chance to save Bulma, Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong was to sever his brother's tail with his second technique, a burning disc. Afterwhich, they managed to pick Goku up and escape, leaving Pillaf in ruins.
After replacing his clothes, Goku said he wanted to train under Master Roshi back on his island. Understanding the need to train more for whatever challenges were ahead in their life, Flame nodded and decided that was probably best for them, bidding the others farewell. When they arrived, they were greeted by Roshi and his turtle, and agreed to train them, as well as another potential student, Krillin.
After months of training, they went to the World Martial Arts Tournament, where they encountered Jackie Chun, a formidable foe. But before they would even be able to challenge him, Flame and Goku had to face off. He knew his younger brother had grown stronger over the years, but he didn't know by much, and he couldn't use his techniques. But he wouldn't pull any punches.
Goku readied himself, somewhat torn with the future battle, even Krillin could feel this. Bulma had shown up to watch, after having been on the adventures they had together, she just had to see how much they grew. Flame managed to get his brother alone, looking at him very seriously.
"Goku, I know this battle is a difficult one. However, it is a battle. Do not hold back because I'm your brother, otherwise you'll have lost before the fight begins. I feel you don't want to lose, or hurt me. Prove to me you've grown stronger these past few months. I'm eager to see that."
"But... I don't want to hurt you Flame."
"Then you've already lost. It's not like you to be like that. Buck up and be ready to face me. Either way, one of us will face Jackie Chun, but I want to see how strong you've become first."
Goku nodded, gathering his resolve, which caused Flame to smile. After saying goodnight, he slept with some trouble, his mind going back to his father, Bardock. A true warrior's spirit, not giving up until he was dead. In a tournament, that wouldn't be possible, considering you just have to incapacitate your foe, or push them out of the ring. Nevertheless, he couldn't use his techniques against his brother.
Dawn approached, and Goku was refreshed and ready, both of them already on the stage, staring at each other. Goku was stern, apparently ready, Flame was long ready beforehand, but he wanted to fight his brother at his best. Now was his chance to see how he grew.
The fight started and Goku flew into a flurry of attacks, easily blocked by Flame, who countered after finding an opening. He didn't let his guard down as he saw Goku get up, seeing his fighting spirit. He smiled, he wouldn't expect anything less of his brother, son of a great fighter Bardock. Just then, Goku disappeared, and he felt a pain in his back, looking in time to see that his brother had managed to get a blow in.
Picking himself up, he dusted himself off and looked back at his younger brother, smiling a bit. He had grown after all, growing pretty strong in the past years. Goku was probably as strong as he was when they first landed on Earth those years ago. He truly was magnificent.
"Brother, you have truly gotten stronger. This... is truly as I expected, maybe more. You have done wonderfully so far. Now come, let us continue this fight in wonderful spectacle!"
With that, they both charged at each other, every potential blow blocked and parried, Flame becoming excited at his younger brother's prowess in strength and combat efficiency. The few blows that landed did little to stop either of them, showing each other how strong they were, short of destroying the battle stage, even the announcer was sweating from the heat.
Finally, they both stopped to catch their breath, Flame's smile never leaving. He truly was impressed, nothing in the galaxy could take away his breath as was his brother's growing strength. And he knew Goku needed it in the final match. A little bit of a breather was all he needed as he stood up, dropping his guard.
"Goku, my little brother. You have done well. I think now is a good time to rest before your final fight."
"Huh? What do you mean brother?"
With that, Flame leapt off the stage, his smile never leaving. "This is what I mean. Fight well, that is all I ask. Fight with the same spirit you've shown me, the outcome doesn't matter. Give Jackie Chun your best."
With that, he walked off, the announcer declaring Goku winner by ringout. Flame didn't care, he saw this as an opportunity to test his brother, and he had passed greatly. Still, the fact that his tail grew back was bothersome, as it was already noon. He would watch Jackie fight, and if it wasn't long, they'd get a five minute break before the final match started.
As it turned out, Jackie's fight was over inside of three minutes, knowing Goku would have to do his best if he wanted to win. Flame didn't care, he just wanted him to fight with everything he had. But five minutes was too short, and they both started the fight. Each blow and attack was blocked, the fight continuing for hours.
Soon, the sun set, and Flame grew troublesome. This was getting too close for comfort, should Goku stare at the moon, then things would get really out of hand. Both of them showed no signs of giving up, and this grew greatly troublesome. Soon the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and the moon started to rise. Flame could only watch as the moon rose higher, Goku started to change.
As if spired on, he fired his Kamehameha towards the moon, destroying it. While the moon's waves stopped, the great ape finally reverted back into his brother, Goku, who now lay nude and unconscious. Jackie was declared the winner, and Flame rushed over, covering his brother, a smile on his face.
"You did well, little brother. You did well." Was all he said as he took Goku into their temporary quarters, dressed him, and watched over him. Yes, the moon was gone, but at least Goku would still be himself. Flame couldn't be more proud of his brother, having fought so hard for so long. Flame didn't care about his Saiyan pride anymore, he only cared about his brother. Somehow, he thought, Goku would be the one to stop the tyranny of Frieza. That is all he could ever hope for.