Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's
I read it, but it wasn't just a letter but an invitation to a tournament in las vegas, nv on 11, september 09 at 2:00 pm. a badge fell out it was a rainbow color with a crystal on it. i picked it up and looked at it. 'i wonder what time it is?'
Beast & Crystal Beast Vs Heros & Synchros
I read it, but it wasn't just a letter but an invitation to a tournament in las vegas, nv on 11, september 09 at 2:00 pm. a badge fell out it was a rainbow color with a crystal on it. i picked it up and looked at it.
Second Sight: Chapter Two: Arpeggio's Angels
Tyr city was still made of metal and brick, vega city had been completely abandoned, and nulline metropolis was filled with crime syndicates and cults. arpeggio, on the other hand, was made of all kinds of materials.
Month with the Babysitter (sneak peek)
His mother sighed, "now, this is really sudden, but me and your father are going to las vegas for a while as business trip and a vacation on the other half, and i'm leaving johnny to babysit you." tyler smiled, "yay, johnny!"
Presto - Chapter 4
You're really good, and i hope you get that vegas gig. you deserve it." as arden watched dan pull out of the parking lot, a tear ran down his muzzle.
Calico Burana: ch.1 - A Cat and a Fox
The two had planned their shifts far in advance to make sure they could attend star rock festival, simply called "rock fest" or just "the fest" by those familiar with it, at horseshoe grove, a town located close to las vegas.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 8: Drowned
. \*\*\* las vegas, march 2015. four months before the end of everything.
Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 4)
\>you pull the arm gracie is latched onto forward \>"this little lady needs some, we're heading to new vegas, don't want her feet getting torn up" \>torres looks gracie up and down quickly and sighs \>"i suppose it can't hurt to let you look around, we
Blood Red: Chapter Eleven: The Dangerous Half-Dozen
Location: new vega, south-east district.
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - The Egyptian Hall
He thought maybe of the luxor like what they had in las vegas. why would he have that thing in his mind? as he neared the strange pyramid like thing he noticed a bright white coating to the pyramid.
Blood Red: Chapter Five: Blood Red
#12 of blood red location: new vega, club phymn, room 172. time: 19:40pm. year: 2245, january 11th. the red fox slowly snaked around me, constantly running his fingers along my chest and around to my back, smiling as he proceeded.
Not So Retired Any More II
The aging wolf had had enough of the new girl detective, transferred in just a month ago from vegas, and was stomping his way up to a fracas in the cubicle area he was sure she was involved with. sure enough, there she was.