Beast & Crystal Beast Vs Heros & Synchros

Story by Battle-Panther on SoFurry

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#3 of Let's Duel

The next day I woke up from the intense pain I experinced last night. I looked at the top part of my paw and there was a yin yang symbol burned into my skin, but it didn't do any damage to my paw. I got up and my tv screen turned on, first it showed static then it showed Smith. So I stood there and listened to what he had to say. "I bet your wondering what that symbol means. Here's mine." He rolled up his sleeve and there his was it looked like a wolf's head. "Mines means: I'm a strong duelist." He put his sleeve down and continued. "I bored you long enough, but make sure Jackie and this Mayra girl get's this invitation. See you at the tournament." The screen went black.

I grabbed my remote and turned it off. Then there was a knock at my door, I walked to my door and opened it. There was nobody there I looked around then I look down and saw a envelop. I picked it up and took one more look around to see if anyone was watching, and I went back inside and opened it and pulled out a letter. I read it, but it wasn't just a letter but an invitation to a tournament in Las Vegas, NV on 11, September 09 at 2:00 PM.

A badge fell out it was a rainbow color with a crystal on it. I picked it up and looked at it. 'I wonder what time it is?' I looked at my clock it showed 11:55. "Oh hell, I'm gonna be late." I put the envelop in my backpack I grabbed my deck box and my backpack. And left to the park where Mayra told me to meet her at.

I arrived at the same park and looked around to see if I can find her, but no dice. 'Man I missed her.' Then I heard a familiar voice say. "Looking for me?" I turned around to see Mayra sitting on a park bench wearing a black shirt, blue jean pant's and white shoes. With a cross necklace around her neck.

"I thought I missed you." I said

"You are a few minutes late, but that's okay." Said Mayra

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked. Before she answered a male voice said. "How about you duel us." I turned around and Mayra stood up. There stood two foxes one wearing all blue and the other wearing all red. But the one wearing blue looked a few years older than the other.

"And you two are?" I asked

"I'm Matt Harvey and this is my younger brother Jeff." Matt introduced himself and his younger brother.

"No way the Harvey brothers." I said excitedly.

"So what's your answer?" Matt asked.

I turned to look at Mayra and asked. "You up for a round?" She looked at me and nodded in agreement. Mayra pulled out her duel disk from her backpack put in on and put her deck in the deck slot. I did the same thing and so did the bothers. Life Point counters set to 8000. Everybody drew their five cards.

"Ladies first." Mayra said as she drew her sixth card. "First I summon Enraged Battle Ox (ATK/1700 DEF/1000) I set four cards face down and activate Emergency Prvisions. For every spell or trap card I give up we both gain a thousand life points." Two cards shattered increasing our life points.

Our LP:10000 Harvey's LP:8000

"I end my turn."

Matt drew his card. "I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman (ATK/1600 DEF/1400) and set two cards face down. And end my turn." Two cards appeared face down.

"My draw." I drew my sixth card. 'What the, this is my new Crystal Beast deck. I'll stick with what I get.' I thought. "I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus (ATK/1800 DEF/1200)" A sapphire crystal appeard and shattered revealing a white pegasus. "When he's summon to the field I can place one Crystal Beast in the spell and trap card zone. And I pick my Amber Mammoth." I put the card in the slot and a amber crystal appeared behind my pegasus. "I set two cards face down and end my turn." Two cards appeared face down.

Jeff drew his card. "I summon X-Saber Airbellum (ATK/1600 DEF/200) I two set two cards face down and end my turn."

Mayra drew her card. "I activate Card of Demise. I get to draw five cards, but at the end of the fifth turn I must discard my entire hand." She drew her five cards. "Next I activate Polymerization to fuse my Des Kangaroo and Big Koala to make Master of Oz (ATK/4200 DEF/3700) now Battle Ox attack his Sparkman with Axe Slam Attack." Her Battle Ox charged at the Sparkman and sliced it. Shattering it.

Our LP:10000 Harvey's LP:7900

"Well I activate A Hero Emerges." The card revealed itself. "This card activates a monster of mine is selected as an attack target. You pick one card in my hand if it's a monster I can summon it. So choose wisely now." Matt held up three cards with the pictures facing him.

'I hate cards like that. Now let's see.' She thought to herself. Then she made up her mind. "I pick the middle card."

"Not a wise choice, but thank's anyway's. Go Elemental Hero Bladedge (ATK/2600 DEF/1800)".

"Master of Oz Destroy his Bladedge." Mayra ordered.

"Another unwise choice." The card revealed itself. "Go Negate Attack. Not only it blocks your attack but ends your battle phase as well."

"I end my turn."

Matt drew his card. "I activate The Warrior Returning Alive. I can add one warrior monster back to my hand from the graveyard." His Sparkman card slid out of the graveyard. He picked it up and and continued. "And I pick my Sprkman." He added it to his hand. "Next I play the field spell Skyscraper." A city appeared around us. "I summon back to the field Sparkman and I equip him with Spark Blaster. And set one card face down." His Sparkman grabbed the blaster. "I use it's effect and switch your Master of Oz to defense mode. Sparkman fire away." His Sparkman fired switching Mayra monster to defense mode. "Bladedge attack her Master of Oz with Slice and Dice attack."

"But you're monster is to weak." Mayra said.

"I don't think so, thanks to my Skyscraper it gives all my Elemental Heros a power bonus of a thousand attack points, making him three thousand and seven hundred."

"It's gonna tie." Mayra said

"Not really, thank's to this reveal trap card; Strike Slash." The card revealed itself. "When my monster attacks it gains seven hundred attack points." Bladedge ATK/4400 DEF/1800. Mayra's Master of Oz was cut to ribbons.

"And when Bladedge destroys a monster you still take damage." Matt said.

Our LP:9300 Harvey's LP:7900.

"I did enough damage for now. It's your move."

I drew my card. "I play my field spell Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins." I put the card in the field slot. And the Skyscraper field was destroyed. Revealing a stadium with a ranbow overhead.

"Next I summon Topaz Tiger (ATK/1600 DEF/1000)" A Topaz crystal appeared and shattered revealing a white tiger with a horn on his forehead. "When he attacks a monster. He gains four hundred attack points and next I activate Gem Flash. For every continuous spell card on the field you guy's lose three hundred."

"But you have no continuous spell cards field." Jeff said

"Actually I do, my amber crystal counts as a continuous spell card." I countered

Our LP:9300 Harvey's LP:7600

"Topaz attack Jeff's X-Saber." My tiger attack point's rose ATK/2000 and pounced.

"Fake Explosion." His card revealed itself. "My monster dosen't get destroyed, I get to summon Summon Reactor SK (ATK/2000 DEF/1400) and I take no battle damage this turn." His monster wasn't destroyed and his Summon Reactor took to the field.

"I end my turn."

Jeff drew his card. "I Synchro Summon my X-Saber and my Summon Reactor. To bring forth." His two monster leaped into the air and there was a bright light and it slowly descended.

Me and Mayra watched in amazement. Then the light faded revealing a white dragon with blue aura surrounding it.

"Behold Stardust Dragon (ATK/2500 DEF/2000) and I boost his strenght with Synchro Boost (ATK/3000) attack his Topaz Tiger."

"I activate Rainbow Path." My trap card flipped up. "By giving up one Crystal Beast I can block your attack and I can add one Rainbow Dragon to my hand." My amber crystal shattered and his attack stop dead in it's tracks.

'Hmm. He has the legendary Rainbow Dragon, best becareful.' Jeff thought and continued making his move. "I summon X-Saber Galahad (ATK/1800 DEF/800) and end my turn." His monster took to the field.

Mayra drew her card. "I activate Premature Burial. To raise my Master of Oz from the graveyard and boost his strength with Axe of Despair." Master of Oz attack points increased ATK/5200. "A thousand additional attack points making him more than a match for your dragon. Attack."

Our LP:8500 Harvey's LP:7600

"Scarp-Iron Scarecrow." His card revealed itself.

"I use Trap Jammer." Mayra countered back as her card revealed itself.

His dragon disappeared and Mayra's Trap card was destroyed. And her Master of Oz punched the scarecrow and it went back to it's face down position.

"What happened to your dragon." Asked Mayra.

"I can give up my dragon to destroy a card that destroy's a card, but at the end of turn he can come back." Jeff answered.

"Enraged Battle Ox attack him directly." The attack landed.

Our LP:8500 Harvey's LP:5900

"I set one card face down and end my turn." When she ended her turn Jeff's Stardust Dragon returned in all it's glory.

Matt drew his card. "I use my Spark Blaster's effect switching you're Master of Oz to defense mode, and activate Polymerization to fuse Avian and Burstinatrix to make Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (ATK/2100 DEF/1200) attack her Enraged Battle Ox." Mayra's Enraged Battle Ox was burnt to a crisp.

Our LP:6400 Harvey's LP:5900

"I end my turn." Matt said

I drew my card. "I summon Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle (ATK/1400 DEF/800)" A cobalt crystal appeared and shattered revealing a eagle. "I use his effect; I can send one Crystal beast back to the top of my deck. And I pick my Sapphire Pegasus." I picked up my card and put on top of my deck. "Next I equip Crystal Release to my Topaz Tiger. His attack points increase by eight hundred." Topaz Tiger ATK/2400. "Attack his Bladedge." My Topaz Tiger attack increased to ATK/2800

Our LP:6400 Harvey's LP5700

"I end my turn."

Jeff drew his card. "I tribute my X-Saber to summon Handcuffs Dragon (ATK/1800 DEF/1800) Stardust Dragon attack!!!"

To Be Continued...

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