Seans' Character Reference Sheet

H&k g-3ka4 assault rifle, with red-dot sight, and side-folding ump-style stock, and railed front-end with tactical light. sometimes fitted with m203pi grenade launcher.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 9

_lying on the deck of the bridge he was tired and shocked, but he crawled painfully to the tactical station. the tactical officer was dead, his body slumped over the controls.

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Abducted by 'The Dino's': chapter 2 A New Bounty

"sorry terrance none of your bone crushing hugs i have a precious cargo" max said while pointing to his belly which had a faint bulge underneath his tactical gear "oh ok got it" terrance said trying to look stern which made max shake his in amusement as he

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The Swords that Bind- Part 1: Welcome to the Crew

"what histories and tactics have you studied?" "several old libraries around here have some very interesting facts about the civil war and the former empire.

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Experiment Time

He openly considered all kinds of zombies and debated survival tactics for each and every case. intelligent, raving, fast or slow, he had the answers to all of it.

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Orelai- Close Loss

But it'd be understandable tactic from the media in this country. and if they admit to frustrations no doubt they'd bring up instances where their team did rather similar strategies.

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Retractile Dysfunction

The bag didn't want to open, so we were forced to use a different tactic." "we?" atlas asked. "we," jarzyl confirmed.

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Earth: The RPG Player's Guide

Each action is listed in priority order in your tactics menu. **paradigms** paradigms are a set of conditional commands you "program" your character with, primarily for battle.

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Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE

Someone from tactical shouted, fear in his voice. "they're preparing to fire it again!" dachshund looked away from the hologram, watching as the man staggered back from his post, the officer locking up with fear as the rest of tactical joined him.

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File #3 - "Echoes"

Nicholson tapped the controls on the armrest of his chair in order to read over the sensor readings himself but he had always been a tactical officer and was unable to make much sense of all this scientific data.

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Yugioh NG Ep.2

Mckenzie asked, "aye, not bad for a kid... though i think he needs to work at his tactics, that move could've been easily countered." ark said with his arms folded across his chest, "can't let the 'pro' side of you go for a while huh?"

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Krystal and Chase: Ronins

Krystal said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, "cornering yourself isn't a good tactic and you know it." "you were watching?" chase asked, his ears perked in surprise. "i only saw the last bit."

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