CH 3. Confrontation
He sucked down the camel and stopped abruptly at the red light. _10 blocks to naomi's_. thoughts flashed in his head, last night, naomi on the cam. he had never seen this side of her.
Laurin tales: JJ's story chapter 3
Magic sucks" said the cub, running for cover from jj's retaliation. this mud-fight entertained the two for a good few hours, and though kai was a much better shot, jj's endurance lasted long enough to tire out the otter.
Links Chapter 3 ... Clean
And as always please let me know what you think and if i should keep writing it, or be honest and say it sucks and i should never attempt at writing stories again. some of you might say "this is still not m/m!!! im horny!!!! we want yiff!!!! rawr!!!"...
Around the World with Stand-Still Paws --WIP--
"that sucks.. but heh at least you're due, right?" he probes, catching my lie. "alright you got me. i'm a little irked about it, ok?" i confess as i walk over to the tow-behind, bane of damian.
Lost Within Thoughts...
I was just 13 when i first met him, it was like yesterday....the only thing that sucked was that i didnt get to date him for another year or so after that. its hard to even think about shit that goes through your mind when your sitting down thinking, even
A Nice Swim
He swam back up to the surface as the bowl tilted, the lion able to see again just as the little jaguar's lips met the side of the bowl and started sucking down. "wha- no, kyle, wait!"
Start for a Trainer ch 2
He fished in his bag and brought out a pokeball "lucario just don't stuggle"he told me "um,okay"i said he clicked the button and a red light shot out i thought i was going to get killed by a laser then it sucked me in the ball i looked around to see a circle
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends
"you suck bro!!" and like that they continued their journey home. it was fun. kyurex forgot his problems... real friendship felt good.
Cataclysm - #1
They had not realized they lost contact with the ground nor were aware of the weightlessness that goaded their body upward to be sucked in by this aberration above.
Insta-Fur 2 (Anthro TF/TG) [TRADE]
His waist sucked in along with is back, all while his hips and rear swelled outward to feminine proportions. perry's manhood sucked back into him, leaving a mere slit behind and his insides altered to make him a female inside and out.
Weird Dreams - Alex
When he landed on the floor, he almost got sucked into it, like a waterbed with grip. "what the hell is going on?" the fox asked himself, trying to get around the sludgy, waterbed-like ground.
The Second Sundering: Prologue
Perhaps the lack of customers in the middle of the day, or the lack of any noises coming from within, as if someone had sucked away all the sound?