Around the World with Stand-Still Paws --WIP--
Chap 1: Gearing Up
So here we are, my mate Damian packing his things while I brush my headfur. Our current location is somewhere in rural Ohio. The ranks of corn, in formation and such, has grown a bit redundant, and we're seeking haven somewhere else... somewhere more to our liking. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Jamie. I'm a red fox of the age 25. My mate's a black wolf who's aged at 27. We've both finished our degrees and need to get out of here (the above reason still stands; corn is boring). I've found a place in a more urban environment. It's nothing amazing, but it'll do. Afterall, we only want to get away and somewhere where we can both pursue our carreers. We're only taking what we need, like clothing and our gizmos, and leaving the rest for my brother to occupy the place. Saves me a headache, and gives him a place to live.
"Hey hunnie, can you come here a sec, please?" Damian shouts from the other side of our small house.
I sigh, take a look at both sides of my face, scrunching my slender, vulpine snout in distaste. Why did I get my headfur cut? I liked it so much better long. "Sure... just let me find my glasses."
"Alright dear... but it's kinda important," he retorts.
I give up and walk to where I expected some sort of tragic packing accident, my wolfie in the middle of it. "I'm here, what do you ne...." I stare wide eyed as Damian is struggling with an obviously over-stuffed tow-behind. "Uhh... don't you think you could put some of that stuff in another bag?" I ask.
My wolf pauses and ponders. "Probably," he says finally.
With a frustrated huff, I pad over to him and stare at him with mock disaproval. "well, why don't you then? They're only in the closet. Also, didn't I tell you to be conservative in packing? We don't have much room in my car, and I'm not going to rent a moving van."
He looks to the tow behind, then back to me. "Well, you gonna help me or what?" he asks. "It'd be nice if I wasn't doing all the work, hun."
I turn to go and relay the message, "alright, alright... right after I locate my--" I hear a loud crunch and feel something breaking beneath my footpaw. I cringe, somehow knowing what had happened. "Heh... looks like you're driving," I say as I pick up the broken remains of my glasses. I resign myself to the unavoidable and help Damian repack the tow-behind.
"Hehe, owned noob," he jabs. I look at him with an annoyed expression plastered on my face. "Oh relax, dear. I'm only playing... that sucks, really. How much were those lenses you trashed?" he teases, some more.
I groan as the thought of having to get new glasses torments my imagination. "$150, and honestly I'm not too upset. I am due for a reexamination anyway." I fabricated that little bit. I had an exam not 3 months ago.
"That sucks.. but heh at least you're due, right?" he probes, catching my lie.
"Alright you got me. I'm a little irked about it, OK?" I confess as I walk over to the tow-behind, bane of Damian. "Just go grab me a suitcase, please," I say, pointing to the approximate location of the said suitcase. "I'll give you stuff and you put it in the new case, alright?"
"Alright."I unzip the suitcase to find he's packed his computer into the case, right on top of all of our clothing. "Hun... we can just put this in the back seat. No need to add more weight to our luggage."
Damian looks at me uncertainly. "How will we keep if from getting all bumped around?"
"Because we'll put it on the floorboard, happy? Your seat should keep it from moving to much." I must confess, this is a little frustrating.After deciding we don't need the extra storage, and some rearrangement and situating of computers, his and mine, as well as their respective LCDs in the back seat of my car, we're ready to put the tow-behind into the trunk. "Damian, could you bring that bag for me please?" I yell to him.
"Sure," he says as he goes to get it, leaving me to guard the car.
"Thanks," I say to his tail-end as he leaves my line-of-sight.
After a few minutes of waiting, the wolf returns with his cargo. We load the rolling luggage into the trunk, then I take my place in the passenger's seat. "Hun," he says to me.
I stick my head out the window and look toward the back of the car, not finding Damian. I sigh, annoyed, and get back out. "What," I ask as I find him sitting on the ground, behind the car. "Hun, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to miss this place, hun. The first place we yiffed was in that bedroom." He says, pointing to the third window to our left. "It's emotional... this is our home we're leaving."
"Awww, poor wolfie," I say genuinely. "I've got an idea that will cheer you up!"
"You do? What?"
"Let's yiff here one more time." I suggest, my expression reformed to reflect my sultry idea.
That got his attention. I extend a paw to him, his eyes betraying his feelings for my idea. "Sounds fun, foxxy. Lock the car, though. Don't want to risk losing my computer," he says as he takes my paw.
"Hehe, we'll make it special, so you'll forget all about this place, and only remember our last yiff here," I state, intending to make my wolf more anxious. I heave the wolf up and walk to the car to lock it. "Let's go inside."
"Right behind you, fox," he says, swatting my rump as turn toward the door
"Eep," I squeal, jumping a little at the flirtatious gesture. "Huuun, can't you wait till we're inside?"
"Nope. If it wasn't illegal, I'd rip the clothes off of you right now and mate you in the yard," He said, lustily. Damian
rushes up to my side and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Since I can't do that, lets head inside."
"Sure thing, dear," I remark.
AND that's the end of this preview... if you like where this is going please tell me... of if you would like some changes, also tell me! :D