Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up
The clunky interface and recycled housing design from the calicovision game system turned consumers off the product, and all the profits from the previous years evaporated.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 03
"that's one way to recycle," lisa remarked as she continued to fight the other 4 snake warriors. one of them tried to kick her but she jumped back and nearly fell into a rose bush. she tenderly picked a rose and placed it on her outfit.
Burning Mouse and the I.C.E. Snake
If just a little crack in the code was there, he knew he'd be deleted before even seeing the inside of a recycle bin. each cpu cycle felt like an eternity, meticulously combing over the bit of mail from a semi-known source.
Coell Universe - Space Rescue
The pressure stable, he then used his lungs to breathe for her, internal systems recycling the air with ease, hardly needing to use much of his emergency oxygen supply.
Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP
You'd be maintaining a life for a fraction of resources, bathing their brain in cheap recyclable nutrients that didn't tax the existing food supply. arguable, you could achieve a much higher quality of life in soft space than hard space.
JTB ch5: Crossroad
...on to the recycle shop. it was a store with old clothes, instruments, card games, anime and pop star goods, and all kinds of weird miscellaneous things. seiya: "this is the special ayu clear file that jun has!
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 11
But there is a time of renewal, a recycle of universe. what will you do then?" "the universe will retaliate. just you see."
A Meeting of Feathery Minds - Anthro Crow TF
David said to himself, tossing out the last few remnants of festive rubbish into the recycle bins outside of his house.
Voyages of the Mara: Arc 2 Chapter 1 Salvagers
Lights over the exits turned red, indicating the doors had locked to prevent the ship from depressurizing, while the air in the bay was drawn out and stored in the oxygen recycler.
Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Four.
Any rat foolish enough to go in would find the lights off, retrieved and recycled by the team sent in, and might end up walking into the solidifying mixture.
Chapter Six - Only In Dreams
By the end of the voyage, those choosing to bathe would do so in the recycled waste water of kiole and the other early-bird passengers.
Spiral nebula - Chapter 16
Steam rose in small wispy plumes, being sucked up into a vent to be condensed and recycled. underneath the steam wisps and the hot water that created the steam stood yukiomaru.