Envoys and Diplomats

Therefore, you will all be made into imperial diplomats.

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Spiral nebula - Chapter 16

Steam rose in small wispy plumes, being sucked up into a vent to be condensed and recycled. Underneath the steam wisps and the hot water that created the steam stood Yukiomaru. His eyes were closed but he was gazing up at the source of light in deep...

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Thunderfoot's first mission

The chilean diplomat spoke passionately for about thirty minutes, on numerous occasions the argentinian diplomat started shouting angrily, just as the chilean diplomat was finishing up the argentinian diplomat opened his mouth to shout an objection


Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

#140 of short stories detective clip investigates the disappearance of a diplomat in a casino town.

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Keeping Secrets

He reached the diplomat's room and entered, making sure to stay out of sight by hiding in the huge closet. and there he sat, waiting, until the diplomat entered.

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Tangled Vines - Chapter 1

_dark fire_, slg-76, passed between the diplomatic ship and mûr zhæn. "see? we're so far out the military had to send a _scout ship_ to guide us!"


The Ambassador

Will you be the diplomat for the discussions?" decro added, raising his eyebrows at how blunt i was. he thought i was a diplomat? that was indeed funny, and i actually laughed. me? a diplomat? joke of the year. "no. i am not a diplomat.

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Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

"i know some of my sisters have flown around playing diplomats and troubleshooters already - and besides, this is the utopia, right?

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #1

I did not expect you would have diplomatic tact. have you been trained in diplomacy too?" "i've picked up some of the niceties," she replied. "shall we get down to business?" "with pleasure," he said.

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10KLY2: Chapter 8

We rarely get money from diplomats, even for worse violations. diplomatic immunity, you know." "they don't pay the fines?" "almost never." "i tell you what, officer, you go ahead and give me that ticket. i have an idea."

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 5

"i was being diplomatic," pengu informed him, "while you were helping out namaari, i was getting familiar with the people from the other lands. what could be more diplomatic than that?" "you just wanted to hang out at the snack table," jagan grumbled.

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File #2

Starfleet is attempting to establish diplomatic relations with the romulan star empire and your actions may have derailed that." greyfell took a moment to think about what he had done. yes.

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