
While spelling and punctuation are part of this process, more often i read something and then say "what in the hell did i just write?"

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Dialog -- You Have Stayed Too Long.txt

"i want to give their natural processes some assistance." "that is against our principle tenets of contact." "so was the infection." "that was not our doing."

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Battle Royale part 2

"cloning ability downloaded....processing counter measures." "process this!!"

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To You

And for my part i accepted it, wished them well and repeated the process and i now understand that this was my betrayal of self.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials

That is their method of recharging, but even so they have to connect to a main power cell that holds many kinds of processed dust, that is located deep inside the island using specialized tubes and wires.

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Walls: Reboot 10 - The Precious Runt

The implant detects this, resets the mind, and begins a neural pruning process where needed. it's quite natural, and it will resolve itself with time."

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The Dragon Clan

Regrowing muscle was a long and arduous process, and though the magic was certainly speeding up the process, it still worked slow--painstakingly slow.

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Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

Best case scenario: immediate effects: 1km lethality radius, majority of damage from render safe process detonation. days one through three: increased background radiation levels as decay processes stabilize.

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The Lost Dragon Saga (Part II)

At that time, the soul is partially separated, and a relatively short renewing process begins to create a new chain. this entire cycle is periodical, and has happened several times already, and just yesterday did we go through the renewing process.

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Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 4

You can go into the past or future, but once there you have to go about doing the whole process again to get back. and the means to travel in time isn't so much difficult as expensive.

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The Bark-tenders

Together they shambled through the city, a living procession of days long dead. those deer still awake to see them felt cold terror plunge into their veins, the old fears which told them to run, run, run! or be eaten.

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Dark World Traveler

The elder nods and says, "denkian, she died going after her own kin to so take good care as her spirit is with you since you're her processer, now go my young pupil!!"
