The End and The Beginning - Chapter 1
#2 of The End and The Beginning
_ The End & Beginning _
_ Chapter 1 _
The dull sound of hammering echoed as did the molten heat of the furnace that could be felt cross my skin and all over the small workshop, this was the average day for a common dwarf like me as I slept and dreamed of places far and wide away from this place. this was not bad for the most part it was just boring nothing really ever happened here.
I was quickly and rudely awakened from my dreams by the sounds of my Father, the Head and Master black/runesmith of the Iron Anvil.
"Boy get your lazy arse finished with that ring now, you got classes to head off to" said the old darken skinned dwarf.
"Yes, master craftsman" the young lighter skinned dwarf shouted back.
So, the process begin he calmed himself knowing that is his father wanted a ring of defense but with the materials already there he could make something much better.
He got to work Measuring with wire to get the ring size needed. Next, he thinned out some metal on the anvil until it was flat and did the same on the other side. This process went on for hours till he begins to shape it to the correct measurement double and triple checking his work as he went along. Finally, after made hours he had finished the metal working.
Now comes the fun part as he started rune-crating onto the item he had a wonderful idea of combing two runes before putting it onto the ring. (Rings only hold up to 3 runes for a master craft-smith and basic rings normally only hold one)Protection (continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus) Was the Goto rune for a ring.
His mind drifted off as it normally does when in deep thinking he did not even no he had rune-scribed Stone-skin (warded creature gains resistance to blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes) and passed it off for inspection.
"Yah did good, me lad" he says, has he quickly ruffed the boy's hair
"Yah going to make a great blacksmith one of these days. Now off with yah to your classes."
With his fathers' words still in his heart he felt in a better mood today than most as he rushed out the workshop doors and down the street to the local school. While in this mad dash he noticed that his brown hair was in such a mess it looked like he had been thrown in a hedge. Cheekily the young boy smiled "oh well nothing I can be done about it now."
The light skinned dwarf finally came to a stop outside the local school. Ramur looked over these majestic buildings of pure stonecutting craft in awe, he felt blessed by God Moradin (The god of Creation, Dwarf crafts and Protection) to live on this side of the middle layer of the great underground city of Kon Dural to the outside world is also know by another name The Iron Mountain.
As Ramur was looking up, he did not notice his long-time friend Aran coming up behind him putting his hands over Ramur face "guess who" Aran said, in a very loud tone as to try to shock his friend.
Ramur in prideful voice replied "cut it out Aran I'm sorry I enjoy what our race has built so far." The two friends then laughed and went inside the school building to begin their long day of learning.