Chapter 10
Grandmother was pregnant with dad. they made it all the way here, and she gave birth to dad . . . then she left." zalia gasped. "she . . . abandoned dad?" "yeah," kilyan whispered sadly. "when he was about three.
The thanksgiving tradgedy(Chapter 8)
Not just letting her being pregnant go unnoticed but letting her get pregnant in the first place. he heard the car coming down the street and then the knock on the door.
A Changing World Ch.1
My eyes were becoming more forced and i could read the writing, it has "i'm pregnant, you've been warned", well that confirms that she's pregnant, she had a look of embarrassment and shame, i shift my gaze to her partner, who looked like a big tan blur till
Time of War Chpt 4
She was now five months pregnant with her first child since the accident that took her unborn child six years ago. "ugh, i look so fat now."
Journey Forward
If a breeder is pregnant we put her in a quiet room where she is given a careful diet until the babies are weened. the disobedient breeders are given kitchen duty and if they mess up any food they are whipped.
Rose- The Assessment
They'll only start to produce milk once you're far along in your pregnancy." "pregnant!?" i react visibly, taking a few steps away. "well of course. that body is fully functional, you know. but relax, that won't be happening any time soon.
No Frills: Khezef the Dragon
Za'afiel began to turn himself back into a dragon but his foe put a stop to this with another spell that made za'afiel pregnant ? and prevented him from being able to terminate the pregnancy.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)
The pregnant female said presenting another spoon to his mouth. "take a moment and look around. i mean really look." the nude female was right.
The Tale of Teàrlach Part 6
She had lost some of the weight she had gained during pregnancy, but not all of it. she was just as it had finally been her loving father that had convinced her to go to the abbey.
A Growing Family
I'm pregnant again! chapter thre: surprise, surprise. weeks have passed since the revelation of kate's second-time pregnancy. family, friends, and fellow pack members have given their blessings and best wishes.
Judy - Chapter 1
They were bringing in a pregnant woman who wasn't breathing & hemorrhaging severely. an emergency c-section had to be performed or they'll lose both baby & mother.
Sabre of Fox - prolouge
D got pregnant. oddly enough, she turned out to be pregnant shortly after arrival of young noble vulpine to the manor of wulfchines. he was a veteran of fights with tartars on the eastern border. a lot of lasses hankered after him.