Guardian of the Northern Light Part 1

With no further options the leopard growls louder than the saber grabbing hold of its neck hunger rushing into his eyes as the saber snapped at him trying to get ahold of him, with a quick twitch of his paws a loud snap could be heard, and the saber released

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Flight Academy: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Possibilities are normal Its early morning, about six o' clock, and the sun is barely giving signs of its existence. An alarm goes off over the intercom that throws everyone out of their lucid dreams and/or nightmares. Staal is the first to...

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Flight Academy: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: I can explain! Corelec busts the door open to the dorm and everyone else follows. He sits and flips on the television to find that the cable has been cut. Corelec sighs and leans back on the couch. The rest refrain from sitting to avoid...

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Sabre of Fox - prolouge

S back, my sabre brandish than in a coach across the boring beaten tracks. i will rather take eager lasses in a haystack and give them a bliss in the step of their begging for it than bow to the damsel, for whom sabre is no defence.

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Flight Academy: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Third ring of hell The group rushes into the room. Staal places Shiro onto the soft couch then runs into the bathroom to grab a towel to lay Uski on. Corelec places Uski on the towel then wastes no time blockading the door. "What the hell...

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Saber's War - Chapter 3: Assignments

#3 of saber's war saber and goliath start to find out what they're good at, and the fact that this was no mistake that they were chosen.

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Enigma Story prologue

She wore a white enigma outfit wielding a blue light saber. kelly is the demanding one of the masters. sixth mistress mayra a brown panthress. she wore a blue enigma outfit wielding a purple light saber.

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Enigma Wars Prologue

She wore a white enigma outfit wielding a blue light saber. kelly is the demanding one of the masters. sixth mistress mayra a brown panthress. she wore a blue enigma outfit wielding a purple light saber.

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Book I: The Humble Beginning

What about you, sabre?" in fact, she was just as curious as ragnarok. sabre rolled his eyes. "oh fine, let's go." together, they padded deeper into the forest.

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Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 3

A familar voice said, coming from behind crimson, he turned around seeing maverick standing behind him light sabers drawn. crimson draws his light saber and ready's himself, maverick swings both of his sabers at him.

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Upper Class Love

The clear disbelief within his husky voice was such that the saber cat had to stop himself from bristling in indignation. "i have indeed." the saber cat grumbled right as he stopped in front of the door to his room.

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Star Wars: Chronicles of Darth malum sicarius and Darth Nexius Book 1 RIse to Darkness

Said that they got in to saber lock with nexius pushing the saber dangerously close to malums face.

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