The Tale of Teàrlach Part 6

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#6 of The Tale of Teàrlach

Willa's sad tale

Willa had been a maiden when she met Bryce. She had been much thinner then, though not that much. Her breasts were not as big, her belly not as round, her curves not as robust, but it did not mean that she was not lovely. And Bryce, oh his body fit his name.

He was much taller than her, his body wide, but not from fat, oh no, every inch of his fur covered muscle. Each one ligament, tendon, and fiber had been honed until there was almost no drop of fat to be found. His arms and legs were the size of tree trunks. His shoulders were as broad as a canyon was wide. Every inch of him cried out, "Powerful."

Every maiden within the county wanted him, even some of the ladies, but he'd refused all their attempts to wed him, only because Bryce wanted Willa. The first time they met, the sparks had flown, culminating in the two finding a private space to become intimately acquainted. They'd barely known one another a fortnight when they'd married, much to the happiness of Willa's father.

The two were nearly inseparable. Where Bryce could be found, Willa would be there at his side. At Mass, at meals, when Bryce was training with his sword or with a bow, and most importantly, in bed. The only time the two were apart was when they bathed, and even that was not a 100% guarantee.

It wasn't long until Willa became with child. When he heard the news, the massive boar badger picked up his wife and spun her around in the air, yelling his joy at the top of his lungs. But then the Pope had called for a Crusade. Bryce had initially decided not to go, wanting to stay home with his beloved Willa, but when Richard announced his expedition, the badger dutifully joined in.

Willa had watched her husband leave for the coast. Tears had flowed down her cheeks as they had shared a deep kiss. He promised to return. He promised that the coin he would come home with would be enough for them to move to a higher rank. He told her that he may even have his own castle and she would be a lady. But his promises didn't ease her tears.

Months passed and Willa became larger, the pregnancy adding size to her already ample frame. She was eating almost constantly, partially because she wanted a healthy child, partially out of fear, and partially out of depression. Her breasts began to swell, drooping lower and lower down her belly until they rested just above her belly button. Her soft round belly began to expand, her curves become more noticeable and more robust. Every part of her was expanding with each passing day.

She was nearly due when word returned. Bryce had fallen in battle against the Egyptians. Willa had collapsed onto her knees, tears rushing down her face as she wailed. Her anguish so great that her boar had died so far from her caused her to miscarry a few days later. She had lost both her husband, and her unborn son.

The weight of the deaths pressed onto her heart so much so that she became a recluse. Hiding away in her home for weeks upon end, and only coming out of her room for meals. She had lost some of the weight she had gained during pregnancy, but not all of it. She was just as It had finally been her loving father that had convinced her to go to the abbey.

"Penance for my sins," Willa told herself, "God must be punishing me for something I've done." So she had set to work in the abbey; cooking, washing clothes and dishes, sweeping, mending clothing and tapestries amongst other things like children's toys. She was still a bit reclusive, but not as much, slowly warming up to those around her, but keeping her past to herself.

When her story ended, Willa looked down at Teàrlach. "You're the first one I've told this to," the heavy sow badger said in her gravelly voice. There was a long pause as she gave the fox a growl, "And if you tell anyone else, and I mean ANYONE, I'll skin you alive and use your pelt as a winter coat."

Teàrlach just nodded at her, "My lips are sealed." Willa grinned at him before lifting herself off the stool, "Good." The massive woman slid the chair back across the floor, giving the fox another good long look at her backside before standing up. The large woman made her way back to the doorway, knowing his eyes were fixated on her ample posterior as it swayed back and forth. She stopped just inside to look back at the todd. "But that doesn't mean I won't tell the others YOUR story," she said as a smile dragged its way across her long muzzle, "They do need to know you're not some kind of wandering murder or slaver."

Teàrlach was just about to protest when Willa slipped out the door, chuckling madly as she made her way down the hall. His words were going to fall on deaf ears no matter what, so he just held his tongue and let out a long, deep sigh. "Maybe it's for the best," the fox said as he went back to looking up at the ceiling.