Breakfast at Richard's (Richard and the Fae ch8)

"the cold part is... more of a metaphor. hot fire, cold iron. it's the iron part that matters, and steel is made of iron. the cutlery is... well, it's certainly not silver. looks like... an aluminum alloy? some zinc... copper, nickel.

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Treasure Hunt

When you think astrologically, the one thing that metaphorically epitomizes a phoenix is the moon. what makes a phoenix a phoenix is its ability to begin anew.

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Flame War

He had seen the sun, himself, but he still understood the metaphor for what it was. "that's right. on some level, it's just a metaphor - it doesn't have to be a literal flame. in my case it just so happens to be. but when i go into the light, rakim...

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The Bureau: Epilogue

And call me lazy, but yes, i wanted to go with a similar morning as the beginning as a metaphor of sorts. or something. brain doesn't like explaining things.

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metaphorically speaking, that is. truth was, the carim lords weren't _quite_ sure just _what_ they'd created. the creations had free will, but no definitive proof of a soul had been seen. eracith shrugged.

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Presto - Chapter 6

_a fitting metaphor, no_? all boxed in, self-sentenced, and nothing to look forward to but maybe another box. how long had he lived like this - no, existed like this? too long, surely. but no, this wasn't about him, not really. he had to keep going.

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In this case, snow is a metaphor for pristine, virgin, and youth as an expression of white-- red, as you will read, is a disruption of the innocence, even if it is not the defilement.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

Some think them merely metaphor. for something else entirely. but i, who claim some kinship with a wolf or two, can tell you that the town of good intentions, nowadays, is not as quiet as when it fell forgotten, hid between the rolling hilltops.

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Gorthorn: Chapter 8: Adaptation

Yes, he could accept the metaphor, but control came first. demeanor was drilled into royals, and sometimes he wondered if he were actually helpful or if it just served to clutter up his mind for no reason.

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Sibling Rivalries 5: Love Struck Feline

She decided to go for the jugular, metaphorically. she crossed one leg over the other and looked at him with a smile. "so scar. is there anything that you'd like to tell me?

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You remember a book explaining the origins for the whole light thing in the bible, that to the people of the ancient middle east light was used as a metaphor for a god's presence and darkness for the god's lack of favor.

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