Black Magic - Chapter Three: Friends Of The Family

I've never seen just one zombie shambling around all by its lonesome. who would be afraid of that? zombies are slow, dumb, and relatively weak.

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun

She was alone, the lone sailor of this world, an empty ocean, far too large for just her lonesome, yet she knew it was how it would remain. all hope of this nightmare being only that had been shot clean long, long ago.

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Ladder Racing, spring 2019 (Chapter 2)

They look lonesome, but then again, all wolves look lonesome, it's just a thing they do. with his height, he can look out across the entire room above the ears of everyone else.

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Spreading Her Empire Part 1

Normally she would set off and find more servants with the help of a few others, but she didn't want to leave nick on his lonesome for a moment longer than she had to. she would have to send someone else. she knew just the right person.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 87

Then, came two; and finally, the last one, hanging all by its lonesome. but this last bulb marked the entrance of a tunnel, cut into a gigantic oak tree--the only one within the forest. about the tree, wisps fluttered as birds from branch to branch.

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Lykos-Redemption Act II Ch. 1

It was low, ethereal, and as always lonesome. rather unfitting of what they had planned, but it was required for summoning the rest of the brothers from their errands. within seconds demeas joined his alpha in the same howl.

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A warm memory on a cold night

Interestingly enough this started out with me being depressed and wanting to write something dark, but hehe it came out much better this way the male fire buizel sat on the cold hard floor of the dark lonesome cave and sighed, his tail flopping lifelessly

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Lonely Oak Chapter 72

S voice; "what're you doing sitting in the dark all by your lonesome?" "just...drying off," ket's voice responded, a little agitated. emeral set the brush down. how long had he been out there?

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The Human Species Ch.21 - Swarmed Trainer Silver

"feeling lonesome, wanderer lucario?" the zubat asked with another subtle smile appearing on her face. "... a bit, maybe..." lucario admitted. "it'll pass" the zubat said reassuringly, "until then, just sit and enjoy this evening."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 41

And then they did cross paths with strangers, there was usually a quick but fleeting exchange of helloes, and then they were by their lonesome once again.

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Corrupted Souls -- Chapter Four

Feet feeling like they were encased in concrete, i watched her go up to the elevator before disappearing into its doors, leaving me by my lonesome once again... **\* \* \*** after spending many, many hours on the road in his beat-up old buick station wagon


Prelude to the weekend

Keeping just ye here by ye'r lonesome would be downright cruel. so, what i think i'll do, is give ye some company. attention class!" the sound of pencil on paper stopped as every kid in the room looked up.

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