The Ballad of the Goat

Goatwitnesses reported, a loud screaming baaaaah approaching the gas station, followed by a huge explosion from which the goat appeared, seemingly unharmed.

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Fennecs are Short (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the gas station smelled strongly. she couldn't quite untangle the mess of odors, but the fennec was pretty sure that stale coffee, burnt hot dogs, cheap cigs, and some amount of milk were the prime constituents.

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Project X (backstory)

It seemed that the world was doomed what little supplies they had could not suffice for everyone thare that had survived so people developed into clans and the clans fought for gas masks, food and shelter this stage lasted only a month.

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A first step...

I screamed as i hit the gas harder and putting it into the last gear so it was going at 137 mph leaving a black stripe as i drove.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Sixteen

Ami and explained the plan that they would get clearance by pretending there was a gas leak and the doctor roll would be that he worked for the gas company and needed to fix the problem.

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Chapter one - Meetings

"problem with the gas, i think? let me check with the supervisor." lars grinned wickedly and leaned forward, yanking on the tail of someone standing in front of him.

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A Tale of Three Kittens Chapter One

This is not a motel, this is a gas station. not a safe place for a kitten like you to sleep either. and i'm no willing to risk leaving you here without anyone to watch you, so you might steal something."

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Service Station

Damien points squinting his eyes as he reads the neon sign, "24 hour gas station... we can stop there!" the otter sighs but agrees as he pulls up into the gas station, spying a skunk manning the counter half asleep.


Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:25 Almost fun

They had just gone to a gas station, so their gas tank was full. jewelia woke up. "have a nice nap?" bowser asks. "yeah. we both did." jewelia says, rubbing her belly. she looks up at bowser. "can i climb to the frount seat?" "yeah."

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Project X (Backstory)

It seemed that the world was doomed what little supplies they had could not suffice for everyone there that had survived so people developed into clans and the clans fought for gas masks, food and shelter this stage lasted only a month.

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Eight Minutes and Forty Six Seconds on June Twelfth, Two Thousand Twenty

They call it looting and they call for more guns, ammunition, poison gas, and gravely say we brought it on ourselves. what else is left but silence?

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 1 - A Blind Run

Another of the things sent another belch of tear gas from its chest cavity, the sound of vomiting accompanying its release as james coughed harder.

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