02 Mindless
A gift of god or evolution or the freakish improbability of the cosmos. a mind that can conceive of things great and small. a mind that is aware of itself and its surroundings. put it to use. do things. create things.
Lucario and the Aftermath: Prologue
I had heard things about evolution before, perhaps that was to explain...
Theory of evolution. theory of everything. sentences written by, not scholars, but scientists, and end in a period. odd to think that we, as humans, are bound by a dot when we ourselves stand more like an exclamation. an opinion. a shout.
Chapter 1
#2 of evolution here's the first chapter of this story! i won't spoil anything here, but things begin to happen! characters and general idea belong to fa: railway-traveller story written by myself "personal log. entry 86.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 8 - The Darkness within...
The evolution he chose was a flareon. kyurex was kind of pissed. okay...he was mad. revy looked away with a sad face. "but...i love..."
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 11
Are you confident about the evolution exam?" "how am i supposed to pass? i can barely manage anything you set for me. everyone else is better." dark growlithe sighed, "you've sure got a low self-image.
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play
Thanks to previous pranks by his younger brother he had found he had to buy those things in bulk now just to maintain his proper evolution. two drawers down, he found his own potion making sets. "just a little younger."
A Poetic Definition.
So thus the evolutioning, through fire and love and hunger, from wolf upon the frozen steppes to squeaky bone and walkies. i would not look for poetry in any definition.
Legends of Mundus Ch 6-7
In the final stage of their evolution they ascended into the heavens to become gods. before they left, they created beings that were small replicas of the titans. they created instructions for all they had invented into the natural world.
Thing Born of Blood
Speed and strength marry upon the back of evolution, and the life sighs with the time it took to create it, how long it took to bring together two opposites.
Natural evolution welfare advancement and genetic engineering association (newage), the collective of research corporations responsible for the development of the various methods for creating morphs, was still thriving and by this time had created over six
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 1 Emergence of anthropomorphic canines(1143-1165)
In 1165, the wolf and the fox completed the anthropomorphic evolution.