Some say it was all folklore, of the sort civilizations
Will sprout like fungus from the leaking seams as they grow senile.
That those who live like wolves among the ruins may find comfort
In tales that make the wolves out in the wastelands to seem...
Afterword, Paeonic Tetrameter, Poetry, Werewolf
There are schools of thought where thinking must needs work like thin magnetics,
Aligning every glittering gear with every last ball-bearing,
So that the world is dissected by 'if and only' statements
To categories perfect, and to crystal clear...
Paeonic Tetrameter, Poetry, Verse essay
Well, it may not be for me to try to speak about your wedding,
Beyond 'congratulations,' or some mildly sexy teasing.
And it may not be the ragnarok it might be for some people
(I'll not name them but to say June once was theirs and is no...
Congratulations Khaki, Paeonic Tetrameter, Poetry, wedding