The Glory of an Empire, Chapter 1
#3 of the glory of an empire welcome to part one comrade sentients. same as before, no copying, please. but at least there is no yiffing or violence in this section of my little endevorous story.
The Glory of an Empire, Chapter 2
Years passed, the empire continued its push to the top of the imperialist food chain. soon enough, not one other nation would dare make a threat against the empire; all had knelt to its mighty will.
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3
The costly victory having paved the way for doomfond's master plan to create a clone army to be the salvation of his empire.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know
Richard first knew of what had they had done to save the empire and it was going to stay that way if he had anything to say about it. to be continued....
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight
**\*let's see, two warriors- one from the former empire check, another from a fallen illegal colony check. one medic check, and one systems specialist check.\*** the fennec sentinel proudly proclaimed.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 2
Therefore, as a result of these heinous actions by the empires of yavkognia and khorcha, i am asking for a formal declaration of war against these empires."
Tales of Atlas: introduction
Y'see there was once a mighty empire known as the voxelian collective, a once grand and mighty allaince of small monarchies and empires. they colonised the island we now know as alatia as a shipping port and naval base.
The Warning
The irony is we were an empire that conquered everyone without really trying. it started simple enough. we achieved two simple things.
Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age
Atlantian age (aa) (note â€" atlantian age starts with the colonisation of the planet earth but the actual atlantian empire had existed many years before that.
The Dominion -- Chapter 1
The old republic of equinox has been tossed aside for a more powerful, expansive empire. other nations look down on equinox. those nations seek to limit their arms, their exports. but in truth, they fear the empire. _crack_.
Arcturus, Intro and Reference.
The empire and the ffc often purchase weapons and ship components in bulk from them.
Chapter 5 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas
The magic was only given cursory research before the kokori empire put it to practical use in an internal war.