The Glory of an Empire, Chapter 2

Story by KriegVonBeck on SoFurry

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#2 of The Glory of an Empire

Well then comrades! No copy please, respect and karma go a long way believe me! This one is a little more older fur oriented but still relatively safe. I will warn you, it does play your emotions though. Love, hate, pride, sadness, and fear! With that aside, on wit ze story, no?! Comments and votes appreciated!

Chapter 2:

Well comrade, what do we know so far? That's correct, my insignificant sob story, just bare with me, I promise it all has relevance. Years passed, the Empire continued its push to the top of the imperialist food chain. Soon enough, not one other nation would dare make a threat against the Empire; all had knelt to its mighty will. Well all except for the pirates of course, but they don't exactly count as a nation so that rules their involvement out.

Our nation has, in turn, expanded so far, that they have run out of room on their own continent. So the Kaiser decided to expand to the Southern Isle, soon to be renamed the Southern Colonies. Its thick dense jungles and vicious wild creatures prohibited any other nation from expanding, but that does not stop a wolf. Colony after colony was destroyed; yet the empire just kept on constructing more. Only one was able to survive, the city of Qui. A whole city built in the largest Qui tree in the world; the tree itself was larger than our largest airships.

Well I am 17 now, and have begun on my duties as prince, which involve studies, filling out reports on my views of the status of the Empire, and ordering servants around. In other words I have the laziest and uneventful job in the world, and at this time that didn't bother me one bit.

"Common, get up your high-ass!"

The curtains were pulled back and the horrid light flooded my bedroom, and blinded my eyes. I was quick to jam my head back under the covers and growl at my disturber.

"Go away, let me sleep or I'll have you decapitated."

"You know what? Maybe, if you manage to beat me at a sparing match, I'll consider letting you lop off my head."

I waited for him to put the tray down on the table aside my bed, and then I planned my next move, carefully.

"Hmm, I just might have to take that into... Consideration!"

I leaped out of my bed and pinned my challenger to the floor. I had a hold of both of his paws and was directly on top of him, he had no means of escape.

"Dear Herr Krys Wolf, I believe I win. Proceed to the copping block if you please."

Krys was in shock that I had finally tackled him, and kept a hold of the element of surprise. But then he smirked, that evil smirk he gave just before he had a devious plan.

"If there is one thing you should remember from my teachings, it should be that it is the one who is at the disadvantage who has the highest chance for the advantage."

I cocked my head, was he joking? I had him pinned I obviously had won. Oh Damn! Krys tucks in his knees, and forces me from my grip and throws me across the room. Just before I can react, he then has me pinned to the floor.

"You see, you can't beat me, you still have allot to learn."

At this point we were staring into each other's eyes and for some reason it didn't bother me that he had blue eyes and I had red. They were still, as glorious and beautiful as the most precious of gems. His ragged hair was a mess of fur he died white, which had a certain handsome hew to it. What is the matter with me? I am admiring my friend like some crackpot romantic. This type of romance was punishable by death in the Empire anyway, so I best get any of these dark thoughts out of my head now. I couldn't help but notice though, he didn't stop staring either, and it was as if he was thinking the same thing.

"Um Krys, I need to get dressed. I don't think my tutors would appreciate me showing up in my pajamas."

Krys looked away, as if trying to break contact with my stare.

"Oh uh, sure. Your clothes are fresh washed, and pressed just the way you like them, they're in the top dresser."

"Um, Krys?"


"Could you get off of me?"

Krys blushed, and jumped off and stood straight.

"Oh sorry, I forgot where I was for a moment. How odd."

"Yes, indeed."

I stood and stepped over to my dresser, and opened the top drawer and just as promised my Prinz uniform was inside. A dark red button down shirt, wool black pants, my black wool tunic, black tie, black visor cap, and finally black leather jack boots. Those boots of which, I am not suppose to put on myself, which is the servant's job. By the time I looked over to see where my trusted servant was, I noticed he was staring. This of course wasn't normal, and very odd of him.

"Um hallo? My boots aren't putting themselves on."

Krys shook his head, to shake the confusion from his mind.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't conscious there for a minute."

"Just don't let it happen again."

Krys looks up at me from putting my boots on.

"Oh I'm so sorry, your high ass! I won't happen ever again! Do you want me to wipe your royal ass too?"

I smirked at that thought, "Oh I bet you wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"Relax, it was only a joke."

"Well sometimes you make it difficult to tell."

I gently take hold of Krys' chin and make him look up at me.

"Look you're my best friend, and my only real family, I conceder you closer than anyone else, otherwise I would have let Katie be my personal servant. Now let me do this, I hate it when people do things for me, it makes me feel useless."

A smile came over his depressed and angry face, giving way to new found happiness, like a light piercing through a darkened fog. I put the last boot on my foot and stomped. I stood tall and proud as I fastened my over coat on my back.

"Well how do I look?"

"Like a prince, my lord."

"Say, was that sarcasm, or were you actually saying something nice to me?"

"No I meant it this time, you look good."

"Why thank you. Now what do we have for breakfast?"

"The usual, steak and eggs."

I sit down aside my bed and pull the tray to my lap, and stuck my fork in the juicy steak.

"Wonderful! My favorite! Oh, may I see the morning paper please?"

Krys hands me the news paper, hot off the press.

"I had already glanced through it, something about another southern colony getting attack and wiped out. Then it said something about the Kaiser giving a big speech today in front of the whole city. It is supposed to be the changing moment in wolfish history, and world history."

"Hmmm, yes, apparently it has something to do with the Southern Colonies. It is today at 6:30. We can head over to the memorial after sparing, how is that?"

"Fantastic, that's to say I don't tire you out too much after I kick your royal ass!"

"We will see my brave friend, we shall see."

~/*~ {2} ~/*~

"Prince Kiro, how can I teach you if you are unwilling to learn?"

I woke up at the sound of my name, Frou Gloop staring at me, those horrible, deathly eyes. I cringe at the sight of them.

"I'm sorry Frou Gloop, I'm really trying, it's just... ....and Ancient Fennec is so useless. I don't even know why I'm learning this, what's the point if no one speaks it anymore?"

"It's important Kiro because you just might be Kaiser some day, and when you are, you have to be able to communicate with the few who still do speak Ancient Fennec. None the less, class is adjourned today. Finish those translations for tomorrow, or don't even bother coming."

"Ja, I'll have them completed."

I hate room work; it's such a waste of my precious time as Prinz. Well at least I get to proceed to my favorite class next, weapon training. Of course for me it's just a time to show the tutors I'm not just on ordinary student, mainly because I have surpassed all of their teachings. I arrive to the training room to find that my normal tutor isn't there, instead one of the servants is waiting for me.

"Where is my tutor Josephine? I was supposed to meet him here."

"I'm sorry mien Prinz; Herr Grom has called in ill today. A replacement tutor has been called in his stead."

That's odd; Herr Grom never misses a class, even if he is vomiting his innards out.

"Frou Josephine, who would be his replacement?"

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Oh that must be him, if you wouldn't mind getting the door mien Prinz, these trays are a little over baring."

"Alright, sure Josephine."

I step to the door and open it, and to my greatest surprise I am lifted off my feet and swung around like a doll.

"Kiro my boy, I have missed you so much!"

"Herr Ludwig Wolf! I have missed you too! You planned this didn't you?"

"Well not exactly, Herr Grom was legitimately sick. I just decided to fill in!"

"None the less, I am still so happy to see you again! So tell me how was the front? Are we making progress against the Iquit Tribes?"

"Well Kiro, why don't I show you?"

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Grab a sword boy, and we'll attempt a mock battle."

"I would love too."

Ludwig was the closest thing I had to a father, and I always admired his ability, his stories and his stature. He was tall and well built for a 47 year old wolf. He always wore an eye patch, to cover the wound, the wound that was my responsibility. He eventually told me how he came about it, but not for an awful long time.

"Your doing great Kiro, just watch your foot work."

By now I was good enough to begin to train with my own form, every master of combat did. I used a long barreled semiautomatic pistol in my main hand, and a guarded single edged short sword in the other, both hand crafted by me. Ludwig's style was single edged saber, which had a lever action rifle built into it. It acted as a gun blade of sorts. As a master of projectile and melee weapons, you had to be able to think with both views in mind. For example, not making a shot when in too close of range, or making a lunge with your melee weapon when out of striking distance.

"Alright Herr Wolf, you beat me."

Ludwig removed the blade from my thought and gave me a paw and helped me from the floor, what can I say? He got lucky.

"So you never told me, how's the front holding up?"

"Well Kiro, that's part of the reason why I'm here. The Kaiser finally accepted the peace treaty; he is pulling most troops from the northern front."

"Well that's fantastic! That stupid war is finally at an end!"

"Well Kiro, I wish I could join in your celebration, but I am a hard soldier, I know better. The Kaiser never makes peace unless he has plans for a bigger war, and worst of all, most of the troops have been recalled to Surmriech."

"Why would he do that? We are safe here; no one has ever dared to attack the capital city of the Empire, ever!"

"Well that's what I don't understand either. Not only that, but I have been withdrawal from the front lines and have been promoted to Gunnery Sergeant, and I'll be commanding my own squad."

"Congratulations Sergeant, you have my blessing, for what it's worth."

"Thank you, I will carry it with me each time I press into battle."

Sergeant Wolf embraced me, and I believe I saw a tear trickle from under that eye patch, his wound finally healed. I am glad he was there for me, I don't know if could have survived without him. He places a paw on my shoulder.

"Just know, no matter what happens, I will never endanger you or Krys, you both will always be my sons."

There was a knock at the door once again.

"Come in, the door is open."

The door flew open; there stood Krys, with the eyes of a puppy.


"Krys, My boy I have missed you too!"

Krys ran to and gave his father a hug.

"Papa, I am so glad to see you are ok! I have missed you so much."

"I know Krys, I have missed you too. We can talk later son, I have to get back to the barracks now. Why don't you show Kiro what I taught you?"

Krys looked at me, with that evil grin of mischief again, and I cringed to think what he was going to put me through.

"Sure papa, whatever you say. We'll talk more at supper; you have to fill me in on what the front was like."

"I promise, we will talk all about it, now I must go."

"Take good care Sergeant Wolf."

Krys looked at me with confusion.

"Sergeant Wolf?"

"Ja, your father was promoted."

"Hmm, well I will have to remember to congratulate him."

I put a sword to his neck.

"You will have to get through me first."

"Are you trying to threaten me, or amuse me?"

"Hmm, I believe in this situation you are the jester and I am the puppeteer."

"Touché, comrade."

We spared for hours, as we usually do. Krys used a rifle and a long double-edged bayonet to create a long-range spear, or pole arm. The both of us used agility and speed verses strength in our sparing matches, which made for a more interesting spectacle. Of course we also worked up quite the sweat as well, so halfway through each and every match, we are usually down to the bare essentials of clothing. We were both panting heavily at this point and had thrown down our weapons as they have just become too heavy, and turned the never ending match into a hand to hand grapple. As I had his head in a lock, and he had mine in a choke hold.

"You must be tired... ...old friend. Just give up... ...Krys"

"After you... ...dearest comrade."

"When I see you... Hell."

I smirked, what a stubborn boy. Oh damn!


He had thrown me to the floor, and gone to pin me to the floor finally. But just in time, I rolled out of the way and grabbed a training sword from the rack. As I made my leap to my feet to make my comeback, I noticed he had done the same, so back to the sword match. He makes a cut at my weak legs, as I manage to jump just in time. But his risky move left him unbalanced and so I made my final move, I made a slash at his throat, only to have my paw met by his as he disarmed me, and placed his sword at my neck.

"You loose, Prinz Kiro."

I smiled to him.

"Hmm, I guess so. That's one on you, zero on me."

"On the contrary, there is still one on you."

"How so? We only started counting today."

"No, like this."

Krys tackled me to the floor and pined my paws, his chest pressed against mine. He stared into my eyes, his deep blue gaze, piercing my soul.

"Oh I see."

I could tell he was getting comfortable at this point, as I was being poked in the lower region. But this wasn't right, I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted.

"In my short years lived so far, there was always something missing in my life, a someone. I always longed for that person, always seeking, waiting. That someone, I never knew until today, was right in front of me, for it was you all along."

I was taken; his words wrapped my heart and soul, and made me apart of him. Every part of me wanted to be with him, to just give in, to kiss him. Slowly he leaned in, closer his muzzle came to mine, we were so close now, closer than I have been to anyone. He was so close, and I looked away, he stopped.

"I'm sorry Krys, I just, I don't know. I'm so confused. I don't know if this is right."

His face was in shock and horror, like he had just committed high treason.

"Kiro I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me!"

"Krys, relax its ok. We all had a little of an adrenaline rush."

"Oh shit, I just about kissed the fucking Prinz of the Wolfish Reich! I'm a traitor!"

Krys began to realize what he had just about done, and it hit him very hard. What he didn't realize was that he had done nothing wrong.

"Krys you really need to calm yourself, its ok. No one is mad at you, and you are most certainly not a traitor."

Krys gripped his hair and a tear ran down his cheek. At this point, I was just getting frustrated and a little irritated.

"Herr Wolf, get a hold of yourself! You are acting like a complete fool and I will not have it in my palace! Do I make myself clear?"

He refused to calm down; he started backing into the wall, fleeing from me, like I was some sort of monster. My anger had reached its peak, so I growled and struck him across the cheek. I looked at him, his jaw had dropped. He was in shock. Only then had I realized what I had done.

"Krys, you know I didn't mean that. I'm so sorry."

He quickly gathered his clothes and before I could stop him he was already bolting down the hallway. I stopped and fell to my knees, the tears trickling down my face, caught in the dark black fur, tears from my deep red eyes. Only then had I realized that I was more like my father than I had thought possible, even though we were not related by blood. I raised each paw to the air and screamed.

"I'm sorry, oh how I am so sorry Krys! Please forgive me! Mother I have let you down, I am sorry!"

~/*~ {2} ~/*~

I stood atop the balcony, over viewing the crowds of wolves as they flocked to the courtyard to hear the Greater Kaiser's speech on the new Reich, as many were calling it now. It had only been a few hours since I had last seen Krys, and yet I have not seen him since. I am so worried about him, but something in me tells me to let him be for now. He needs time to think over what happened, and to be honest with you, I think I do as well.

The Kaiser then arose from the palace and took his standing at the great monument. The monument that marked the victory over the elves, in the time of the birth of Wolfish Reich, the spot where the last elf was slain, by my father the Kaiser. He stood before his people with elegance and strength, though they cheered his name and follows of "Sieg" and "Heil", his face was unchanged to a look of sincerity and prominence. He raised his paw to signal them to stop, and as if by magic, the crowd fell silent.

"Subjects of Die Größere Wolfish Riech, friends, comrades, and fellow wolves; we have been strong, we will always be strong, and we are oh so much stronger. With the blood of our foes, we have written the books of history that our puppies will share with their puppies and tell of great tales of valor, honor, blood, and iron. They will speak of how we, the wolfish peoples, have taken dust and ruin, and created a nation of great power and ultimate glory!

"But comrades, alas, we have met our lengths. We cannot stretch our great and mighty paws no further. No we cannot expand, with the resources we have now."

The crowd uttered sounds of shock and gasped at the Kaiser's odd words of peace.

"I have a plan to set free the wolves and supplies we so desperately require for expansion to the southern colonies and beyond. I will create opportunities for the wolves that have not had the chance so many others had. So I decree, by Imperial order 564, that all blue eyed wolves, are to be relocated to the southern colonies, effective one week from this moment. That is all."

I felt as if I had been shocked, almost fifty percent of blue eyed wolves made up the population of the empire. What unworldly creature would possess the Kaiser to do such a bold act? The crowd was a split of boos and cheers, some shouted "Rebellion!", others shouted "Sieg Heil!" I had realized what this meant, Krys was a blue eyed wolf, and so was his mother, they were going to be relocated.

~/*~ {2} ~/*~

For one week I pleaded with generals, councilors, and even my father to change their minds, but all were stubborn and refused to make difference, most wouldn't even listen, except for one.

"Look Kiro, there's nothing I can do. I wish there was, but father is the Kaiser and he has rule."

"Dietrich, you have to listen to me, this isn't just about relocation of fifty percent of the wolfish population to the deadliest place in the world, it's also about forcing our own family from the home they have always lived in!"

"Kiro, look, the agents don't like it either, no one really does. But if we ever went against father's word, we'd burn for it. Someday when I am Kaiser, I will make things different, you will see."

"I know you will brother, you will be a great Kaiser some day, I just hope you won't be too late."

~/*~ {2} ~/*~

I finally got word of where Krys' mother and he were to board their airship to the colonies; they were headed for the City of Qui.

"Crewman! You there!"

I called to the lowly sailor, stumbling over the loose boards assembled on the airship deck.

"Yes me lord?"

"Where are passengers loading to embark to the City of Qui?"

"Well that my liege would be the Elegance, a fine ship she is. She's ported at pier six."

"Thank you sailor."

I dashed as quickly as I could to pier six. The dock was so busy what with all the new passengers it was expecting. Finally, I reached the pier numbered six. I could see the wolves boarding the airship as its captain, who was oddly enough a female Anglish Cat, shouting orders. There! Just before the gangway, I could see Krys, and Katie!

"Krys! Katie! Over here! Its Kiro!"

Thy bother looked over to me, Katie was ever so happy to see me, her face lit up instantly. Krys then turned his face to me, and oh no, his face. He had a red scare across his right eye, luckily his eye itself looked fine, but that scar. I ran to them and gave Katie a hug, and then turned to Krys who pushed my paws from him.

"Don't touch me imperial."

"Krys, please you must listen to me..."

"That's all you Imperials can think about, you blasted orders. Well I refuse to obey; I am not your subject!"

"Krys, please I'm no fucking Imperial, I am your best friend. Now please, for our sake please listen. I really do lo..."

"No Prinz Kiro you are just like them, your red eyes make you think you are better than me. It somehow gives you the impression that you are more powerful than me. And in the worst moment of my life, you come to smear it in my face!"

The other soldiers came along and pushed the wolves further along the gangway. Now I was far away from Krys and Katie and it was hard to see them, amongst the crowd of wolves.

"No Krys you don't understand! That's not why I came! I love..."

A Soldier accidentally pushed me in the confusion and I was knocked down to the deck. I climbed my way to my feet. I could see Krys on the deck of the Elegance now, staring down at me. He pointed to the scar on his face and shouted to me.

"Death to the Imperials and death to the Kaiser! So I swear it!"

A soldier from the ship butted him in the back of his head with his rifle and knocked him to the deck of the ship. Oh Krys, you have let your hate consume you, and I was too late to save you. I felt a tear run the length of my face, as the world passed me by. I could have saved you, for in the world of Fury hate may rein as the victor, but there is one who can defeat it, one who could save the world, that one is love.

Comments and votes appreciated, danke mein Kamaraden!