The Dominion -- Chapter 1

Story by Minnesota on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dominion

The clay mountains tower over the mouth leading into the peninsula, terrain scattered with ramparts and other various defensive equipment from either side. The tawny clay seems to allow bits of vegetation to grow at its base where water once flowed.

Nature continues to observe.

Large explosions pepper the mountainside, causing echoes to flow from one end of the battlefield to the other.

Large pieces of clay rain down on the defenders as the cannonade explodes overhead. Dust and gun smoke settles in over the field, littered with the cries of the dying, and the stench of the dead. In the haze, multiple groups stumble towards their tents. Dragging comrades and helping the wounded to their final resting places.

A soldier appears, a bipedal horse. Anthropomorphic by nature, this equine tripped into the clearing between narrow ramparts used to defend the main group of tents for the infantry. A Bloody mess of matted fur, coated in the mud (most likely mixed with blood of his own). Thick crimson cuts streak his body, showing the intensity of the war. Uniform is tattered and destroyed due to months without care. The black and gold of Equinox were once worn proud on this male, but now it is only a symbol of a routed cause. He wears nothing but depression on his visage, which once held pride for his nation. The soldier props himself up on his rifle (something his trainer would have scolded him for) leaning himself over the smooth surface of a makeshift clay hill used for cover, sliding slowly down towards the encampment.

He comes to a halt and seats himself with his back to the small hill, resting on the dead grass and rough clay-like dirt.

"I hear they've executed General Filiberto..." spoke one of three soldiers who had come to gather around him. One brought small bits of timber and another simply began striking peculiar onyx stones together, attempting to spark a flame.

"They replaced him with a new upstart," spoke the soldier with the timber, "H' came from the sout', apparently some typ'a prodigy."

They have all been here far too long. The war seems pointless by this point. Their invasion Northward has done nothing for them. This war was supposed to be for the 'glory' of Equinox, but it has been far from that indeed. The Northern front has all but been forgotten as the political heads focus on the Empire's western colonies. The southern equine have always hated the tribal states of lupine north of them, a country filled with savages ruled with savage laws.

The old Republic of Equinox has been tossed aside for a more powerful, expansive Empire. Other nations look down on Equinox. Those nations seek to limit their arms, their exports. But in truth, they fear the Empire.

Crack. A spark catches the timber and a small fire begins, the four males gain the smallest smiles they can muster as hands come forward for the warmth. There is no snow, but these winter months can make even the desert freeze at night.

They lack the amount of soldiers necessary to continue a drawn out war, and the lack of capable officers has hindered this fact. But today, the arrival of this prodigy has sent the camp into a muster. The four can clearly see that there is something new stirring, and something drastic is about to occur. The four settle into their spots, cannon-fire has seemed to fade, at least for a few moments. Enough time for the group to grab even the smallest amount of rest.

"I heard he killed a taurine with a single shot..." The soldier continued, "Perfect marksman. He led the colonial armies in the West to victory in those rebel wars."

"Don't listen to those rumors, he will be like all the others, come while expecting a big outcome, fail, and retire while leaving us here to die," stated the soldier with the flint. Indeed, they had been intent on dying in this place, they hadn't gained a yard, nor faltered any bit of land to the lupine since the battle began. "He doesn't look like much, a bit short if you ask me."

After listening to the three at the fire, the corporal stands, using his rifle once more to brace himself once more. He makes his way across the small dirt trail that is the walking path behind the ramparts, entering the assembly tent meant for those that are planning the day's next efforts. He's taken command of his platoon after his sergeant fell in the last battle, now he needs information on where they should go tomorrow.

When entering he recognizes Giuseppe Garibaldi, renowned for his victories in the Civil War fifteen years ago. Colonel Emmanuelle D'Aosta, brother of the supposed executed commander, one of the two Equinox commanders that started life as peasants. All lower ranking enlisted snap to attention as Major Garibaldi slams a fist against the map hanging from the wall, he's going on about how Filiberto nearly cost the Empire an entire division worth the soldiers. The remaining figure who the corporal hasn't seen yet turns to him. He is stunned, the equine before him is of shorter stature, but he emanates pride. A quiet confidence fills the air, and the feeling of power seems to grow within the room.

The corporal can only lick his dry lips before beginning...

"Sir... The men are tired, injuries are mounting by the day and food is scarce, we need to fall back and regain supplies."

"Don't slouch," retorts the officer, a Brigadier General's insignia dons his collar. "I will make sure the army obtains the supplies it needs. This menace will be crushed in this valley, tomorrow."

They all followed the new general as he walked out to the dirt path. Fresh soldiers were dragging carts by, and multiple large barreled cannons were in tow as well.

'Finally, something to rain down hell on the lupine, just as they have done to us,' thought the corporal.

"We will not falter here, corporal. This is only the beginning," he began as he turned about, facing the war burdened officers and non-commissioned soldiers as well, "Today is the birth of our legacy."

"I am Farras Roux, and I will lead you to victory."

With his final speech, the extermination of the lupine began.