This is the Part...With a City Underwater

"as long as it doesn't actually turn out to be a documentary on rain." "right," he laughed. "but who knows, maybe it'll have a blooper reel." "of what, the rain falling in the wrong direction?" "i've heard rain is really hard to work with."

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Outcast - Chapter 9

I'd heard about the orbital station in school, and had even seen documentaries about it on the telescreen. i remember wondering at that point if i'd ever get the chance to fly up to it. "do any deep-space ships ever land here?" i asked.

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Wanna Go See a Movie With Me?

There was a huge bookshelf filled with all sorts of different novels, some which actually looked interesting, although more than a few looked like documentaries and law related references.

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Beasts of Barlow Road 4 (Rough Draft)

Later that day, toby was hard at work learning everything he can about wolves, which he started watching a documentary about wolves. as he watched, he started feeling strange senses like he could understand them.

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A Heart to Heart

This was unlike those documentaries of space where they showed nothing yet emphasized everything. here, he saw nothing but knew there was something below.

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Outcast - Chapter 10

Of course, it was easy to say that while sitting in an overstuffed armchair, watching a documentary about tanaya on the telescreen. tribal life was hard, te'ki told me. from dawn until dusk the time was spent constantly on the go.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-12 Safe-House

Patrick's friend in the chair has been channel surfing this whole time; he finally settles on some historical documentary on the 1990s.

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That Time You Got Us Kicked Out Of Denny's

Surfing charmeleon did a flip to emotive music, while a voiceover revealed that the chronic disease that had driven him to pursue his dream of surfing had claimed his life since the making of this documentary.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10

But i had wanted to be a big city cop since i was a kitten, and i grew up watching real cold case documentaries and studying actual criminal statistics rather than cop movies. i had an idea of what i was getting into when i took the job.

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The Real Housewolves of Suburbia

Each member of their pack had grown accustomed to it over the years, from scared campers to immature teenaged humans trying to capture images of the 'monsters in the woods', to documentary film crews trying to document their existence.

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Meeting of the Minds (Act1, Book2, Chapter11)

"i saw a documentary last night about the lady married to loki. they talked about what she used to be like before this new codex thing was found. it showed the comparisons. big deal? the girl had every right to be upset."

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