Beasts of Barlow Road 4 (Rough Draft)

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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Sasha and Todd have moved into their grandparents after experiencing their mother lose her battle with breast cancer. Their sibling bond will be tested when they discover the town they have moved into has a deep troubled secret and their grandparents may not be the best to be trusted. Oh, and something about werewolves, enjoy

Chapter 4: Fully Wooly

Inside the infirmary, a Toby's mother was busy going over inventory on medical supplies when Zoe banged on the door. She sighed heavily and sat her tablet on the counter before she opened the door. Her eyes quickly fixated on Toby, and she gasped pointing towards the bed.

Toby was helped onto the bed, and she crossed her arms over her chest staring at him intensely. "Your father warned you didn't he?" she scolded him as she scowled at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" she raised her voice. He looked up at her with yellow eyes, and she grabbed his face preventing him from looking down. "If you keep holding it in like this, the pain will only get worse! Why do you not listen to us? Don't you know how much it makes me sick seeing you do this to yourself!?" she shouted at him. He looked away, and she released his face. "I'm going to speak to your father about this when we get home!"

"Please don't" He whimpered.

"No Toby! I've had enough of your whining! You aren't a puppy anymore!"

"I'm just going to go" Zoe said nervously leaving the mother and her son to talk things out.

"Hold on there, missy! I saw the dirt and blood in his room. Have you two been wearing protection?" his mother raised her voice.

"Mom!?" Toby shrieked at the nurse.

"Uh, It's okay...It's not winter yet" Zoe said.

"I don't care if it's winter or not. Everyone's body is different! You can get pregnant anytime of the year! In fact I got pregnant with Toby in April. The environment affects breeding seasons, and it's starting to get colder!" she told them before she reached behind a folder and pulled out a brochure that said, "Breeding Season and You, H. Cooper MD, L. Wolfgang MD, R. Lovejoy DVM"

Zoe blushed taking the brochure daintily, and she looked at it briefly before she looked over at him. "Why aren't you getting lectured about this?"

"He does, but he's not the one saying that it's okay to go bareback all the time. Either you use a condom, or don't have sex with him anymore" The nurse said.

Zoe stared at her in disbelief, and she gasped. "We've tried! They keep breaking! He can't find anything big enough to fit him!"

"Well that's too bad then. I guess you're going to have to change your behavior then or find another horse to ride on. I don't want you getting knocked up while in high school. I swear, you wolves start out young and never stop popping out kids" she muttered.

Zoe glanced down at Toby's mother's gravid belly and scowled at her hypocrisy, which his mother instinctively placed a hand over her belly trying to settle down the anxious unborn child. "Don't you look at me like that! I've planned all my pregnancies! I don't let breeding season control me, I control it!" she raised her voice before she pointed towards the door. "Just, get back to class!"

Zoe growled and flung the door open, which Todd was standing with the receptionist at the door frozen stiff. "Uh, is everything okay in here?" she asked as she covered Todd's eyes.

Toby's mother looked around door and noticed Todd, and she sniffed the air. "Did he cut himself?" she asked noticing that he was clutching his hand tightly. The wheels on her stool roared across the linoleum floor as she reached over to a drawer pulling out a Band-Aid and Neosporin. She rolled back over towards Todd, which the receptionist removed her hands from his eyes moving over to hold the door open but obstructing the cracks near the hinges.

The nurse snapped on a pair of latex gloves before she examined the papercut. She looked up at him sweetly while tearing away the paper to the Band-Aid. "You gotta be careful with paper buddy. This one's really deep" she told him while she dabbed the salve onto the wound. Zoe watched briefly making sure she headed back to her classroom.

She held onto his hands well after she wrapped the bandage around his finger. "Your hands are really warm!" He commented.

She looked back at him and smiled. "What's your name?"

He looked up at her nervously. "Um, it's Todd Ma'am. Todd Thomas"

"You're Marty and Aoife's grandson aren't you?"

Todd looked down and shuffled a foot left and right. "Yes, Ma'am" he said lowly.

Toby looked around and his mother shoved him back onto the bed out of Todd's view before he had a chance to see him. "I'm friends with your grandparents. They told me about your must have been hard for you and your sister to go through all that" she spoke softly before she looked towards her son seeing that he had not yet returned to normal just yet. "Well, if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them for you." she said before she smiled back at him faintly.

"Is the sheriff a werewolf?" Todd spoke up.

The receptionist cringed and looked towards the nurse uneasily, which the nurse laughed at him ruffling his head. "You're such a cute kid" she said before she grabbed a paw print sticker. "Here, have a sticker" she said. She leaned in as she gave him the sticker whispering. "He's not the one you should be worried about. He keeps the peace around here"

"But what if he hurts someone?" Todd whispered back.

"If he hurts someone, they probably deserved it. He doesn't attack someone unprovoked" She answered before she patted him on the shoulder. "Trust your grandparents. They will keep you safe" she told him as she turned him around. "Now, off you go..." she said abruptly. She closed the door, and smiled. "I think that holstaur girl is really cute don't you?" she asked her son.

He looked at her shocked and gulped. "What do you mean? What are you getting at?"

She gave him a stern look. "She is looking at you like she wants to drown you with love and affection. She would make an ideal wife for you" she said.

He stared at her and his eye twitched. "Mom? She's no holstaur"

His mother giggled. "She obviously has inherited some of her holstaur ancestry. She may be human now for the most part, but the epigenetics is there. They are just waiting for all the switches to flip on, and who knows what sort of environmental conditions will trigger it"

Toby sighed heavily. "I don't think it's a good idea to date her...she's a bunch of trouble"

"Hmph, I know two pups who are royally the biggest pains in our towns asses"

"Terry and Zoe?"

"Okay three"

"What are you talking about? I wasn't that bad!"

"You were always going out terrorizing campers around the lake when you were a pup"

Toby looked at her confused. "What do you mean? How?"

"Do you know how creepy it is to see a little boy with glowing eyes standing behind a tree and staring at your campsite?"

"My eyes don't glow, mom" he dismissed her. His mother held up her phone and took a picture of him before she turned it around. "What the hell?" he muttered. He snatched her phone and stared at it. "How long was I like this? What happened to my ears?"

"Your body is changing matter how much you don't want it to, it's going to do what biology wants it to do" she said.

"How am I supposed to change back?"

"You don''re most likely going to be stuck like this for the rest of the might even progress a little farther. It all depends on how long you've been holding it off" she said before she slid over grabbing a brown wool beanie and a pair of dark sunglasses. "Here"

Toby scowled at her. "Oh yea...that totally looks inconspicuous" he muttered sarcastically.

"Look, it's the only thing that won't scare the children" she said before she put her hand to his face and lifted his upper lip on either side exposing his fangs. "Here..." she said before she reached over and grabbed a face mask with a dog's muzzle making a silly face with its tongue. "It's the best I can do"

Toby growled begrudgedly and put the mask, glasses, and beanie on, which his mother giggled at him. "My baby boy is growing up" she said with a hint of satisfaction and delight. She studied the product of her union with a legendary creature as he stood up. She rubbed her belly holding her next batch with pride. "Now get back to class handsome" she said after she gave him a firm swat on his rear. He looked back at her caught off guard, which she smiled slyly at him. "And be nice to her...she likes you. I can tell"

He gave her a low growl at his mother prying into his love life. "She's going to notice"

"Let her notice look cute. Now be off with you, heartthrob you" she said waving him off.

He opened the door and huffed to himself before he delicately walked back towards his classroom all the while his mother watched him from behind daydreaming. When he walked back inside, Zoe was having a nice chat with Sasha over some math problem in their books until Zoe looked over. Her jaw dropped and then smirked. "Oh my! What on Earth is he wearing?" she said out loud.

Sasha looked up and her eyes widened as Toby walked in looking like the invisible man. Zoe could not stop laughing at him as he walked up to them. "You look like you're dressed up to rob the Govy store of its peanut butter!" she teased.

He looked at her with a murderous glare, but Zoe laughed harder. "What you mad bro? I can't tell! You're going to have to take those shades off!"

"I'm about to throw some shade at you in a minute!" He grumbled.

"Sure you are...What happened? Is this a punishment for being an asshole to your mom?" she asked.

Sasha poked at Toby smiling at him shyly. "Are you okay?" she asked as she lightly touched his bicep. She started to rub his arm slowly and tenderly. The look she gave him made him hesitate and to his horror his body started to act on its own. He thought he was about to attack her, but he felt his body go limp, and he gave off what sounded like a soft growl every time he exhaled. He could not move, and he thought he was going to nod off or fall asleep while his wolf side took control of him.

Sasha looked at him funny when he started leaning towards her, but she kept at it. She looked towards Zoe concerned as she continued to rub his arm and should. "Is he really alright? He making strange sounds"

"He's murring" Zoe corrected her.



"Does he like it?" Sasha asked as her hand wondered over to his chest giving it a couple of scratches.

"What do you think?" Zoe muttered rolling her eyes at her.

His murring grew louder, and it drew the attention of Mrs. Beowolf. She caught Sasha with her hand groping Toby's chest while he was slumped over in his chair. "Sasha! Please don''re distracting the students" she muttered.

Sasha blushed and pulled her hand away, which Toby's glasses fell off onto the table. She caught them and looked into his eyes smiling. "Here, you dropped this" she said sweetly.

Zoe leaned in stared at his eyes in disbelief as his eyes had returned to normal. She reached over and snatched his beanie off and huffed. "Okay, what the hell Toby!? Are you screwing with us!?"

Toby ripped the beanie from her grubby hands, and he shot her a dirty look. "I don't know what you're talking about" he muttered. He sounded relieved, and he glanced towards Sasha puzzled. She only gazed into his eyes with wonder very intrigued by his animalistic behavior. "Um...thanks" he said as he took back his glasses.

Zoe sulked on her side of the table very annoyed with him. "I don't know how you pulled that off, but I'll find out how you did it!" she grumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Sasha asked.

Zoe's growled at her. "Just mind your own damn business. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into" she grumbled.

Sasha retreated back towards Toby. "Is she mad at me?" He shrugged his shoulders as he pulled out his giant Algebra text book from inside the desk, the same one that the girls were using. Sasha barked from the loud thud, and he looked at her oddly. "Sorry, Tourette's...I bark whenever I get scared"

He raised an eyebrow at her and slid his notebook onto the table. He flipped far beyond the pages that they were doing and he started to do his polynomial equations and complex numbers problems. Sasha looked over his shoulders and gawked at the level of math he was doing. " can understand all that? You must be wicked smart" she said before she pointed to one of his problems. "What's that i for?"

"It's an imaginary number" he said with a deadpan delivery. Sasha giggled at him, but she soon got embarrassed when he kept staring at her quietly. He pointed out his work as he explained. "I is the square root of negative one. I'm just finding all the solutions to this cubic function. That includes Real and Imaginary numbers"

Sasha gulped and stared at the paper blankly. "Oh...that looks...really hard" she said discouraged.

"Eh, it's not too difficult" he said before she pointed to the next page.

"What's all this stuff with the fractions and x's in the bottom?"

"Oh, that stuff is only asking me where the asymptotes are"

"What the freak are those?"

"Uh, that's just like a value where your number line blows up to infinity. It's nothing to freak out about" he said.

Her teacher walked up to them, and she looked up at her and smiled. "What kind of math is he doing?" she asked.

Her teacher beamed with pride. "He's doing Algebra 2 problem. By the time he starts Tenth grade, he'll be in Calculus 1. I've never taught math that high to anyone" she said although it sounded like she was bragging a little bit, which it bugged Zoe.

"Tch, it not fair! He only does well in school because his parents are Asian and German" she remarked.

Their teacher gave her a very annoyed glare. "That's an awfully racist thing to say"

"It's true though. I'm Native American. I got nothing going for me" She said lowly. Toby rolled his eyes at her and stuck earbuds into his ears playing some music off his phone.

"You know that's not true though. Don't ever shoot yourself down like that. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. You do very well in English, and you're just as good as your sister in Health and Anatomy" Her teacher said firmly but with compassion. "You have things going for you. Don't think that what you are should limit your success"

Sasha glanced over at Zoe sensing her insecurity and depression was in full swing. "I think you're very gifted at sports. You should feel blessed that you aren't cursed with udders weighing you down. I know that you can get into a really good University with your athletic abilities. For me, I'm just going to be a fat housewife with no job" she said. She laughed at herself. "I know that's what's going to happen to me"

"You only are who you make yourself out to be..." she said before she paused for a moment. "You know what? I'm going to make a change" she said before she pulled out her tablet. "For English, I'm going to have you watch this film. It's called Dead Poets Society...I would like for you to write an Essay on what how you Carpe Diem"

"Toby!" Sasha muttered nudging him.

He looked over at her annoyed and pulled out an earbud. "What? I'm trying to focus!" he grumbled.

"Toby, we're doing this now" Their teacher said.

He scowled at her and tapped his pencil on his desk. "We haven't even done math for 5 minutes!"

"No, you have been in the infirmary most of the math period. You're just going to have to do it at home" she corrected him.

Toby sighed heavily, and Sasha sat quietly and rubbed her arm glancing over at Toby. "This is a really strange school" she muttered to herself. She observed the teacher walk around the classroom checking on the students, which they were all doing worksheets and activities. At each table there was a student helping others, which she assumed that Toby was more of the leader of their group. She hoped he was not too annoyed with her nudging him, but he seemed to be over it from what she could tell by.

As the movie went on, she gravitated towards him touching her arm against his drawn in by the warmth of his personality and body. Zoe was very quick to notice, and she would look over at them periodically monitoring every move Sasha made.

They were halfway through the film when school was over. Zoe was first to stand up, and she saw how close Sasha had gotten. She seemed disappointed, but she brushed it aside and smirked. "See you lovebirds tomorrow"

Toby stared at her confused, and Sasha blushed realizing that she was putting all her weight into his shoulder practically using him as a backrest. She pulled away and laughed at her. "Heh, heh, he's really warm and comfy" she said dismissively.

Zoe flashed a toothy grin at her. " ain't fooling anyone" she said as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. She then slapped Toby over the head knocking his beanie off his head. "Idiot!"

Toby looked up at her confused. "What?"

"You know exactly what!" She shouted and him before she stomped off muttering, "Freaking let Jugzilla rub her scent all over him!"

Sasha looked at him worried as he stood up. "Is she mad?"

"No, what would make you ever think that?" He said as he put his hat back on.

She scowled at him. "Okay, can you like take your mask off...I can't tell if your joking or not"

He lowered his mask unveiling that he was smiling at her. "She's pissed"

"Why? Is she territorial over you?"

"Nah, she's not used to competition I guess"

Sasha looked at him confused and a bit annoyed. "Competition? I thought you two were..."

Toby blushed. "We aren't but uh...she's very particular in uh..." he muttered uncomfortably. "Um...size..." he said under his breath looking away in embarrassment.

Sasha blushed. "We're not talking about your height or big muscles are we?"

Toby just said nothing but grit his teeth not daring to look her in the eye. "I don't like to talk about it" He muttered to himself.

"Oh...uh...I see" she said as she reached over to rub her shoulder timidly. Her eyes could not avoid diving southward from curiosity; however, she did not notice anything that was grotesque at a first glance. She looked back up at him awkwardly and laughed nervously. "I'll see you tomorrow" she said.

"Yea, see ya" he said before he took off.

Sasha walked to the front with her brother watching Toby leave with his mother. She waved at him, and he waved back. Todd watched their interaction and was not too happy the fact that his sister's attention was drawn to this guy; moreover, he felt uneasy, like he was staring into the eyes of an alpha predator finding his next meal.

Later that day, Toby was hard at work learning everything he can about wolves, which he started watching a documentary about wolves. As he watched, he started feeling strange senses like he could understand them. He could tell the two were in love before the narrator was able to point out the alpha male and female. When they cut to the breeding season, he was subjected to the two mating rituals, which he started to feel weird about this too. He liked it, but he was not supposed to like it, was he?

His father barged into his room, and he caught the wolf mating scene before Toby could slam his laptop shut. "Have you heard of knocking dad!?" he shouted as he tried covering his laptop. His father raised an eyebrow before he crossed his arms over his massive chest and smirked.

"Getting curious about wolves are we?" he said in a thick German accent. He walked in farther and towered over him. "You know if you need any help with wolves I know a thing or two about them" he said flashing a toothy grin.

Toby looked up at him awkwardly and swiveled around in his chair. "Um, no...I got it dad" he said.

"I heard about what happened in school today" His father said. Toby backed up into his desk as his father started looking at him closely. "Is that a chest hair?" he muttered.

Toby grabbed his shirt collar and pulled it up covering his chest. "Dad! Please stop!" he shrieked.

His father grabbed Toby's beanie and snickered. "What are you hiding under there? Wolf ears? What are under those sunglasses? Wolf eyes!? What's under the mask!? Wolf fangs!?" he teased.

"Dad, please go away!" He groaned curling up and hiding his face.

His mother poked her head around the door and laughed at her husband picking on their son. "My little pup is growing up!" she said in that motherly way. She looked like a dwarf standing by her massive brute of a husband who was more imposing than a young Schwarzenegger.

"Mom! Stop saying that! It's not happening!" He shouted pulling off his glasses.

His mother stared at him in shock. "How did you manage to? How long have you been able to do that!?"

His father was not as impressed as her, and he sat down on his bed. "Why do you fight it back in your own home? You should be able to relax in your own room. It's not good on your psyche. Bottling everything in is just going to blow up in your face later" he said with concern.

Toby clenched his fists and snarled. "I hate this! I hate what this is doing to me! I don't want to act uncivilized! I'm not an animal!" he shouted as he began to tear up.

His father growled lowly and glared at his wife. "Well where have I heard that before?" he commented. He took in a deep breath and was doing his best not to get angry before he quietly got up and left the room. Toby's mother watched him uneasily before she reached down grabbing her dear son's hand.

"Toby...Your grandmother doesn't understand what your needs are. She's only human after all. Don't let what she say get to you" she said then she gave his hand a big squeeze. "She's not here, so you don't have to worry about her. Just take a deep breath, meditate, and change into something more comfortable" she said before she heard a loud thwack coming from outside in the shed. She backed up to the door and began to close it. "Now if you'll excuse me...I need to calm your father down" she said as she quietly shut the door.

Toby sat down on his bed and closed his eyes. It was hard for him to meditate when he could hear his father punching the living crap out of the 100 pound heavy bag. It sounded like the whole shed was about to collapse from the force of those blows. His mother entered the shed, and there was a pause like he was staring her down. "My mother isn't the only reason why he's doing this"

His father threw another punch not saying anything, which she raised her voice at him. "Steele! He doesn't feel safe in our house!"

His father hit the bag so hard that the chain snapped causing it to go through the wall of the shed. "What am I supposed to do, Lilian!? Your mother shaming him about what he is doesn't help! She's poisoned his mind in thinking that you can just not act like a wolf and everything will be okay! She's going to end up killing him. We aren't domestic beings! The wild is calling him, and he's a full moon away from going into a bloodlust like a common thrall! Those hunters had nothing to do with his anxiety. I've been through this before! Stop defending her bigotry! She's not a saint!"

His mother started to cry. "I can't believe that she told him all that! Even after you saved my dad's live, she doesn't accept you for who you are? Why can't she accept that I'm happy with you? All she wants is for me to have a traditional husband. She's a goddamned hypocrite that's all she is!"

"Lilian, you make me very happy. I just can't stand to see our son like this. I was so excited to take him out for his first hunt"

"I know you were, honey...I'm sorry honey" She said lowly. There was a long pause, which he was pretty sure they were hugging each other, before they made out, in the middle of their session she said to him, "You know. It wouldn't hurt to take him out on his first hunt now, would it?"

After another minute of obvious lip smacking and slurping, and his father deep murring, their lips parted. "Hmmm, I guess not. Maybe you're right"

His mother moaned softly and started another round of smooches. "I love you, my big bad wolf"

Meanwhile at Sasha's home, her family was sitting around the table in front of a meatloaf feast. Sasha was busy daydreaming about her new friends. Her mother took notice as she dished out the plates. "So, did anything happened in school today?"

"No, nothing special" Sasha said passively.

"Sasha's got a boyfriend" Todd said. Sasha looked over at him irritated, and he looked towards his grandparents with glee knowing that their overprotective grandfather would have a say in it.

"Boyfriend? Who?"

"Toby" Todd said smugly, which his grandmother dropped his plate onto the table making a loud crash.

"Sorry, my hand cramped up" She apologized.

"Did you say Toby or Cody? Because I could have sworn you said Toby" Their grandfather said nervously.

Todd became very unsettled not anticipating this sort of a reaction from his grandfather. "Uh oh" he muttered. Sasha punched him in the shoulder and looked like she was about to strangle him. "Ow!"

"Well, I think it's absolutely wonderful you're friends with Toby" Their grandmother said cheerfully.

Their grandfather stood up and looked at her intensely. "Aoife...could you come over to the study with me?" he asked in a somewhat calm but shaky demeanor.

She smiled at him and sat the mashed potatoes down on the table. "Sure"

They walked down the hall and closed the door locking it. Like moths drawn to a light, Sasha and Todd both rushed to the door pressing their ears up against it. "Do you have a problem with him dating her? I thought you wanted her to find a man who could protect her. He's a good boy, Marty! Is this about being a lycanthrobe?"

"I don't have problem with him dating her. It's Zoe that I'm worried about" he said.

"You think it was her that was at our house?"

"No, her condition hasn't progressed that much; however, she's still a bigger threat than whoever was at our house last month" he said lowly.

"She's not going to do anything honey. I heard that she got a good tongue lashing from her father the other day. She wouldn't dare attack us"

"She's not mature, Aoife...I'm don't going to make that assumption that she's going to make rational decisions. I don't think Sasha or Toby can for that matter. They're still teenagers..." he said firmly.

"You know who their fathers are...they fear them"

"Still, they are going to grow tremendously...who isn't to say that they won't challenge their authority and rebel against them. You already see what Terry's doing"

"Terry's is almost 18. He's almost ready to move out"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to make that risk" he said.

He unlocked the door, and Sasha took off running. Todd fell forward onto his face when his grandfather swung the door wide open. He glared at him and took in a deep frustrated breath. "When I take your grandmother into another room, you aren't supposed to follow boy!" he said sternly.

"What's a lycanthrobe?" Todd asked.

"That's none of your concern!" His grandfather raised his voice.

Sasha was trying to look up the word on her phone, but there was no signal. She quickly stuffed her phone into her pocket when they entered the dining room. Her grandmother was smiling bright at her encouragingly, while her grandfather seemed very much worried. Todd was upset that he was getting into trouble, and that his grandfather was being passive.

Sasha sunk low into her chair. "I'm just friends with him right now" she said sheepishly. Who was she kidding? Her grandmother held a skeptical glance, and the only one who she was trying to convince was herself. "I mean he is cute and strong...and handsome...and smart...and nice" she said trailing off.

"I understand. You like him...really like him" her grandmother interrupted. Sasha blushed and nodded. Her grandfather took a deep breath and started to eat his meal.

"Is Toby a werewolf?" Todd asked.

"I think pretty much everyone in this town is a werewolf" Sasha muttered.

"Well that's not entirely true...but there are a lot of them out here. As for your friend, Toby, You'll find that he is a little different" Their grandmother said.

"What do you mean, different?" Sasha said while stirring her green beans.

"Oh, well, you'll find out. It's nothing's a good different"

"Okay? So he is one then" Sasha muttered.

"And what if he is?" Her grandmother inquired. Her grandfather was very annoyed about the secret not being kept long.

"I don't know...I don't know what I'd do if he is one. I don't want to be in a werewolf's belly" Sasha said timidly.

"Do what you feel is right for you. I had a feeling things would come to this" Her grandfather said firmly.

"Um, just take things slow. Don't prioritize him over your school work. I know about you and your little supernatural experiments" Her grandmother added. Todd was fuming as he stabbed his fork into the meat loaf. Sasha laughed nervously and smirked tilting her head forward to allow her hair to hide her devious grin.

"Did you hear her? Don't be locking him in a basement room or sticking jumper cables on him" Her grandfather scolded her. Sasha started choking, and she looked up at him in horror blushing bright red although you would not notice with all that ginger hair camouflaging it.

"Grandpa! He's not Frankenstein's monster!" She shouted. She covered her face and groaned. "That's not even something that I would do with him!" she grumbled lowly.

Her grandmother was snickering to herself having a lot more fun with this than any of them. "Oh? And just what were you planning on doing with him? Examine him?" she asked sweetly.

"Make him best in show" she muttered under her breath.

"What's that dear? You're mumbling"

"Sasha made a dog joke" Todd said before Sasha punched him in the arm. "Ow! Sasha! Stop hitting me!"

"You haven't been telling dog jokes to Toby have you?" Her grandfather asked.

"Did you rub his belly?" Her grandmother teased.

Sasha sank into her chair groaning uncomfortably. "Please stop...Why aren't you freaked out about this like grandpa is?"

"We've lived around them for almost thirty years. I know what they are like, and I've seen humans date them and be quite happy and satisfied with them. In fact, Toby's mother was human when she first started dating his father come to think of it. Your grandfather is only worried because he can't intimidate Toby as well as a human boyfriend"

"Toby isn't my boyfriend yet, though. We just like each other" Sasha finished.

"Well, that's wonderful dear. I'm very proud of you conquering your fear of them. Now that you know what he is, I need to warn you about what he's going through"

"What? Fully Wooly? Is that like some kind of werewolf puberty?" Sasha asked.

"Essentially yes, but for Toby, he's unusually late with his second stage setting in" her grandfather said before he held up his hand. "Werewolves have five stages they transform into" he said before he started naming them off. "There are Base, Anthro, Therian, Lykos, and Mastered. As puberty progresses, more and more of the wolf within them manifests itself. Stronger bloodlines will have a stronger wolf, and thus will overtake more of the human form. Toby's bloodline is among the strongest. It's rumored that his family is a direct descendant of Fenrir. An enormous wolf in Norse mythology said to strike fear into Vikings and even Odin himself. Just imagine a wolf bigger than our SUV. That's how large he's going to get"

"Holy cow! How much does a wolf that size eat?"

"I don't know, a small village perhaps...I'm not sure how it all works. They eat tons of food and don't expect any good table manners either" her grandfather finished.

"No wonder why this town keeps running out of peanut butter" she muttered.