Brought to You by Swamp Weed Alchemy
#2 of out of the woods over a year since i wrote the first chapter of this story (based very loosely on a dungeons and dragon's campaign), here is the second episode of out of the woods.
The Family Dive Story
#1 of stories so thehotrodhero asked if i could do a story based on the picture of striker's family going scuba diving and i said i would so. so here we are: the companion story of the vorster family's diving expedition.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Four
#4 of arturo and biro go to camp a story based on an rp with pacopanda from furaffinity.
Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 3
#3 of vulcan automata a story based in adalore's vulcan automata world, we get to watch as two new employees from very different backgrounds and brought on-board and cyberized into creatures of polymer, plastic and electricity!
1- A Husky Tells No Tales
**chronicles of the world's heroes** this is the official start of a series of stories based off of wb's cartoon series road rovers.
Zootopia: Twas that dumb box!
#28 of zootopia fictions this fiction is a gideon gray / travis story based on an actual account of the author's childhood. not build a squirt gun flame thrower! "twaz that dumb box!"
Winter's Gallows- Chapter One- The Change
A novel about not only self discovery of one's sexual orientation, in the perspective of one of my fursonas, but it also a story based on the consequences of choices that must be made. how am i to make the choices part work? simple as this.
Dragon's Christmas Adventure
It's that special time again when the television networks dredge up old holiday specials, so by the same token, it is also time to post stories based on old holiday specials. so merry christmas to all and to all, a good night!
Secret Origin of "Captain Leo"
#2 of misc superheroes this was the start of a batch of secret origin stories based on a 1940s superhero team i had created some years ago. in lieu of a better name, they were called the super stars and consisted of seven core members.
Anything GOOOes (1/3)
So i just said fuck it, and made a one shot story based off one of em. dished this sucker out within a day after making the outline. (don't expect me to do that for all of my stories though. there's a reason i pace things.)
Iced Coffee
"i also like playing video games like _rocket league_ a lot with robin, plus story-based games." hmm, what else do i really do? "and... sometimes i just go out for really long walks by myself... it's relaxing."
Rock Bottom
After taking a bit of time off after finishing up my last story, i decided to write this short story based on an idea offered up to me by a friend.