Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse
It held too many dark, brutal experiences, things that should never see the light of the present day. some of those things he'd experienced first hand.
Chapter 45: Love for Many Mating Seasons to Come
present-day kilyan was standing near the window when avi spoke to him. he could hear lea and ohana in the other room fussing over lianh, smiled to hear lianh's complaints as he begged them to let him be.
Stranded Thief
Meanwhile, in the present day, carmelita, bentley, and murray were still on the look for their friend. **to be continued...**
StarFox Universe [R]aid: 01 Nothing is Routine Anymore
._ * * * **chapter one: nothing is routine anymore** * * * _lylat - present day (10 years later) corneria territory planet: papetoon papetoon naval academy for young recruits_ "fox mccloud. wow.
No Frills: Buford Mack Hudson
Sometimes the task at hand (or outside influences) distract him from this, even in the present day, and he would default to taking leadership, but those of his co-workers whom he trusts help remind him.
Urokon: History, Culture and Religion
Although the names would evolve further over time, this religion would become the core of the vorholian cult, and exists in various forms to the present day.
Canyon Arrow
Certainly not canyon arrow. ... present day ...
Revised Psionics Write-up
As of present day, it's believed that five percent of the empire has psionic capability, which accounts for a population of 2.1 trillion psionically capable individuals.
Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Pain of Another Year Ch. 2 (Justin's Tale Pt. 4)
He was a man with a million dreams, and the present day was there to achieve them. with lillia by his side, and with people who cared for him all around, justin didn't feel quite as depressed and lonely as he did before.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty Eight
It was youthful, pale, and lacking the muscles that framed it in the present day, but porter couldn't deny that the boy he was looking at now was none other than drake mortoph.
Ch 8 Eyes of a Child
#16 of the chase august 28, 2342 - toraani spaceship, med-bay (time unknown) toraani date unknown {present day}  
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 27
Brunswick was located about 70 miles north of present-day jaguarville. now, i live in catlanna and work for soga industries." they reached a table and the women sat down. michael got everyone's order and left.