A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 7 - Encounter -

James had found this as an excellent way to learn more techniques to flying, such as powerful downward thrusts rather than spontaneous rapid flaps which only tired him out.

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Just Draserts

Like fudge, we want anything to do with spontaneous gifts from janus' so called friends. come on, hun! i got some hostess in my room we...can..." she glanced over at janus only to have her tail drop so fast it slapped the tile floor.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty

While she had been flighty and spontaneous, trestin had been level headed and calculating. adlis was fond of breaking rules, or at least finding way around them, but trestin was far, far stricter about such things. a shiver ran down adlis' spine.

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The Fire Without. (Part 2)

Chief inspector quinn has an annoying case on his hands: the citizens of oakenford spontaneously combust in broad daylight, and he doesn't know whom to arrest. because you can't slap cuffs on a corpse.

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Presto - Chapter 1

Arden began applauding spontaneously, partly because he felt so bad for the fox, and partly because he was truly impressed.

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By Paw and Claw

Due to his frequent usage of their services, and the many occasions particularly earlier in the spa's history when more unplanned and spontaneous uses of their various unique treatments had been lavished upon or against the coyote, he was indeed in a fair

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Orelai- Neutral Stance

In fact it almost looks like both are completely disinterested in the game when not spontaneously throwing out some form of an attack.

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 6 Part 2 of 3

The look of sympathy that came to sajani's face was spontaneous and well meant. "well, you have to have noticed that he's not upset at you about it. i've only seen him be upset twice and it was mild in comparison..."

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The Pack

The moment was ruined however, when she spontaneously yawned, her pristine and sharp teeth glinting wetly in the sunlight. glancing at each other briefly, they both started chuckling as the figures around them came awake.

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After The Storm (Chapter 2)

I didn't notice at first but the red stripe on my arm glowed and my entire arm spontaneously combusted into flames.

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Together at Last

Being spontaneous like this? you are dumb zack! such an idiot. maybe he was insulted and went offline out of disgust. however, i calm down and realize that that just wasn't him. not the cutie-pie boyfriend i had met online.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 6, New Fox

Then, he saw reiyan spontaneously combust. "what the..." he kept staring at the burning dracosith, even when someone put a tray in front of him. he kept watching yet as some of them came back inside.

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