JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 2 - Benji

Story by CarlMZ on SoFurry

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#2 of JUXTAPOSITION (A Bolt fanfic)

So here's chapter 2 and the official introduction of Benji! Click here to check out the previous chapter! I'm also posting this story on FurAffinity and Fanfiction.net, should that fit you better.

For those of you who haven't watched Bolt a dozen times, Benji is the black Labrador seen briefly playing with Bolt during the road-trip montage. I wanted an empty template to work so that so to speak, and this character which was never properly introduced, proved perfect.

Thanks to SolipsticNarcissistic, Karlamon, masterfox221, Sonkenishen, Holidaypup, Boltfan117 amongst others for commenting!

Story: Carl Minez

Edits: SolipsisticNarcissistic Sonkenishen Tempomasterfox221

  • Chapter 2: BENJI -

A bleak sun was rising in the northeast, heavy fog lied over the surrounding forest, in the distance, a train whistle could he heard and in the forest, a confused black Labrador was hiding behind a bush.

What on earth was a dog, a cat and a hamster in a plastic ball doing together? The Labrador named Benji had seen many things in his young life, but the sight of this unlikely trio in the middle of nowhere was the strangest thing yet.

The white shepherd in particular had caught his attention. A few days ago, he had stumbled upon him at a playground. Benji had asked if he wanted to play, and he did, and before he knew it they were playing chase. He acted almost like a puppy, as if he was still learning how to play. Then suddenly, he had gotten all serious-like, wished him the best and shook his paw and left. His paw. As if he thought he was some kind of human! He hadn't even learnt his name.

Since then, Benji had been following the group of animals, observing the peculiar white dog at a distance. He wasn't normally the shy kind, but to his frustration he had never managed to build up enough courage to talk to him again.

The sunlight, filtered by the leaves of surrounding trees, fell in stripes over the white dog. From his hiding spot in the bushes, he could see him more clearly. He was definitely a shepherd of some kind, although he had never seen a white shepherd before. He was sleeping with his big head resting on a pair of neatly crossed paws. Behind his head followed a thick neck with double-coated fur, a slender yet slightly muscular body which ended with a long elegant tail. He was, as a matter of fact, quite handsome, the black Labrador admitted to himself. He could see his chest rise and fall with the tides of breath so he was definitely asleep, but Benji could smell stress and anxiety coming from the canine. But for once, none of the other two animals seemed to be around. Maybe this is the time, Benji?

Sighing deeply, Benji debated with himself whether he would actually do it. After having finally built up enough courage to leave his hiding-spot, he stood up to walked out of the bushes. He was just about to approach the sleeping dog when a quiet growl escaped from his muzzle.

Damn! Panicked grabbed him, and he quickly jumped back into the bushes.

The spontaneous growl was followed by a few miserable whines as the white dog's paws started to scrape the grass and his body tossed and turned in unease. Looking up from the bushes, the Labrador signed in relief when he realized that the dog was just dreaming. He looked closer at the dog's strained expression. It was an expression of total terror and despair. Nightmares. Before he had the chance to neither leave nor walk up to the dog again, a black cat appeared from the trees. There was a look of worry on her face.

_ _


_ _

"Wake up you stupid mutt!" Mittens placed two paws on Bolt's side, trying to stomp the sleeping dog awake but to no avail. When that didn't work, the desperate cat moved on to the dogs face, slapping his big black nose once with a declawed paw. That worked.

"Ouch!" Bolt flew up, looking to his left and right. "Where am I?! What are you doing?!" He was breathing frantically.

"State of Missouri. You had nightmares... again."

"Oh..." The shock in the dog's face was replaced by sadness as he calmed down and sat down on his haunches. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." Head lowered and ears slouching, the looked at the ground.

"No no, don't do that. You got nothing to be sorry for." Mittens moved closer to the sad dog. She was about to put his head on his shoulder, but restrained herself, settling for a supportive paw on his back. "Same dream as always?"

He nodded. He was still shaking a bit, the feeling of dread and regret from the dream still present in the chest, but the paw on his furry back made him feel a bit better.

"Yes, same as always. She is captured before my eyes and I try to jump after her, but it's like my paws are locked to the ground. And then I just watch her disappear." His head and ears slouched even lower, the dog almost looked like he would sink through the ground. Mittens felt desperate, trying to think of something to say. She wasn't too good with all this emotional stuff. In her experience, bad feelings were best locked away somewhere deep inside and forgotten, but this dog didn't seem capable of that.

"Well, I'm not a shrink, but I'd say that fuzzy head of yours is trying to process some traumatic stuff. I know it's hard, but let's try to focus on something un-person-related. Like this stick!" Mittens picked up a wooden stick from the ground and waved it in front of the dog.

"Sorry Mittens, not in the mood".

"You don't look too well. We could rest a bit. Make sure you get some real sleep."

"No, we should keep going. Penny is just .."

"A few waffles away. I know. You've been saying that for a few miles now. It's getting monotonous".

Bolt rolled his eyes. His typical defense against the feline's sarcastic comments.

"Anyway, if you don't want to rest, why don't you wake up that encapsulated rodent so we can get moving?"

Bolt chuckled. "You two should try to get along. Kicking him into that river yesterday wasn't necessary."

"I swear, Bolt. I had no idea that cliff was there. Besides, he wouldn't stop talking..."

Bolt rolled his eyes again. But Mittens couldn't help but smile to herself; at least the dog seemed a bit happier.

"Oh and Mittens..." She looked up.

"Don't you think you can find a less painful way of waking me up? Bolt rubbed his nose with his paw.

"Just be happy I didn't use my claws." She trotted away. "I'll go check out the train station. It's the red house in the distance." She pointed. "You wake up the rodent and come meet me there."

  • "Copy".


"What am I doing here, anyway", Benji thought to himself as he watched the cat and the dog leave in different directions. He should just go back already, rather than stalking a group of traveling animals like some weirdo. But back to what? He didn't have a home anymore. It was with a great deal of effort he managed to break out of the dog pound and he had no intention of going back. Sure, the dog pound had food and shelter. But what was there for him? A few years in a cage and finally a lethal injection? No thanks.

Benji shook his head as if to rid himself of such thoughts. Families, dog pounds, lethal injections, it all belonged to the past. A past that didn't concern him anymore. It was best to think of the future, so he returned his gaze to the white dog who walked up to the snoring hamster, nudging the plastic ball to wake him up. So Bolt was his name. He had heard that name before, but he couldn't remember where. Whoever he was, Benji had a certain peculiar, irregular, unexplainable and highly unshakable feeling this strange dog was a solution to his situation.

The cat had already left, heading towards some train station on the other side of the field. The dog and the hamster was talking amongst themselves, looking at a piece of paper that lied between the dogs paws. He couldn't hear what they said or see exactly what it was they were looking at. Then they left in the same direction as the cat.

Benji looked after them from his hiding-spot. All he needed was an opportunity to introduce himself, that is, after confirming that the animals were friendly. Perhaps they could help him. He followed the canine and the hamster through the bushes and shrubberies that followed alongside the field, carefully zigzaggingg between hiding spots, making sure to observe them in head-wind this time. He wouldn't want the large canine to catch the scent of him again. Last night was too close, way too close.


Bolt liked Rhino, but sometimes he wished that the hamster's plastic ball was soundproof. For the last hundred meters, the hamster had been babbling constantly, talking about his genetic heritage, how much they had in common, and of course, the TV show. Hearing Rhino speak about his adventures with Penny, such as his fight against a robotic Sphinx in the Egyptian desert or when he infiltrated that arctic hover-base, made his belly cringe. Stories that only serve to remind him about a period of his life he would rather just forget. The rain had left his mark of power almost completely smudged away and he liked it what way.

As if that wasn't enough, they were moving incredibly slowly, Rhino having to stop every second minute to catch his breath.

"Are you keeping up Rhino?" Bolt looked over his shoulder at the exhausted hamster. "Mittens is already by the station. She said he should hurry so we don't miss the transport unit."

"Why are you listening to what our hostage has to say anyway?" the hamster panted.

"Well for one thing, she is the only one of us who can read the top-secret map."

"I don't understand" The chubby hamster looked up at him. "Why don't you just use your super-telepathic senses to locate Penny?"

Bolt sighted. Because I don't have any! "Because the distance is too great."

"But when you rescued Penny from that underwater base, you could..."

"Rhino please. Let's just move on, alright". We're almost at the station." Rhino looked at him with a confused expression on his tiny face. Sometimes Bolt felt that it would be easier just to let the hamster know, but he had no idea how he would take it. Instead, he turned away from his fan's wondering expression and continued walking rapidly.

A few meters later, he noticed that the hamster was once again lagging behind. "Try to keep up Rhino. I don't wanna have to roll you along again..."

"I'm sorry" Rhino panted. "I'm not as super as you. I don't know how you keep in such a great shape".

"Well for starters, I don't eat twice my body weight every day." Bolt muttered.

He turned around and saw the impact his words had on Rhinos face. The little hamster looked pretty saddened by his hero's sharp remark, and Bolt felt a stab of conscious. He doesn't know. You shouldn't let it all out on him. It's not like you.

Deciding to make up for it, Bolt smiled and hunkered down. "Come here, buddy. I'll carry you". Rhino lit up before the big dog scoop up the plastic ball in his jaw and started walking on, carrying his friend with him.


From the shadows, a black Labrador watched the animals as they made their way across the field towards the train station in the distance. He followed them closely. The dog had just picked up the plastic ball in his mouth and it looked like an uncomfortable fit. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly to the sight, then immediately regretted as he saw the white shepherds pointy ears perk up, twitching and turning, scanning the area like big furry radar dishes.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit...

The black Labrador turned around and half-sneaked, half-ran back to the nearby trees. When he finally reached the protective shadow of the tall elks, he panted in relief. There was no white dog in sight.

Suddenly, a pair of big paws smashed into his side, taking the breath right out of him. The second his body fell to the ground, something big, heavy and white pinned him down and a paw pressed against his neck. The frightened Labrador looked up to see an array of perfect, sharp teeth followed by a pair of intent brown eyes, staring at him.

"I might not have superpowers, but I'm not gonna need any to make you regret you've been stalking us unless you explain yourself right now" a voice snarled.