The Pack

Story by Draconium on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf Hunt

Heh. This is a story (c) me, Draconium. All Characters and names used in this story are mine and mine alone save for those who ask for and receive my permission. Constructive criticism is always pleasantly received.

Note~~ If you are not of the age of consent in your area, get away from here. You really shouldn't be here, I could get in trouble!

Unsure, he padded softly into the cave ahead of the others. Sniffing, he pawed the ground as he cautiously went into this rather large cavern that smelled as if it had been uninhabited for quite a while. Yzzr'ac grinned. The gray stone walls curving gently to the back of the chamber he was in seemed almost to glow in the dim light. He relaxed, now realizing it was very safe in here.

Prowling through the entrance, he growled softly as what remained of his packed filed into the cavern almost single file. Nipping at his favourite one-year cub at the end of the line, he followed his pack in to help get them accustomed to their new home.

Meeting chaos inside, he turned as he saw two of his pack growling furiously over a prize spot near the wall. Padding over on his 4 large but soft paws he startled the two younger wolves when he growled and pinned them down, stopping their argument.

'I saw this spot first, and I would have marked it right away but I had just marked a tree down a ways outside' said the first wolf, the scrawnier of the two. His ear had a tear in it showing his loyalty in battles, and his dark gray fur bristled in his anger.

'I actually marked this spot, and I had gone to get a few branches to lay on.' The second wolf's russet fur twitched and his bright brown tail was tucked tightly between his legs. 'I was actually here first! Therefore the spot is mine!' Yzzr'ac remembered this young pup's name to be Bree'nat, he had been around for his birth a few years ago.

Getting quite annoyed at this petty squabbling, Yzzr'ac snarled loud enough for the entire cave to hear. All the wolves in the cave turned to him, in curiosity and fear, anyone who had just been squabbling settled down immediately.

'A spot is a spot! Bree'nat, ' the red wolf looked cautiously into his leaders' eyes, 'you have already marked this place.' Turning to the first wolf, the spry gray 3 year old, he puffed up his fur and looked down with shame on it, 'you have lost this spot, you should have acted as soon as possible, maybe just lying here would have gotten the point across to others! Now, go find yourself another spot.' Seeing the wolf's despair, and remembering his brave fighting in battle, Yzzr'ac added 'I believe there is an equally nice spot down by the pile of dead leaves in the corner there that you may find very comfortable'. The younger wolf grinned, and, bowing quickly to his wise leader, trotted off quickly to the mentioned place, completely satisfied that the argument had been solved.

'To everyone else, ' Yzzr'ac looked at the 20 or so wolves around him, 'I want the females that don't have a mate yet to stay closer to my bedding area. Go now.' Waiting as the wolves complied he quickly formulated the rest of the arrangements. 'Older couples, I want you in the middle of the room, younger couples between the females and the aged, and the youngest and more bachelor of all of you to stay nearer to the front of the cave to ward off enemies. Without further wasting of time, please hurry up and get yourselves settled in, there is a lot of work to be done.'

Amid the hustling and bustling pack Yzzr'ac managed to get all his bedding settled, and soon had relaxed with all the perky unmated females surrounding him. It was nearing the end of the winter and he knew that these females should all be in heat within the next few months. Eyeing one perky russet and gray lupine female his thoughts turned to the mating season. He had lost his mate, surely one of these females; perhaps even that red one he had been looking at would be his for the coming spring?

Noticing how excited his groin was getting at merely the thought of mating a female, he shook his head, trying to calm down by putting a paw over his snout as he laid down to rest. It was a futile effort as he couldn't help but twitch his tail back and forth. Getting quite annoyed at himself now, he got up and proudly walked down among the aisles of sleeping areas his pack had arranged. Reaching the cave entrance, he lowered his head and stealthily dashed off into what was now the night.

Taking in the new scenery, trees to his left and right, he came across a birch tree upended and lying across the path in front of him. The tree's bark was peeling and it smelled of rot. The tree had been there for quite some time, he surmised. Many of the trees around him had nice rough bark to dull his claws on. Stretching, he tore up the bark of one tree near him, relishing the feeling of taking out pent up frustration on something.

After a nice long yawn, Yzzr'ac looked around, and saw a thin stream thinly covered in ice off to his left. Padding off with his tail down and flowing behind him, his head comfortably hanging in front of him, he crushed several twigs and leaves lying on the forest floor before reaching the bank. Taking a precautious glance around him, he stuck his snout in the water, slurping up several mouthfuls of crystal clear, freshly cool water. Raising his head, driblets of water ran in rivulets down his thick, dark gray fur. Licking off his snout, he turned and walked around a large tree he had passed earlier, quite proud with himself.

He suddenly raised his snout in a silent snarl as he smelled a foreign presence. Another pack of wolves had been here within the past few hours! Bristling his fur, he stalked his way through the woods, trying to pinpoint the enemy pack's location when he realised he was headed towards his newfound home!

Growling and snarling with rage and fear at what he would find, he now ran as fast as he safely could back towards the cave he now called home.

Upon getting there, he stopped running, and peered through the trees to decide what to do. There was a pack there, not his own, and much larger than his although comprised of mostly females and younger cubs that couldn't fight yet. His pack was already out and trying to take down the male aggressors, where only a few of the enemy females were fighting. Sighing, he made a mental note to stay away from the young ones, as they were not responsible for anything the older wolves of their pack did. Jumping into the fray, he tackled one wolf that was about to rip its teeth into a gray wolf's neck. Yzzr'ac noticed a torn ear on the wolf he had saved and nodded a brief hello to the wolf he recognised as Bree'nat, he dashed off to search for the biggest male fighting.

Spying a very large and nearly pure white wolf, Yzzr'ac held back a moment to find out its strengths in battle. He was sure that this was the Alpha of the other pack, and he noticed it almost always tried to pounce on top of its enemies, using its sheer size to pin them down. Yzzr'ac was surprised at the aggressor's size, about 1 ½ times his own height and length, with fur that flowed silky and smooth. Gritting his teeth, Yzzr'ac dashed in to pummel himself into the white wolf, a dark dart hitting square on the white one's side.

Toppled over, the white wolf immediately tried to push the smaller, lithely built defender off of him so he could get as his neck. He was extremely pissed off now, and almost let out a snicker that this wolf dared challenge him.

Yzzr'ac squealed as he was shoved ruthlessly off of his bigger opponent, and pounced into a defensive pose only to be bowled over by a swat from the white one's paw. He shook himself as he very nearly dodged a toothy attach to his throat from the big burly wolf now advancing once again on him.

Cursing under his breath, he realized he'd have to act much quicker if he was to survive this, but no matter how hard, he would fight to defend his pack. Snarling, spittle flying from his snout, he started dashing around his opponent, trying to get behind him. Snapping his strong jaws at the bushy fur of his enemy's leg, he almost got a grip with his teeth around the tendon. He was knocked over by a sharp kick from his target, sending him over to a tree. He hit the tree hard, the breath leaving him as he saw dots in his eyes. He barely had a moment to catch his breath as he had to immediately dodge another forceful attack from the opposing wolf.

It was then that he saw his chance. When he dodged the attack, his opponent tripped on a rock. Perfect, he thought. He quickly dove in and without even fully seeing where he was biting, snapped at the hind legs, hoping he had gotten the tendon. A loud yelp followed by a steady high-pitched whine filled his ears, as he tasted blood. The adrenaline suddenly rushed over him as he took the opportunity to rip at the attacking wolf's fur.

The thick, white fur was soon stained red as the larger wolf soon lost consciousness, its eyes rolling back as it soon only twitched sporadically. The blood drained from it, staining the ground red as Yzzr'ac's muzzle, covered in the warm blood, opened and formed a cone as he howled triumphantly, signaling an end to the horrible chaos that had occupied his pack.

Many of his other wolves joined his song, chorusing through the woods, a long mournful howl for the dead, triumphant for the win, and regretful for the killing. Several of the other pack joined in as well, howling out their sorrow, and some their hatred for the fallen leader, wishing him a good journey to the next world.

After what seemed like ages, the wolves quieted down, and Yzzr'ac looked upon the stray wolves from the other pack, the ones who hadn't run away yet. Putting on a dramatically somber frown, he looked at them, as if trying to decide what to do about them, except he already knew. Sighing, he took his place on a rock to be higher than everyone before explaining his plans.

'To all of you foreign wolves, attackers of the peace! My name is Yzzr'ac. I am the Alpha male around here, and my word is law. If you do not wish to be a part of my pack, leave now!'. He waited as a few wolves took fleeting looks at their comrades, before darting off into the night, silently becoming one with the darkness between the trees. 'For all of you who remain, welcome. There are rules about living within my pack. You can find out about them through everyday contact with your new fellow cave mates. I make just one thing clear now though;' he paused, waiting for the new members to shift in their places. 'If you don't like something, I have the final say. Anyone wishing to challenge my word, challenges me.' At this final word, he puffed out his fur and made a dramatic snarl, before padding proudly and powerfully to the cave entrance. He was taller and stronger than many of the lithe, shadow-like forms surrounding him and he made sure they all knew it, and well.

Feigning sleep for several hours, Yzzr'ac watched as all the wolves, his pack and the new additions, all slowly filed into the cave to settle down and sleep. Waiting until he was sure that all the wolves around him were asleep, and there was no danger to his life, he slowly dozed off, needing the rest after such an eventful day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Waking with a stretch, sunlight hitting his sensitive nighttime eyes through a crack in the wall, he looked around him. He was the first one awake, and he was able to get a good look at all the newcomers. Padding to the front of the cave, he left his mark on the entrance, marking the cave as his own yet again. Looking back through the cave, he recognised all of his pack from the russet, gray and black fur ruffling through the room.

His eyes then turned to inspecting the white wolves who had joined the night before. He had only just now noticed their colour, as it had been too dark to tell the night before. Some of the wolves were pure white, others a very light gray while others still had a silvery sheen to their coats.

He blinked in surprise as he got to the bundle of fur that was the single females near his own sleeping area. There were many additions, maybe 8 new wolves here, doubling the number. One new wolf caught his eye though. A cream coloured wolf, the only one out of his entire pack, a golden sheen glinted in the sunlight as she twitched in her sleep.

Looking her up and down, he could tell she was fairly young, maybe 3 years old, possibly even a virgin still, if she hadn't mated the year before. Getting closer to her, he noticed how thick her fur was too. Her paws, large, but well kept, her ears were free from scarring, and her size was larger than most of his packs' females. Getting closer still, his nose nearly touching her, he took in her scent, a fresh, clean scent. Her unmarred fur and skin seemed to flow endlessly as her very lupine scent filled his nostrils.

Suddenly, she flipped over, facing him, her snout nearly touching his as he quickly sat up, almost falling over in his attempt at ambiguity. The sunlight played through the dusty air as it shone brightly across her half-raised form. She looked somewhat disgruntled and startled as she looked at him. Her eyes seemed to be asking him what he had been doing. He didn't see this question as he became transfixed in her gaze.

Blue eyes, the colour of a fresh summer afternoon, he could almost feel a warm breeze rush past him as she slowly grinned.

The moment was ruined however, when she spontaneously yawned, her pristine and sharp teeth glinting wetly in the sunlight. Glancing at each other briefly, they both started chuckling as the figures around them came awake. No longer shadows, but powerful creatures, capable of taking down the toughest of opponents, his pack woke up for a day of lazing and hunting.

Looking quickly around the room, his eyes snapped back to where the creamy-furred female had just been. He blinked. She was gone! Looking fervently around, he sighed, knowing she had probably just gone to wash up or get something to eat outside.

Sighing again, he trudged slowly to the exit, his claws barely leaving the soil, leaving little marks in the dirt. Taking a deep breath, he walked through the cave's entrance, ready for the new day, ready to take on what awaited him.