Backyard Bursting
Arching back when there was enough ass to smother a car completely behind oneself was no easy task, but between mekki's encouragement with a donut on a stick, and drake's own innate strength, the two managed to get the job done and drake eating with the same
Hero Academy 1 Rewrite
Cloning oneself maybe wasn't the most impressive power on it's own, but with proper training it could become pretty useful.
Unstable Future - Chapter 6
The ancient humans may have been able to eliminate most major diseases, but one still needed to guard against other ailments that came from not properly taking care of oneself.
story: Friendship Means Responsibility (My Little Pony)
At a time when there was a sufficient and inexpensive offer, namely free of charge, to protect oneself and thus the others and to prevent worse developments.
When we are presented with the idea of bettering oneself through sport. it is in these times we must both enjoy the aspects of both competition and comradery that come with it. link was a young man who lived in the village of kakariko.
There always had to be a chance to redeem oneself though, always one to see if there was a cure for the problems which kept one from becoming less of a beast and more of something more. kaji needed to give luc that chance, and that was his intent.
How Legends Are Made Part 2 Chapter 3
Though the air was cold, it was nowhere near cold enough to bundle oneself up in three layers of insulating parkas. it was almost a perfect night. in owen's eyes, it was. she had survived and the world was now that much brighter for him.
Blue Streak's Inflation
He made an arm turn into a giant ladle and put it into the clear water that refreshed oneself. he got plenty of water into the ladle and went to the cave, spilling some water.
Reigning Cats and Dogs
What was the sin in being true to oneself? there was...a tension, in the air. all of a sudden. something creeping and crawling--and yet with definite power and conviction.
As a matter of fact much depends on how much one values oneself. a man who does not value himself in the slightest might as well be worthless. a man who over valuates himself might as well be worthless.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 1 - Into A New Skin
The letter contains a spell, a disguise spell that casts a magical image over oneself that masks their true appearance to humans and those not familiar with the magical world.
5. Consequences