story: Friendship Means Responsibility (My Little Pony)

Story by greldon on SoFurry

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I just had to do it.

The subject moves me too much to be silent.

I'm fully aware that with the story I'm stepping on someone's foot, paw or tail.

Recently, a politician expressed surprise that self-responsibility has not overcome the pandemic.

Of course not, because one thing is always forgotten when people argue so nicely with the slogan "freedom": freedom is responsibility.

Unfortunately, however, that is precisely what is lacking in parts of society.

It's Christmas soon. Last Christmas, we were hoping for a vaccine, like a miracle, like they usually happen at Christmas.

Well, it was a miracle that the scientists were able to offer us a vaccine, an effective and harmless one, during the course of the year. Millions and billions of people all around the world got vaccinated. So, noone can tell me that the vaccine sufficiently tested and researched.

But instead of feeling gratitude and humility, there are many out there who, with confused conspiracy theories (at least as confused as the mob that tried to storm the Capitol earlier this year) and a completely false idea of freedom and self-determination, endanger others and limit their freedoms: the freedom to be healthy. The freedom to lead a normal life.

So, please: Those who have not yet done so, and for whom there is no specific medical reason against it - please, get vaccinated. Understand that freedom actually means responsibility. Responsibility for others.

I want be able to live my normal life without worrying about friends and family.

With this in mind, I also wish you a Merry Christmas.

By the way, English is not my native language, so please forgive me for any mistakes.

Friendship Means Responsibility

The sun was high in the sky on that cold November day. But the deep blue, sparkling clear skies were a mockery when one remembered what was happening in Equestria and also in the surrounding kingdoms.

Greldon looked grimly at the slowly passing, autumnal landscape, while the Friendship Express rattled and steamed across the country towards Canterlot.

It's hard to imagine that only two years ago he had used that train every day, very early in the morning in one direction and late in the afternoon in the other.

The train dawdled as it always does and of course it had also been delayed. The only difference to Greldon's previous trips was that there were fewer ponies and non-ponies crammed into the wagons. Even though he had been lucky from time to time in the past that one or the other pony had accidentally (or maybe not so much accidentally) gotten his snout under his tail due to the dense crowd, he preferred to have a little space during the ride, which always dragged on. The somewhat reduced noise level, above all less whinnying around him, was also quite pleasant.

When he left his home in the Northern Realms a few years ago and came to Equestria by chance during his wanderings, Princess Twilight initially took him in and, together with her friends, made the dragon feel very at home in Ponyville. At some point she had introduced Greldon to the Court of Canterlot. Princess Celestia had personally worked to get him a fairly well paid but also very demanding position in the Royal Treasury. It was a crisis-proof position, but one of the conditions attached to it was that Greldon had to use the Friendship Express to commute or some other means of transport, but was not allowed to fly himself. The princesses had heeded the call of the foals, who had regularly participated in assemblies of protest actions called F.F.F (Foals For Future) organized by the Cutie Mark Crusaders for several months, and had advocated a ban on dragons flying in order to reduce the harmful gases that a dragon could emit during a flight, for example when it spits fire.

The train slowly rolled into the station of Canterlot and when he got off, he noticed that many of the passengers, though not all of them, had kept to the general mask requirement.

Even that did not exist before: Masked ponies were only known from movies about bank robberies.

Greldon growled angrily as he got off the train and a donkey, of course without a word of apology and without a mask, stepped onto his tail. With a heavy sigh, he refrained from reacting, since Princess Celestia had explicitly asked him to do so when she had invited him to her for an audience: „Under no circumstances let yourself be provoked by any mask-refusers and the like. Just ignore these idiots."

Easier said than done.

He shook himself to stifle the rage that was bursting in him, and made his way to the castle. He was fortunate to have kept his job during the crisis, he even was allowed to work in homeoffice in Ponyville. Only now and then he had be at his writing office in Canterlot, but the dragon always knew how to combine it with the more pleasant things of life.

The crisis, as they say here. The crisis that changed everything. The crisis, which had lasted for two years and had just reached its absolute climax. At a time when everypony in Equestria had the opportunity to behave in a way that prevented this crisis from reaching that climax. At a time when there was a sufficient and inexpensive offer, namely free of charge, to protect oneself and thus the others and to prevent worse developments.

Greldon never expected anything would put the coexistence of the ponies in Equestria to such a brutal test. Friendships were broken by this crisis, a rift went through the pony society and some ponies even lost their lives. The latter was initially unavoidable, but at the present time it was simply unnecessary.

The crisis was a disease triggered by viruses that were so insidious and chaotic that even Discord had been unable to control them.

Discord had become one of the first victims of the disease, which he had just survived after weeks of artificial respiration. But even now he was marked, and every colour of his scales and every sense of mischief had gone.

The Wonderbolts had lost some of their members, even one of the most prominent Pegasi.

Even King Sombra had sworn an unbreakable oath not to use such a virus as a weapon in any war.

This disease manifested itself differently, depending on the creature: Many of the diseased ponies had their cutiemarks faded and their fur lost all its colour. Dragons lost part of their scales, griffins their golden feathers. And these were just the more harmless consequences. Yes, there were actually many who didn't even realize that they were ill, they just felt somewhat tired. But there were also many creatures in Equestria and the surrounding kingdoms who died miserably from this disease.

There was still no reliable cure, although the brightest minds from all the realms were working desperately on it. Princess Twilight, of course, spent hour after hour in all sorts of libraries in the world searching for a solution.

Greldon looked right and left as he trotted towards the castle, his claws clicking on the sidewalk.

It was still a bit less busy than usual in the busy Canterlot, but it seemed that the ponies had all become a bit more carefree: Sometimes they crowded into small shops or restaurants, they hardly wore masks, and he repeatedly discovered some posters advertising some big sporting events or music festivals. He sighed. Of course, he would also have liked to go to the concert of Songbird Serenade: after all, he had just bought her latest record, which she had sung together with an extremely elegant gazelle lady from faraway lands.

Most of the shops and restaurants at least had a sign at the frontdooryielding entrance only for vaccinated or recovered or tested ponies.

But anypony seemed to care much. There were hardly any access controls. He even overheard an argument: Apparently, a young colt, who had disinfected his hooves at the entrance to a shop, had asked politely a grown-up stallion to clean his hoof as well. And now the young one was snapped at by that very stallion and even by the shopkeeper himself. They both exclaimed that, after all, every pony has the freedom to decide for himself whether and when to disinfect the hooves.

But it was so simple: disinfect and keep your distance. And yet these measures, which per se make sense also for other reasons, might not even have been necessary, because there was already something else that could have been used to effectively master this crisis together:

One could have been vaccinated.

And of course Greldon had already had himself vaccinated, he had even been full of impatience to finally have his turn.

Yes, in the beginning it had been almost hopeless to get effective vaccine. But eventually Princess Luna had obtained the vaccine in more than sufficient quantities and the princesses had immediately done everything they could to make this vaccine available to everypony free of charge.

But, instead of being grateful and happy, many ponies formed an angry mob, shouting silly platitudes and twisted conspiracy theories. Cross-thinking instead of gratitude. The most crude ideas were spread, dangerous half-truths, dangerous half-knowledge. But that was not only the case with the ponies. The dragons in the northern kingdoms or the proud people of the griffins, even among the yaks, there were quite a few who thought they had to think outside the box.

Greldon also was very disappointed by some dragons and ponies among his own acquaintances who, instead of showing gratitude and above all responsibility, outdid themselves with the most adventurous excuses why they couldn't get vaccinated. The funniest statement came from two earthpony stallions, who were married: They feared a change of their DNA due to a vaccination and so their offspring would be born deformed.

Greldon still wondered why two gay stallions, who didn't like mares at all and were already in advanced age, thought about getting foals at all.

Well, of course there was also someone around Greldon knew personally who could not get vaccinated for health reasons, but that was really an exception.

No, Greldon simply couldn't understand this ingratitude and also the selfishness behind refusing to get vaccinated. Not understanding and, above all, no longer tolerated. Above all, he was disappointed that even among the ponies this selfishness was so widespread. Ponies who lived under the motto Friendship Is Magic. But maybe friendship had to be much more than magic?

That was exactly why he had an audience with Princess Celestia today.

He had been in lively correspondence with her over the past few months on the subject of friendship, especially in this time of crisis. Of course, he had initially sought advice and help from Princess Twilight, but she had soon referred him to Celestia.

Eventually he arrived at the castle. Tohis satisfaction he saw that at least herein the palacethe rule ofbeing Tested, Recoveredor Vaccinated wastaken seriously in public traffic.As an employee,he had tobe Vaccinated orRecovered AND thenvaccinated. At least a more sensible rule thanthe no-fly fordragons, Greldon pondered as heslipped through the staff entrance.This should apply to all professions in whichone has directcontact with othercreatures. Be itphysical professions or services suchas banking orponytransport.

_ _

He hurried through thealmost deserted corridors. In thepast, the Palaceof Canterlot wasfull of ponies,some of whombelonged to theRoyal Palace Guard, but also otherservants of thecastle and visitorswho had receivedan audience withone of thetwo princesses. But that too had changed inrecent months. Audience appointments had been significantly reduced.

As he approached Celestia's audience chamber, the two Pegasi on duty in their gorgeous and fancy uniforms with crossed spears stood in his way: „Aren't you a little early today for your... well... weekly conference with Princess Luna?"

They grinned suggestively at the question.

„No, today I want to see her sister actually. I have an audience with Princess Celestia."

One of the guards laughed: „Apparently Luna recommended you to her sister. Try not to be quite so loud this time, though. At that time of the day there are foals in the castle."

Greldon blushed: „Well, I'm really not here for that, guys."

„All right, all right, I didn't mean to be serious. The princess is already expecting you. Leave us some of the cake she had brought specially for this audience. But first... you know. We have to insist, even if we know you."

„That's fine, you're just doing your duty", Greldon replied, showing his vaccination card. The guard checked the correct vaccination status and stepped aside.

The chocolate cake had been delicious and Greldon washed it down with another cup of coffee. Unlike Princess Luna, Celestia's coffee was always strong and black as night; just the way the dragon liked it best.

He leaned back and looked at the princess, who in turn eyed him intently, her pastel-rainbow-coloured mane flowing as usual like the finest silk clouds. Greldon watched the floating mane and lost himself in it, it was soothing and yet also stimulating. Somehow Celestia's mane reminded him of one of his lava lamps he had at home.

Celestia let her horn glow and a piece of parchment landed between them on the table gently carried by a breeze. Greldon immediately recognized it as the last letter he had sent to the princess through Spike. The princess read the letter quietly and then looked at the dragon questioningly.

„So you want to know what friendship really means in a time of crisis, whether friendship can last in such a crisis. You use an interesting thesis in your letter, which is a bit. . . surprising for a dragon: Freedom means responsibility. Would you like to explain that to me?"

„That's what I wanted to discuss with you, Princess. Is it even possible to be responsible _and_still to be free?"

The princess leaned back and looked at her opposite with curiosity: „Now I'm really excited."

Greldon also leaned back, tore himself away from the flowing mane and began:

„Of course, I can't tell you what it's like with you ponies, but we dragons are raised from hatching age with the idea that we are free creatures. But this freedom has to be organised by guidelines and principles, just so that there won't be any chaos. Because the free space of one dragon in the sky ends where another dragon flies."

Greldon paused and thought.

„Well, it's no different with ponies, whether it's earth ponies, unicorns or pegasi", Celestia noted. „So what?"

„Furthermore, we were taught at that time that we dragons can only survive if we look beyond the edge of our nests and ask ourselves: how do my actions affect the actions of others? What are the consequences? So we soon learned to act foresight. I don't know if the young dragons are still learning that way nowadays, but in my time it was the custom. Anyway... So if my free space - or call it freedom - ends where the freedom of the other dragon begins and at the same time I say that I have to act foresight, then I come to the question: Do my decisions, my actions interfere with the freedom of another dragon?"

The princess let herhorn light upfor a moment,and a pothovered over torefill her andGreldon's cup withfresh, hot coffee.

„That may well happen, yes", the Princess agreed, „and always when you are part of a community of any kind, whether it be family, friends, neighbours, working in the fields, whatever."

„But isn't that the case now? The angry ponymob, the angry gripper mob, the angry dragon mob shouts that it's their free choice to get vaccinated or tested, or that they shouldn't be forced to do so, because that would be too much of an intrusion on their freedom."

„Yes, the obligation to vaccinate would indeed be a major encroachment on their freedom."

„I agree. But what about my own freedom? My right to stay healthy, for example, because I have to take care of someone in need? Or my right to be able to use the Friendship Express without a mask and without worry once the pandemic has finally been defeated? Wouldn't the freedom of those who don't want to be vaccinated or even wear a mask end exactly where my very freedom to want to stay healthy begins?"

„That would be the point where responsibility comes into play", Celestia noted. „I see Princess Twilight got you on the right track."

„But this responsibility would actually restrict freedom, wouldn't it?"

„Some may see it that way", Celestia replied, „but you said it yourself just now: Freedom must be organized by rules and principles, just so that there is no chaos. And the superstructure to all those rules, guidelines and principles is called responsibility. My sister and I, Princess Twilight, Princess Cadenza and her husband Shining Armour, we are responsible for the well-being of every single pony that lives in our kingdom, and not only for the ponies, but also for the dragons, the griffins, everything that Equestria populates so much. It is not a nice job to lay down guidelines, but it is necessary for each of us to be able to enjoy our own freedom - as long as it does not interfere with the freedom of another. But there is a completely different problem."

„What would that be?" asked Greldon.

„Something which is also an important element of freedom. Every pony and every griffin and every yak and every dragon has the freedom to obtain information. And with that information, our actions may also be questioned. That is, they should_be questioned. But, here too, _responsibility comes into play. My sister and I, when we were still in the magical kindergarten ourselves, were always nagged by our governess with the phrase Critical Reading. What does the written word, the spoken word, want to do? Does it want to inform? Does it want to manipulate? Does it want to gain control? But the whole Critical Reading - thing is useless if you don't use the pony's common sense and ask: Is it even so plausible?"

„Okay, the critical reading is something that we young dragons have been taught to do over and over again. But when I hear what the opponents of vaccination are saying today, I wonder if there has been a lack of that critical reading or that pony's or whoever's common sense was missing. One griffin babbles about smartblood and nanochips that you get injected into your blood. Fluttershy... oh, sorry, I didn't want to name names, but a pet-loving pony spreads the concern that the vaccine is made from puppies, others see a conspiracy by Flim and Flam to expand their business... And the whole thing culminates in a kind of tyranny of the unvaccinated, which results in me being further restricted in my freedom to be able to lead my life normally again, even though I myself have been vaccinated, I have taken the necessary efforts and, if there were any, risks of side effects on me. I'm so frustrated."

The princess nodded, „Understandable. And what do you conclude from that?"

„That one should be responsible with one's freedom?"

„Not quite. But you said it yourself: Freedom is or means responsibility. That's what society must learn to understand again."

The dragon sighed and took another sip of coffee. „You know, Celestia, the problem is: I myself know a lot of ponies, griffins and even dragons who refuse to vaccinate, some of them still deny the fact that this pandemic even exists. I have had some unpleasant arguments about it. In one case, I was even called the bad guy who had let someone down, just because I had shown the appropriate sense of responsibility. It is a point that has hurt me a lot, and of course it still hurts."

Celestia's mane floated again, and the princess looked at Greldon silently. Then she smiled: „But basically you have already given yourself the correct answer to your friendship problem, with your reflections on freedom and responsibility. Why don't you transfer that to those you call your friends and those who call themselves your friends?"

„What do you mean?"

„Well, it's about your freedom to stay healthy after all. It's about your_freedom to go back to your normal life at some point - as soon as possible. Your freedom to attend a Galloping Gala again, or simply to be carefree with a pony or a dragon you want to enjoy in your nest. At the same time, you are incharge: You are responsible for yourself, for your loved ones, for your closest surroundings, perhaps for any old or sick people. So their freedom is granted as well: Their freedom to stay healthy, their freedom to live a normal, carefree life. And now ask yourself this really important question: Which of your friends is assuming this _responsibility_for _you? In other words, which of your friends really cares about your_freedom to stay healthy, _your freedom to live a normal, carefree life?"

Greldon bit his lips: „Those who stick to the measures and get vaccinated, unless there are real health risks due to a corresponding disease against them?"

The pastel-rainbow-coloured mane was flowing evenly and calming.

Greldon still had it in his mind as he was on his way home. He stared into the darkness of the night, while the Friendship Express rattled and steamed across the country towards Ponyville.

Even if it meant the end in many ways, he now knew for sure what he had always imagined:

Freedom is responsibility, responsibility is friendship, friendship is magic.