Death's Blood Ch. Fourteen: Demons' Blight
My grandfather wos a gangster back in the vezdan empire. he had an empire of 'is own: illegal wares. my father became a criminal 'imself, now relying on cubs to operate the machines at coalshand brewer."
Killer Huxley; profile
And he was about to find how these fancy laws of protection of life and rights were only bullshit made for protect more the gangsters than everyone else.
Voyages of the Mara: Arc 2 Chapter 1 Salvagers
"he has taken to this whole 'gangster' life far too well," gustav returned, not looking back at amber. "he seems to forget that we only intend to do this temporarily."
Dynasty Origins, Act 05: Crackdown
"i don't think they'd question a dead gangster now, would they?" "hey, hey, let mark go!" he said, sounding a bit frightened. "fine... we'll leave." i then let go of his friend and pushed him toward his negotiator.
Feet First
Braddock's visor tinted hiding away the expression of grief that looked out of place on the face of a gangster straight out of compton. the odst still standing did the same, hiding away the shock and sadness behind curtains of grey.
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Three: From Tree To Tree
If money is not the real reason to commit crime and enjoying chaos is not the reason to be a gangster, the criminals are wasting their lives. giffard and his parents stole thousands of people's dreams. it is time someone steals back from him.
Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 2: Qualify
Ruled over by everything from renegade rescue teams to career gangsters, it was one of the biggest stains on the known world, making it all the more shocking to learn that torolf -and somehow the weakling ghost pokémon floating over him, were from there, when
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.4 - A Prayer for the Fallen
The girls playfully bapped at his shoulders, the gangster drinking up another round and finishing off the champagne after kawa and basu took their second drink with his eyes slightly roaming to see the other ladies entertaining their guests, from long-haired
Midline Shift 17 - Ruins of Ancient Stars
"he might act like some creepy gangster, but he always got people in mind when he wants to help somebody. ever noticed how all our missions are about helping people, not oppressing?"
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.1 - The City That Never Sleeps
No, i-i'm sick and tired of being pushed around by gangsters, i told your last boys to get lost and now you better leave!" "what?
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.3 - Balls and Bats
What i wanted when i was young was to be riding on some gangster's bike, or being taken over the shoulder by a pirate getting to be part of their thrilling adventure. then i met koiichi.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.2 - Hell Hath No Fury
When the thug came running for another swing, murata threw the bat to make him dodge, then grabbed the fallen taser nearby to stab in the leg and send agonising volts rippling through the gangster who poleaxed to the side.