Ch. 11 -- Exodus

--- exodus shannon filled miranda in on some of the lesser known details of her own escape from the family business.

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The Struggle. Chapter one. (Story Commission)

Even though cajuea was the person she was looking for, she didn't know how to tell the detective the details of the situation. she didn't know how to explain the paranormal details. "miss, if your problem is a missing person.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)

He spent a moment handling, instantly remembering every little detail about it. it's make, model, colour, all the little niggles and glitches that only he knew how to fix. it was all so familiar yet completely strange at the same time.

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Trophy Assistants

"soooooo i told you my week-end in all its boring details. now it's your turn." sara suddenly spoke, wanting to do anything other than just sitting there without anything to do.

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Suncrest - Chapter 18

Will be posting more details on that in an upcoming journal. for everyone new here, don't fret because you can follow the whole suncrest journey so far on sf by going to the gallery linked below. cheers!

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Every Artist's Dream: Prologue

The short lion meticulously painted on his canvas, paying attention to every minute detail and making sure that he did everything perfectly.

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Project Blade #1

He wore dark gray mk 6 armor with yellow detail. "round 3, start," the computer said. both spartans circled each other. then the gray spartan rushed towards the red. he was suspecting he would counter with a punch.

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As he thought about this with a detail-oriented mind, jericho didn't know why he thought like that. maybe he is just smart and liked detail. reaching his paws slowly, he felt the somewhat rough pads on a long, strong muzzle.


Life or something like it

Sharp details blur, the dolphins form recedes back into a puddle and then finally to a film of pvc. or not finally.

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Moving in

I really like these two characters, if anyone out there does end up reading this, i will be sure to post more, apologies for the lack of detail on the characters, if i write more, i solemnly swear to provide details.

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Writing Tips

Are you going for detail or abstraction? decide in advance. an abstract or implied sex scene can be just as hot as one with lots of detail. which kind fits better? if you are going for detail, vary your language.

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Vore Demonstration

"i have gotten lots of details and since i witness it, i can write my book faster! i thank you both." "y-your welcome," bearstill said while blushing. "we'll be heading out now."

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