A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 18
Harley got a job at a tea shop in the mall, and also tutored high school kids in geography and world history in his spare time; i got an internship at the local branch of the library, to which he drove me every tuesday and thursday morning.
My Teacher got into my pants 1
So, chad asked what the twins what they liked to do in there spare time. craig said he liked to do photography and drake said he liked writing short stories. they all found out that they all like playing the same games on there xbox 360.
Curse Claws Ch.2 Setting the Stage.
"but we've got some spare time till we find out, how about you and me catch a movie?" samantha wrapped her arms around the tiger and murred, hugging close as he carried her. "sounds fun!
Clean Break: Chapter IV
They were nothing if not dull, full of unimportant gossip and endless talking about the inane bullshit they filled their unnecessarily large amounts of spare time with.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow
We were nothing but a group of awkward teenagers and a few dragons who worked on cars in what little spare time we had. but somehow we'd run with the pro's and beat them,on road america to boot.
Ayame's Chronicles- A Change on the Wind, Part 1
"i like this modification~" takami smiles, "i added it in my spare time when no one was looking. thought it might come in handy one day."
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"
You grow up with super heroes and it's only a given that you'll draw them in your spare time. seth brought only a bottle of water and a granola bar which he stuck into the cargo pocket of his shorts.
Reminded of her own roots, in what little spare time she had from her work and when eli had been busy working herself - mano still hadn't started sleeping as a regular thing back then
TRTTD - Chapter 2: Difficult Decisions
Spending most of his spare time inside his flat alone, he had plenty of time to play almost all games he wanted. money wasn't a problem, too. there was no family he had to take care of. at least not yet.
His Rise, Terra IV: Forgotten Evil "Glimmering Dawn"
#1 of personal works so this is just something i've been working on in my spare time. it's been a story 9 years in the making. this is honestly my first installment of it.
Splintered Light, Ch 9.4: Looking Ahead; Looking Back
Brownell had any spare time. since her last patient was finally released she'd found some extra minutes in her day but the past twenty-or-so hours had been spent reviewing medical supplies and preparing what would be needed for landfall.
The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 09 - I Won't See You Tonight (Part 1)
I had no idea he threw parties in his spare time, but it sounded like just what i needed. a few adoring fans and lots of booze. if anything could snap me out of my funk, that would be it.