My Teacher got into my pants 1
#1 of My Teacher got into my pants
Writen by hunkyhusky
Writen by hunkyhusky
Edited by Faller
An alarm clock went off with a bang at 6:30 in the morning.The fur in bed tried to hit the snooze button several times until finally hitting it to shut the thing up. He got up shook his fur out as he sleepily moved to the bathroom that was adjacent from his room, The fur turned on the light so he could see himself in the mirror. He was a 13 year old husky with white fur about 5 ft 10 inches. He was of medium build because he played soccer, and his name was Chad Tanner. Today was the Husky's first day at his new high school. His family moved into their new home over the summer and he was a bit nervous of what his new school would be like. But he wasn't there yet, so he could relax for a bit longer.
Chad stepped into the shower and turned it on. He murred when the hot water hit his tense muscles, enjoying the feeling for a moment before grabbing the fur soap and starting to clean himself from his feet to his sheath before moving on to his upper body.
Once Chad was done lathering, he stepped back into the shower of water to rinse himself off before grabbing the shampoo and pouring it into his hands.
The husky proceeded to rub the shampoo into his head fur. Once done he finished up and washed the shampoo from his head fur, he reached over to turn off the shower.
Chad got out of the shower grabbed a towel on the rack beside the door and, after brushing himself off, wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into his room to get dressed.
"Hey mom" he said as he walked in, his fur still a little damp from the shower.
"Morning Hun." Chad's mother said with a smile as she handed Chad a plate with his breakfast on it: bacon, eggs, and toast. She soon followed the plate with a glass of orange juice then spoke.
"Are you ready for your first day?" Chad's mother said cheerily.
"No," the husky muttered right away.
His mother chuckled, "Don't worry you'll make some friends before you know it."
"If you say so mom." Chad said between bites. Not to long after the small conversation, he finished his breakfast got his bag full of his school supplies and then jump in the car with his mother. They drove off to school as Chad looked out the window, thinking how much of a drag this day was going to be.
Miss. Wren was readying her lesson plans for the first day of school. While eating breakfast, she thought that this year will be a particularly interesting one as it was her first year teaching 9th grade English. She used to teach 5th grade English, but got a job at Jefferson high school paid much better than her elementary jobs.
"Well here goes nothing," she said while standing up. She was 5 ft 11 inches and she was a 29 year old fox with the typical red black fur coloring. She was quite attractive with breasts that were not too big, but big enough to catch every male's eye. She was quite a sight with her very defined hips that swayed as she walked to her car and opened the door. She started the engine, thinking on what she might expect on her first day as she drove off in the direction the school was.
Chad's mother drove right in front of Jefferson high school. Chad looked out and sighed, opening the door as he did.
His mother said, "Have a nice day hun."
Chad gave her a weak smile and walked toward school. There were four separate buildings on campus: one for freshman, one for sophomores, one for juniors, and one for seniors.
So, Chad walked into the building he would spend the whole year walking through. The hall ways were packed on each side with students. As Chad walked, he fished out his locker number and combination. It took him awhile to find he input his combination. It did not seem to work so he tried a few more times, but with no success. He growled at the locker then someone tapped him on his shoulder. Chad turned around to find a kangaroo behind him.
"Need some help? Name's Jake." the guy said while extending his hand.
Chad smiled and shook his hand. "Name's Chad and yes I would like some. I can't get the stupid thing open."
"Try this," Jake took his hand and pushed the button in the middle of the pad lock. "You need to push this after entering you code," and Chad's locker swung open.
Chad chuckled, "Wow. I'm an idiot." Chad then put what supplies were needed for the day in the locker and turned to talk to Jake some more.
"So Chad what's your first period class?"
Chad took out his paper with his classes on it and read from it, "Global Science with Mr.Witte"
"Great same here." Jake said while looking at his sheet. "Well let's go before the bell rings." Jake said so the both walked toward there class. Chad thought, "This school isn't so bad."
Chad and Jake walked into their first class they sat down into the first seats they could find just as the final bell rang.
"OK class sit down and be quite while I hand out your class syllabus. My name is Mr.Witte and I will be your global science teacher for the year." Mr.Witte was a rather tall deer with very impressive antlers. He had quite a bit of muscle as well because coached the track team.
As he handed out the rest of the syllabusss, a fur in the hallway said, "Shit. Where is it?".
Mr. Witte responded, "Watch your language."
"No you're not. You're just sorry you got caught." Some of the students laughed.
Afterwards, Mr. Witte passed out the final syllabi. He started with some of the school rules and some of his class room rules. He moved on to talking about what the class would focus on. A half an hour later, the bell rang for second period.
"So Chad, what do you have for second hour?" asked Jake.
"Personal finances." Chad responded.
"Darn well see you at lunch."
"Yea see you later." With that, Chad and Jake went there separate ways.
Chad made it to his second class a little early than most students, so he can choose the seat he liked and, after a few minutes, the rest of the class filed in to the classroom before the bell finally went off. The teacher that walked in went by the name of Mr. Rowen. He was six ft tall German shepherd with a calm voice.
"OK class. Quite down. I'm Mr. Rowen and I will be your Personal finances teacher for this semester. Please raise your hand and tell me what you want learn this semester so I can make this class interesting for everybody." So a few students asked about several topic like how income taxes work and how to do your taxes and stuff in the same category. They continued the discussion until the bell rang.
Chad got up went to his third period class: Algebra 1 with a Mrs. Lightfoot, a short and stocky jaguar with a slight temper problem.
"Will you all sit down before I give you all a detention."
"You can't do that it's first day of school." Said one of the students that was sitting in the front.
Mrs. Lightfoot smiled malevolently. "Now, we shall see about that shall we." She handed the student a detention slip. "Report to class after school. If you fail to do so, it will be a referral".
She walked if front, "Any more smart assed remarks?". Everybody simultaneously gulped and shook there heads.
Mrs. Lightfoot smiled evilly again. "Good now lets get started." It was a grueling 45 minutes until the bell rang. Chad bolted out the room and quietly went to his fourth hour class, a study hall. It was unsurprisingly uneventful, but the fifth hour bell rang soon enough.
He had PE with coach Sealer, a very buff sea lion who wobbled when he walked.
"OK class. I will be giving out locker combinations first. Afterwards, we will be shooting some hoops." As the class filed into there respective locker-room, they quickly got settled. There were just 25 minutes left so they just played knockout, which Chad excelled at. He was in a fast roulette with an athletic greyhound, but Chad lost when he slipped on the floor and missed the basket.
"Ouch. Well great game." He shook hands with the hound then the bell rang for fifth period, lunch.
Chad met up with Jake and they both get in line.
"So, what's for lunch?" asked Jake. Chad looked around for the menu and found it quickly.
"Cheeseburgers and fries with fruit or a veggie."
Jake looked in the same direction as Jake, "Hm, OK for me I would rather have pizza. It's my favorite."
"Same here. I like Canadian bacon on mine. What about you?" asked Chad.
"Mushrooms and black olives." Jake responded, They both continued talking as they moved to get there food. They search and found an unoccupied table and sat down.
Chad and Jake started to talk about the latest video games until two twin otters came to the table.
"Mind if we- sit here?" His brother finishing his sentence.
"Sure. Name's Chad."
"My name's Craig."
"I'm Drake." The twins spoke at nearly the same time while sitting down.
So, Chad asked what the twins what they liked to do in there spare time. Craig said he liked to do photography and Drake said he liked writing short stories. They all found out that they all like playing the same games on there Xbox 360. They all wrote done there gamer tags so they could challenge each other to matches and such.
"I'll wipe you all out in Halo." Drake said triumphantly.
"We'll see about that." Chad said with a playful growl. He loves a Challenge. About 20 minutes later, the bell rang, ending lunch and starting the sixth hour which was fur history with Mr. Waller. So Chad showed his new friends his sheet with his classes on it and found out that Drake had the same class. So they both left together to class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chad and Drake made it just in time fur history, quite a feat considering the class room was on the other side of the building. They were both panting as they sat down in the front of the classroom, the only seats the were open at the time.
"Well welcome to a new year of Jefferson high class." Mr. Waller said. He was a large elephant with two medium sized tusks and short trunk that bend slightly to the left as he walked.
"I will be handing out you syllabusss and probably repeating the same school rules that you have heard to you, so will skip that. So tell me. What would like to learn this year?" Some students wanted to learn about the fox civil rights moment and about world war 2 and other interesting topic's. Mr. Waller then told everyone to talk quietly for the last 10 minutes of class.
So, Chad and Drake talked about different strategies to use on halo until the bell rang.
"So what's your next class Chad?" Drake asked, hoping they had the same class.
"Will let's see. Biology with Mrs. Peterson." Chad said will looking at his paper.
"Dang. Well see later." So Drake and Chad shook hand and departed there separate ways.
Chad went to his seventh hour biology class which was interesting. He was hoping to learn about the body because he wanted to go into the medical field to become a surgeon. Mrs. Peterson stated the class room rules and what they would be doing throughout the course of the year until class ended.
Miss Wren sat at her desk as her seventh hour class filed out for 8th hour. She was a little tired. "Well, I knew that high school students would be a little tough." She sighed.
Then her next class students started to walk in. She watched them come in each greeted her as they sat down until a white husky walked in. He sat down and Miss Wren felt a spark of go went through her loins.
"Wow. He's one handsome looking husky." She thought, but quickly tried to subdue her tired thinking. She was just imagining things she thought. But that feeling still lingered.
Chad sat down into the desk that was facing the teacher's desk then looked around the class. He saw many posters of different books which had descriptions about them on the bottom. He turned his head when his teacher began to speak.
"Welcome class. I'm Miss Wren and I will be your English 9 teacher for the year. These are your syllabus that tell you what will be doing in the course through the year." She stated.
Miss Wren walked down the isles until she got to the white husky. She smiled at him and handed him his syllabus. He smiled which caused her to quickly turn and blush as she went to her desk
"Am I attracted to him?" She questioned her self mentally.
"OK everybody. I would like you to stand up individually and tell everybody your name and what you want to do when you finish school." So, one by one, each student said there name and what they want to do until it was Chad's turn. "My name is Chad Tanner and I would like to become a surgeon."
"So his name's Chad." Miss Wren mentally noted, "Well class, don't write on the syllabus please. I use them every year so at the end of the class, I will ask one of you to pick them up. So just talk amongst yourselves." In truth, they should be talking about the class rule, but Miss Wren wanted an excuse to stare at Chad until the bell. The bell rang signaling school has ended soon.
"Chad, will you pick up the papers please?"
"Sure Miss Wren." Even though Chad wanted to leave he wanted to be polite. Miss Wren watched as all the students rushed out of the classroom, leaving her alone with Chad.
Chad drop one of the papers on the floor and bent down to pick it up. Miss Wren stared intently at Chad's finely sculpted ass and she started to get wet down below. Chad walked over to the desk, "Here you go Miss Wren." Chad said with a smile.
"Thank you so much." Miss Wren said while smiling back. Chad quickly left saying, "See you tomorrow."
"See you." Miss Wren replied blushing. She grabbed the papers she needed to look at tonight. She left through a door. Her room was on the bottom floor so she can park right outside her classroom.
"This year is going to be an interesting one." She thought with a rather large smile. Naughty thoughts went through her mind as she drove off.
here is the revised version