_Hmm, what to say? If you likey, leave a comment. Leave this place if you are under 18 or offended by any of the keywords listed. I definitely suggest reading the other parts first, as this won't make much sense otherwise. No yiff here; this is more of...
Journeys through Outer Canidia - prologue
Journeys through Outer Canidia: or, Exploration and investigations of canid tribes of the un-felized lands In the name and good kindness of the Don of Sylvestrus College, Zien Alamasus, I commend and consecrate this work. _13 day, 1st month of the...
Chapter 1 The sun began to rise on this dismal morning. The air was full of a light fog that covered the ground making it seemingly impossible to see where your next step would land. The slowly rising sun reacted with the cool morning fog causing a...
Chapter 1 The sun began to rise on this dismal morning. The air was full of a light fog that covered the ground making it seemingly impossible to see where your next step would land. The slowly rising sun reacted with the cool morning fog causing a...
A Redemption of the Soul - Chapter 8
Hello again, it's been a while. Now I'd like to make something clear. This chapter was written because someone requested me to, I won't name who. I've turned all my focus into something beyond the fur realm. This chapter is set about a month or so...
A Story of Light and Dark
Prolog Long ago, before the great death, there were two forces, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, fighting to control the world. I will tell of the great battle, and of the great death. For they come hand in hand, one soon after the other. ...
The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 1 *Edited*
The Life and Times of Soma Hikari Chapter 1: The Scent of Lavender She came to me in my dreams again, the beautiful wolf, her fur blacker than the darkest night, her yellow eyes gleaming with beauty and intelligence, the smile of an angel, and the...
The Dominion -- Chapter 1
The clay mountains tower over the mouth leading into the peninsula, terrain scattered with ramparts and other various defensive equipment from either side. The tawny clay seems to allow bits of vegetation to grow at its base where water once...
Project Zolaris: Ch. 4
DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Apocalyptic Future, Love, Miracles COPYRIGHTS: All Characters & Situations © Allester E. Darkflame...
Starting Over Chapter 4
Chapter 4: The Sanctuary **Planet: Earth Location: Greenlake Valley, S.C. Time: 10:30 pm Date: July 4th, 2010** "The Sanctuary? More like The Shithole!" Pvt. Hawkins says then proceeds to laugh hysterically. The Sanctuary, before all of this,...
Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”
Interstellar Dissonance: "Elements" By Jesse Brown _At the beginning, before there was time, three wolf gods met, each contributing to the creation of the universe. Fenrir, the god of the Void, created a great pit in reality to contain the universe....
StarFox Meta
StarFox Meta Arc 1: Prologue A shadow of a head topped with cannid ears can be seen over an old couch in the glow of a large square holograph depicting a very bored looking feline in a blue suit behind a large wooden desk, "Good evening, I'm Lew...