[Commission] Chapter 6: Camping by the fire with assembled storied rogues

Although the rik was much larger than the orc, she wasn't as skilled in hand to hand combat and although her gnollish rage made her a formidable opponent, it also made her clumsier and less precise. -should we do anything about this?

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Prologue 2-2

" - having spent a few weeks at the base, consus was starting to get the hang of actual hand-to-hand combat.

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Unstable Future - Chapter 10

They did not waste any time switching to hand to hand combat. there was a flurry of punches and a lot less kicks than i was expecting. i noticed that not all of tracy's blows were close fisted either.

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Cold Start - Ice

Remember, hand to hand combat, you're not allowed to use any weapons. take it down," she said, stepping back. she should have stepped back before letting the youngling attack.

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Subject #5: part 1

These children will be the best the military can offer, from genetic modification to extensive training in hand to hand combat, and survival training. they will be the best of the best. we are also planning to make sure they can never truly get away.

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World in conflict: CH7 The 7th Sentinel Battailion

After they said they were pinned down by a massive attacking force with some type of bullet-resistant armor and were basically over ran and were down to hand to hand combat. then nearly wiped out.

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The Gaming Journal #1: The Problem with Fighting Games

It is also a reasonable if not typical setting as all these games mentioned involve characters with martial arts training doing one-on-one hand-to-hand combat in particular disciplines.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter5

"and i've done my fair share of hand-to-hand combat. he's big and he's clumsy, so don't worry. i'll hold him off while you put together some kind of a plan; just don't take too long.

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Chapter 4 - Training

Also hand-to-hand combat..." "what kind?" dante asked with great enthusiasm. "well...we'll see how you handle it. you'll be doing the standard recruit training first. it's just a trial period to assess your abilities in a more practical situation.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas

"ohhhh travelled for four, maybe five years, trained for three as a swordsman, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, stickfighting and swordfighting. also know a li'l magic." "really?! is this true?!" asked karlos to koopin.

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Double Lives

From a young age, he would take craig out to the country to teach him how to use weapons and hand-to-hand combat. his parents never found out, because they were sure they would have a heart attack if they did. those were good times.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p1

Chase smirked and slid a pair of new hand-to-hand combat weapons into two slots on his leg armor, the sharpened blades sheathed in their steel holdings. the fox felt better knowing that krystal would be at his side.

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