An ass-whoop'in to remember promo.
"we here at the world wrestling federation would like to introduce our newest superstar cross wolfie," vince "and he will be teaming with non other than... the rock!," * * *
Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Luke's Story
(kasawolf) and my co-writer wolfie steel and should not be used without our express permission.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep02
"hey wolfy, sorry, the battery ran out." "oh, i guessed as much. anyway, let's meet up at beverage cloud for a little lunch and talk this over.
Are We Not Men?
"how's my wolfy boy today?" brad opened his mouth, intending to inform the marsupial that if he was anyone's 'wolfy boy', he was jonathon's... but he changed his mind at the last minute.
Can't Take My Eyes Off You CH. 2
"i love you too, wolfie. here, let's turn on some music." i started to walk over to the stereo, and i thought i heard seigi say something like 'where did wolfie come from?' i just chuckled and continued to turn on the stereo.
Sneaky night
wolfy lay, but could not sleep, nothing helped, not even counting sheep! so up he sprang, right out of bed, sneaking out with silent tread.
my feeling i have right now
His vioce soothing as ever, always making my life even better his body strong as steel and that wolf is wolfie steele
The Husky Fursuit
"that is cheap, you have to tell us where you have bought it", the wolf said, "my name is ben as furry it´s wolfy, nice to meet you damian", he said. "i am luke and as a furry my name is tigger", the tiger said.
Becoming A Fur
I couldn't help but think that all my dreams had come true, that i was an anthro wolfie. but i wondered what the hell i was supposed to tell my parents. and then i realised, "bloody hell, i'm a fur".
Unkown (poem)
Her lifemate, her wolfie, her alou. remembering the first time they saw eachother. how the whole world had lit up, and drifted away. her eyes brightened at this beautiful memory. how her heart knew he was her life mate.
Doberman and Throbbin, Part 2, Daniel's Story
(wolfie steel) and my co-writer kasawolf and should not be used without our express permission.
The Unicorn Boys Part One
"you told me that when you went to africa, you would just visit with your friend wolfie. how the hell do you get pregnant?" he growled. "he cornered me, will. he raped me. what was i supposed to do?"