Can't Take My Eyes Off You CH. 2
#2 of Cant Take My Eyes Off You
Thanks eveyone who read and commented on Ch. 1. It really made my day. :D
Now, Can't Take My Eyes Off You (song) is copyright Lady Antebellum. I would reccomend looking up the song, as i t is very romantic and such. It just adds to the story. Anyway, enjoy!
I don't remember waking up. I don't even remember passing out. All I remember is Seigi telling me that he loved me. Am I sure I heard right? Did he really say that he loved me? Why now? Why did this happen now? More importantly, do I love him back? Am I really gay? What is going on? All these thoughts were going through my mind when I see Seigi walk into the room, and kneel next to the bed I was laying on.
"I'm so glad you're awake. You really scared me there. I know I shouldn't have told you, but it was just eating me alive. I just hope it doesn't affect our friendship in anyway.
I just started at him, looking into those piercing, deep blue eyes. God, he is gorgeous. But do I really love him? Is this what I really want? I could see that my not responding was discouraging him, because he got up and started to walk out of the room.
"Wait, Seigi!" It came out almost as a cry for help. I still wasn't sure if I loved him, but I didn't want to see him leave. I couldn't stand to see him sad, with his tail drooping behind him. "Nothing is going to change between us. I just need time to think about this. It's all too sudden. I just don't know what to say right now." At that, Seigi looked at me and just smiled. That smile that always made me feel better.
"It's ok. I don't want to force you into anything. You can tell me your decision when you're ready. Just take your time." With that, he left the room with a smile, and I knew that it was a sincere smile. I love that smile. But, does it mean I love him? I've been around him my entire life, and I've never noticed anything like this. Why did this happen now? I couldn't imagine him being out of my life, but do I want him as my lover? Am I gay, or is it that I just want love so badly, I would take anybody? No, Seigi is different. He's like a breeze on a warm summer day, refreshing and something you don't want to go away. He has this charm about him, and it's affected me. Isn't this what I want? Do I want to be around him forever? Of course I do. I've always wanted that. I do love him, and I want him to know that.
I climbed out of the bed, but I just sat there. What if I'm jumping to conclusions? That thought quickly went away as I thought about Seigi's face, his smile, and everything about him. His beautiful white fur, so warm and inviting. His face, which always had a smile on it. His blue eyes, which look deeply into me every time I looked into them. His paws, so strong and protecting. His ears, which showed every emotion that could possibly be thought of. And finally, his tail, which flowed perfectly from his backside, bending every so gracefully, but never touching the floor. He was perfect for me, even if he was another guy. There was something about him that just got me all excited. He was like my own personal ecstasy. With that, I stumbled out of his room, making my way down to where Seigi was sitting. As I approached him, I heard him muttering to himself.
"That was so stupid. Why did I even think that he would like me back? Now he thinks I'm some gay creep that loves him. Why did I have to open my big mouth, possibly ruining our friendship? Why was I so stupid?" With that last sentence, I decided to go talk to him. I walked up to him from behind, wrapping my arms around his perfect white fur. He was shocked by this, turning around to look at who it was. As soon as I could see his muzzle, I leaned in and kissed him. At first, he was taken by surprise, but within a second he kissed back, just as passionately. I had never felt anything like it. It was exhilarating, like the very top of a hill on a roller coaster, right before you plummet back to the earth. It felt surreal, like I was dreaming. As our tongues wrestled inside each others mouth, I knew this was what I wanted. This lasted for about ten seconds, before we pulled apart, panting. I looked into his eyes, smiling. "I hope that answers any questions that you have."
"Are you sure? Is this what you really want, or did I force you into this?"
"If this isn't what I wanted, would I have just kissed you?" Laughing, I jumped over the back of the couch into his lap. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like another."
"Only since you passed out twenty minutes ago. I feel like I owe you something." We leaned into each other, embracing as we kissed. It felt like a song that you can't just listen to once; you have to put it on repeat. It was fireworks. It was everything I ever dreamt about. As our tongues were intertwined in each others muzzles, the thought came to me that this was perfect. This is exactly how I wanted things. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted to stay frozen in time, just staring into his eyes. He was the one that made me happy. He was the one I was in love with. And I was ok with that. As we broke apart, I fell against him, resting my head on his chest. "That was something special."
"I know it was. You have no idea how happy I am right now. This is everything I imagined this to be, and more. I love you, Kausn."
"I love you too, wolfie. Here, let's turn on some music." I started to walk over to the stereo, and I thought I heard Seigi say something like 'Where did wolfie come from?' I just chuckled and continued to turn on the stereo. When I did, I heard one of my favorite songs come on, Can't Take My Eyes Off You, by Lady Antebellum. Just as it started, I was able to turn the lights down low, so it the mood got really romantic. "Can I have this dance?" I asked.
"Why you certainly may. I think you really made this all romantic and such." He came over to me, and I put my paw on his hips, and he draped his paws around my neck, resting them on my shoulders. Slowly, we started to sway to the music playing. As the lyrics started, I started to sing:
'I know that the bridges that I've burned along the way,
have left me with these walls and these scars that won't go away.
And opening up has always been the hardest thing, until you came.
So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go.
This feelin' I'm feelin' is something I've never known.
And I just can't take my eyes off you, and I just can't take my eyes off you
I love when you tell me that I'm pretty when I just wake up.
And I love how you tease me when I'm moody, but it's never too much.
I'm falling fast, but the truth is I'm not scared at all.
You climbed my walls.
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go.
This feelin' I'm feelin' is something I've never known.
And I just can't take my eyes off you, and I just can't take my eyes off you.
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go.
This feelin' I'm feelin' is something I've never known.
And I just can't take my eyes off you, and I just can't take my eyes off you.
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go,
And Oh, this feelin' I'm feelin' is something I've never known.
And I just can't take my eyes off you, and I just can't take my eyes off you'.
It was the most surreal thing that had ever happened. Holding him, I knew that this was the start of something great. I never knew that I would fall in love with someone, let alone Seigi. Everything about him was so perfect. As I danced, I just stared into his gorgeous eyes, drinking up everything about them. He was perfect, he was the one. As the song came to a close, I couldn't help but kissing him again. Feeling his soft lips against mine, the way the fit together so perfectly, the way he kissed me back, I felt I could die happy right then and there. When the song finally finished, I just stood there, taking everything in. Everything that had happened in the last hour, it was simply amazing. There was no way to describe it.
"Ya know," Seigi piped up, "This is our song now."
"It is. And it describes this perfectly. That will never change. It will always be our song, Seigi." We slowly made our way over to the couch, still in each others arms. As we sat down, I snuggled up against him, feeling his warm fur against mine. He just wrapped his paws around me, and we both just sat there, enjoying the moment. I started to run my finger down his perfectly white fur, starting at his chest and ending at his waist line. He just smiled and looked at me with those loving, caring eyes. He was gorgeous, especially in this low light. I closed my eyes, snuggling deeper into his fur. I had finally found what I was looking for. Love. And this whole time, he was sitting right in front of me, waiting patiently for me.
Thats it! Thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoyed it. :D Don't worry, there will be more.