A Pilot Chosen
The turrets tried to block it, but hiccup knew how their security system worked and guided the mech. it wasn't long before the turrets were programmed to accept the mech's iff tag as an ally and the pair simply walked right out.
The Nature of Warfare
The third is the larger warships on takomen have various calibers of turrets and cannons placed into primary (main offensive turrets), secondary (best for closer targets of any type), and tertiary (very limited anti-surface use, overwhelmingly point-defense
To be determined
Lasers flashed from seeming erratic locations on the enemies hull, as there was not a single fixed weapon turret.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7
Kalevar's ears perked, his heart beginning to race for some reason as he turned the mounted turret to face the obstruction. there was no movement, but something about this didn't seem right.
Shattered Glass Chapter 12: Introductions
All 12 turrets are online and charged. firing in 3...2...1...
Dreadnaught - Chapter 1 - First Impressions
No set mission parameters. 24 quad-barrelled heavy ion turrets; 24 double-barrelled light ion turrets; 8 phaser banks; 32 quad-barrelled 55mm rail machine guns; 2 250mm gatling rail guns; 18 35cm rocket launchers; 16 torpedo ports; 2 36-hatch vertical launching
Barren Earth part 6
So far so good, but i was still nervous. " i remember that when we landed about six aa turrets were pointed at us and now there are about thirty." " you have w point, i would suggest we put our arms in the air."
Feet First
The turret popped open like a battery on a bonfire, spitting fire and debris into the air and leaving only a twisted metal husk.
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 5: The Endgame (Mild Version)
The chaos had destroyed the two turrets, the glass door, as well as a few traps that were placed near the entrance of the doors. niall nodded.
With smooth motions, the multitude of anti-air artillery and mini-gun turrets sprung to life, swivelling and locking targets. with unison born of being computer controlled, they fired as one.
Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (10)
If the resistance have any turrets set up, or if they have any unknown hideouts, we would be caught off guard and destroyed. remember what happened to kylo? he attacked a base he knew nothing about, and it got him captured."
Excerpt 21-The Volatiles
That leaves one 14 year old with a few turrets and a gravity vortex gun to protect about 50 people who are so religious they won't touch an m16."