Rexville 17: Good Monday

The short sleeve of the shirt did not leave much to the imagination of hunter's brown-and-white arm. keanu rolled his eyes and chuckled to hide his reaction and took the offered opportunity.

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Embertooth - Chapter 6: Survival

Instead, she just put the knives in her sleeves and shook her head, starting to walk happily after the leopard.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 9 - A Day In Town

The long sleeves go a bit too far. they cover up to my knuckles. that should be just fine. i close the zipper and a collar forms around my neck. sure. maybe this won't protect from a sword, but it might come in handy in a fist-fight.

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A Fox's Family (Part One)

That already soiled sleeve rose to his nose once more in attempt to clear it again, patting his eyes as well beneath the veil of the hood. they sat in silence for a little while letting the current song play out.

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CH 2

Dad said as he dragged out the grey dude, he was wearing the same colours as before only instead of a long sleeve he wore a shirt which was sleeveless on his right arm with a glove that went from his hand to his elbow and long sleeved on his left with

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 4: Oblivion

The ritual of carefully removing a record from its sleeve, placing it on the turntable and gently dropping the needle into the groove provides her the happiness she desperately needs.

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Escape From This Crazy Dream, Prolouge A

Shane wasn't very fashion minded, as most of his clothes were jeans, jean shorts, and t-shirts, long sleeved and short sleeved. he grabbed a pair of jean shorts, and looked through his shirts until he got to his wrestling themed ones.

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Daisy and Boss: 16 - Nice To Meet You

A white shirt with full sleeves and a dark brown waistcoat with even more of the tiny buttons. "he used to have a hat, and a sword, but those have been lost since before i was born.

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The Story of My Life Ch2

I was torn between a black and white striped long sleeve shirt (yes, i wear long sleeves in the middle of summer, no judging!) that hugged my arms but drooped around my torso.

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Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 3: 7 Years Later

Alix's lower left arm was covered in a metal sleeve with two bronze colored bracelets on either side of the sleeve; one just below the elbow, the other just above her wrist.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 21

He folded his hands together within the sleeves of his robes and laid them both in his lap. "tell me, high priestess tehlina - have you ever had a dream you couldn't explain?"

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Nothing Otter

He would look at the sleeve. he would see an inscription. he would read the inscription aloud. luke heard the startled bark.

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