The Story of My Life Ch2

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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part two is here! this one is just a liiiiiiitle bit longer; once i started i found it hard to stop. Anyways, I know that things seem a little drab now, but dont worry, things are going to get interesting... well to me they are anyways lols.

~Zack ~<3

Chapter Two

I watched as I twirled my new glasses with my fingers, inspecting them and wondering if I had made the right choice in going with a thick black pair. The width on the sides took away from my peripheral vision, so that somewhat irritated me, but now the lenses (unlike my last pair) changed shade with sunlight. I've wanted a pair of glasses like these because I could never wear sunglasses and my prescription glasses at the same time.

Oh well, I thought to myself. I've not even had them for a day, so I'll just give it some time. Besides, if I don't like it that much, I can just put my old pair back on because my eyes haven't changed in the past year or two.

It had been a day since I helped that wolf save his mother, and I feel like a total jerk the way I blew them off when they tried to thank me, all because of my overactive nerves and week stomach. I'm glad that I didn't get hit by it before I jumped on the back of that tiger, otherwise I probably wouldn't have reacted as quickly as I did and I don't know where the wolf and I would be right now. I guess I should be grateful that I held out and did what I could to help, but a part of me keeps telling me that I've been wasting my time, that I shouldn't have done anything in the first place. But where would that wolf family be if I hadn't stepped in.

No, best not to think about that. I know that what I did was right and I would do it again if I had to. So where was all this doubt coming from? I could just be in shock. It was a somewhat traumatic event; I actually stabbed someone, I had the choice to kill him if I so pleased, but I didn't even think twice about disarming him instead of killing him. That's gotta mean something right?

Eh, whatever. I'm probably thinking too much about this.

But one thing I can't stop thinking about from yesterday is that wolf that went by the name; Marcus. Though he didn't seem to be a man of very many words, his actions spoke volumes. The way he was repeatedly punching that tiger in the face told me that the wolf was very angry, maybe he had some deep dark secret, I mean we all do, don't we? But there was something else that stood out to me; while he was beating the tiger, I noticed a faint glint of a tear in his eyes. I'm not sure, but maybe he's... lonely, scared to lose people he loves. But that's just an analysis.

I stopped twirling my glasses as realization sunk in; I was lonely. I hardly have any friends, and the friends I do have I hardly ever see, I'm socially awkward when it comes to talking to people, so making new friends is close to zero. I was also lonely because my mother was away at work all of the time, sometimes I wouldn't see her for days even though we all live in the same house. My grandmother used to be someone I could get along with, but now, some days it's hard to even look at her. My brothers are too young to have the same interests as me and understanding, and my sister, while she's only a year and a half younger than me, is (to put it bluntly) a spoiled brat. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but she's still a brat.

I was also romantically lonely. I used to have a girlfriend (when we were like, fourteen), but my mom thought we were too young to be seeing each other so she made me break it off. It makes me so mad knowing that she and I could have had something great if mom hadn't intervened. Now she's seeing some jock that she goes to school with and knowing full well that she still likes me. The hardest part of it all, is that she lives no more than a forty-five second walk away from me (about the same distance away from that wolf that I helped save and me).

Well, I guess that it's alright anyways because we never see each other anyways. She says she's always "busy", but I think that she's just avoiding me. I guess that's other with me now. It used to hurt because she always averted me, but now I know, that love was only going one way. I just hope she's happy with that football player.

But that still leaves me alone... eh, I guess I'm okay with that. I've been my own friend for a long time, so what has really changed? Nothing.

I sighed and stuck my new glasses on my muzzle before pushing myself off from my bed. Maybe I should go for a walk, give me a chance to clear my head a pit? I turned on my phone and looked at the temperature; 82 degrees. Hmm, maybe I won't. If there's anything I hate more than dogs, its sweating. So then what should I do? Play more video games? Nah. Facebook? No. I could watch something on Netflix, I still have to finish the third season of The Walking Dead (shit's just gettin' good), but I really don't feel like it.

I threw myself back on my bed and groaned. God, I'm so bored... maybe I should start a new story- "BOOOEEEEE!!!" my grandmother called.

Too late, I tell myself as I get up and make my ways down stairs, but not before grandma call's my name again. I already know what she wants, so instead of confronting her, I go straight to the basement and into the garage. The garage was cluttered with junk and useless crap (though, not as bad as the pull-barn) and stunk with the stench of garbage. To my right upon walking through the door were two switches, one for each garage door. I hit the one furthest away from me and the garage door to my right started to ascend. I would have liked to use the left door, but there was so much junk blocking the way that I wouldn't have been able to get around it.

To my left, a few steps in, was a pile of garbage bags. I grabbed two at a time and started walking out and down the steep driveway to the side of the road. I dropped the bag, turned around and started back up to do it again.

I was half way up the driveway when I heard someone yelling. At first, I thought it was someone in trouble again, but this time, the yelling sounded as though someone was trying to get the attention of another person, but I didn't recognize the voice, so it wasn't to me.

"Hey!" the voice was clearer now, like it was getting closer.

Out of curiosity, I turned around to see a light grey furred wolf making his way up the driveway to me. At first I didn't recognize him and the instinct to run was already planted in my mind. But as he drew nearer, I realized that he was the wolf I've been thinking about. "Oh, hi..." I said and smiled. I don't know why, but whenever I see people I don't really know, I tend to put on this fake smile and higher tone in my voice than necessary. Maybe I do it to make me sound friendlier than my typical "What?!" when someone I know calls my name. I don't say it like that to be mean, it's just habit when you're sick of your name being called or yelled.

"Hi," the wolf said and smiled back. His voice was deeper than mine (my actual voice) but not by too much. My voice was a mid/high-ish tenor, his sounded more like a deep tenor.

He continued up the driveway until he was a few feet in front of me. Even though I had the (literal) higher ground, the wolf was just an inch or so taller than me, suggesting that he's probably close to six foot. We just stood there for a moment, him looking into my eyes and me wanting to get back inside, at least to change out of my sweat pants and white t-shirt that said "I <3 GAMING" and into something a little more... presentable. "Is there something I can do for you?" I said after he hadn't said anything.

The wolf shook himself out of his stare and coughed a laugh. "Well, you jump onto that back of my step father-" (I was right about that too) "Stab him in the arm and save my mother, and then you stop me from killing the same bastard... and I don't even know your name..."

I shifted my weight to me left foot and stood there, subconsciously crossing my arms and swishing my tail. Normally when I stand like this, people mistake me for being upset, even though I really wasn't. I don't know why I do this, I think it comes from my mother, at least that what my grandma says. "You act just like you're mother," she'd say while shaking her head in sarcastic shame.

"Boe," I said eventually.

"Boe..." he mumbled to himself, then chuckled quietly. "That's a nice name. I like it. I'm Marcus, by the way." He held his much larger hand out and smiled. "Nice to really meet you."

I slipped my small hand into his and shook his hand. It was warm, and his pads were soft and fuzzy were the pads didn't cover. "The pleasure's all mine." I said, and didn't know what to say after that. Normally after simply saying hello to people, I have no idea what to say next, so there was a pause for a moment or two.

"I hope you don't mind my askin'," Marcus said and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "H-how old are you?"

I guess I should be offended right? Someone I didn't even know was asking my age. He could be some kind of crazy, rapist kidnapper for all I know. But his eyes, his beautiful deep amber eyes told me that he wasn't a criminal, but... not totally innocent as well. Honestly... it kinda turned me on...

"I'm seventeen..." I said, half a smile on my muzzle. "You?"

"Twenty-two..." he paused for a moment. "Twelfth grade?"

I nodded. "When school starts back up, yeah... college?"

Marcus sighed. "Yeah, kinda sucks though."

There was another pause.

"Listen," the wolf put his hands into his jean's pockets. "I never got to really thank you for what you did yesterday... I really appreciate it."

I waved him off. "It was no problem, just glad I could do something to help." My tail twitched again. For some reason, my tail twitches whenever I receive praise and I'm being modest about it. A part of me hopped that the wolf wouldn't figure that out, but another part of me wondered if he was that observant... not that it was all that important in the first place.

The wolf's right ear flicked and he looked down. I marked that mentally; usually when someone is about to say or ask something they consider hard, the person's ears will rotate or flick even when there's no unusual noises, tail will lash depending on the species, and/or fingers might fondle with whatever he or she may or may not be holding... okay! So I was into a bit of phycology, sue me. I'm not that great at it but I know enough to know things...

"Well, is there anything I can do for you?" he asked, looking back up to my eyes.

I thought about it for a second (I admit, I had some pretty dirty thoughts, but who could blame me? The guy was very attractive), really wanting to say something flirty, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I don't even know if he's gay, he could just be really nice and want's to repay me somehow. I mean, he did go to a total stranger's how just to "thanks again", which is more than what I could do, honestly.

After a moment, I ended up shaking my head and smiling. "Nah," I said, feeling my tail twitch again. "I don't really want anything in return." That was only half true. I did want something, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was. "Besides," I put my hands on my hips and puffed out my chest, attempting to make the conversation a little goofier. "What kind of hero would I be if I asked for something back?"

Marcus chuckled and nodded his head. "Alright, Mr. Hero, you win. I surrender. But my mother wants to thank you in person."

My ear's perked. Damn it, I hated going to people's houses that I hardly knew, not to mention alone. I haven't told anyone about what happened yesterday; I figured that they would find some reason to yell at me like "Why didn't you just call the police instead?" or "What would I have done if you'd gotten hurt?" or something to that effect... though, there was the slight off chance that they'll actually praise me for what I did. But that was unlikely.

"That's actually one of the reasons why I came," he continued. "She wanted me to come and ask if you'd go and see her today, whenever you can, that is. I'll be there too, but I don't live there." (Damn I must have been on a roll yesterday)

I forced a smile and nodded. "Sure, I'll do that as soon as I get the garbage out and change my clothes." Ugh, I hate myself. I hate how I'm so nice and can never say no. But how could I? I mean, I would want to officially meet my savior had I had one.

The wolf's ear's perked a bit. "Do you need help with that?" He almost looked excited.

I laughed a bit as I found a good way to tease him and drop a hint. "With what, changing my clothes?"

The wolf's ears and cheeks burned red. Gotcha, I thought. So he is interested! "No! That's not what I meant!" he said, getting defensive.

I giggled and fixed my glasses. "I know what you meant, I was just teasing!" I let myself breath in and out while Marcus calmed down. "No, I don't need any help, but thank you for offering." I started to turn away and begin walking back up the driveway, being sure to sway my hips just a little more than usual. "I'll be over in like, five minutes."


I turned to walk back down the artic fox's driveway, but not without watching his small rear as he walk away in the opposite direction. Was he putting on a show? I couldn't tell. And did I detect a bit of flirting a couple seconds ago? My heart fluttered. God, it's been a while since I've flirted with another male, a high schooler non-the-less... it felt good to be reminded of that.

As I made my way home, my phone started to chime, alerting me that someone was calling. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and saw the picture of a sweet smiling ivory/white rabbit that danced on the screen under the name; Debbie. I sighed... should I answer it? I stood there for a moment, contemplating weather or not I should answer. I sighed again. Damn it. "What?" I said coldly into the speaker as I held my phone up to my ear.

"Marc?" her voice said on the other line. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. Calling you what I did was uncalled for," she said, and being my stupid self, I listened. "And I'm sorry. Please forgive me?"

I didn't answer.

"Come over tonight, my place. We'll have dinner, fool around and you can stay the night. Please?"

I thought about, thinking that she really sounded sincere. I hate myself for falling for a player like her, but still, she's kinda nice if you get to know her. "...I'll think about it..." I said reluctantly and hung up before she could say anything else.

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, still standing where I was when she called me and chuckled to myself. "Huh, Boe..." I mumbled and started walking again. "Nice name..."


I stood in my bedroom, still standing in front of the mirror holding a shirt I held up to my chest with my right hand before pulling it away and holding up a different shirt that I held with my left hand. What? You thought only girls did that? Even though, sometimes, I really do question if I'm a boy in the inside.

I had already picked out the pants that I wanted to wear; a fur-tight, black pair of skinny jeans that showed off the little butt I had. The hard part was picking out a top. I was torn between a black and white striped long sleeve shirt (yes, I wear long sleeves in the middle of summer, no judging!) that hugged my arms but drooped around my torso. The only thing was that the hem was cut a little short, so if I lifted my arms in any way, my stomach or lower back and sides would be exposed. Normally I don't really care who sees, but I'm going to meet someone mother, so I don't think showing fur would be such a bright idea. But I did want to impress Marcus a bit...

The other shirt that I was contemplating was a white T-shirt with a green, old style microphone splatter design that dominated the left side. This shirt hugged my chest a little better than the black and white stripe shirt and the sleeves didn't go much lower than my shoulders. I think this shirt would be better, it's not too flashy, it fits the weather a lot better than a long sleeve, and it hugged my chest enough that gave off the small hint that I'm not straight but doesn't exactly scream homo.

Finally settling with the white T, I put the other shirt back on my shirt rack and pulled the T-shirt over my head. I put my glasses back on, fixed my hair and looked back in the mirror. "This is a normal look, right?" I asked my reflection. "Just a normal teenaged boy going over to the house of the lady that you saved. Nothing out of the ordinary."

I don't really know why I'm so hell-bent on looking 'normal'; I mean I don't particularly look odd, so why am I fretting over it so much? Maybe I'm afraid that they'll see right through me, but what will they see? Even that much, I don't know. I don't know what I'm trying to hide. Am I hiding what I really think? How I really act? Am I really that subconscious about myself that I feel like I have to put up a fake face and personality? Makes me wonder what I'm really like.

Ugh, I can't be thinking about that right now, I told Marcus that I'd be over in five minutes and it's already been seven. I normally like to be fashionably late, but I didn't feel like I should be pushing this one off. I brushed my head-fur further out of the way so that most of my covered up eye was visible, didn't want to look like I was hiding behind my fur.

As I made my way down the stairs from my room, I wondered what I would tell my grandmother. The truth maybe? No, that would raise her suspicion of the people I'm seeing and I don't need her on my back. I shook it off, I'll make something up if she asks, but I doubt she'll even realize that I'm gone, she hardly ever does.


As I walked down the street and up to the house of the wolf family, a realization hit me like a blunt force. No police or reporters have come to my door asking questions. I told Marcus and his mother where I lived yesterday before I left (which wasn't such a smart move, but I wasn't thinking too clearly yesterday) and someone must have called the police, so, why didn't Marcus or his mother tell them where I lived?

Maybe they were covering for me? Though, I don't understand why; most people would want to be recognized as a hero. Well, even if they were helping me cover my tracks, there's video proof of me being there at the scene and attacking the tiger. I saw some of the bystanders with their phones on and recording, and knowing people now days, it's probably on the internet, but I haven't seen it yet. And if one of those videos goes viral, it won't take long for police to identify me. But then again, what's so bad about being recognized?

Eh, whatever. No one's come asking yet so it'll be better to enjoy the secrecy while it lasts.

I made my way up to the front door and nocked three times. I only had to wait a few seconds before the large male wolf answered the door. He smiled when he saw me. He held up his wrist which had a watch on it (that I just noticed... maybe I'm not as observant as I thought) and shook his head. "Four minutes late."

Damn. He was counting the minutes... well... that's kinda cute, actually. "Sorry," I said, puffing my head-fur out of the way. "Didn't know which top to put on."

He opened the door all the way and a faint breeze of conditioned air found its way under my fur, carrying the scent of well-done steak and heavily seasoned green beans. His mother sure did know how to cook one hell of a meal and I haven't even tasted it yet. "I like the one you have on. Please, come in."

I entered the house and found myself in the living room. It wasn't very big (not as big as my great aunt's) but still cozy looking and inviting. The furniture and floors looked freshly vacuumed, and the glass coffee table that sat in between the loveseat and the television appeared to have been just whipped down. Looks like I came a little too early, like they were still doing a bit of cleaning, but I was nothing but pleased with what I saw.

The walls were mostly dominated with pictures of Marcus and other family members that I haven't had the pleasures of meeting. The wall itself was painted dark grey, somewhat gloomy if you ask me, but some people like that. "This is a really nice place you've got here." I said to Marcus, knowing full well that this wasn't his house. I learned over the years that sometimes, it's good to play dumb and throw some people off; I don't want him figuring me out... not yet anyways.

"Oh, I don't live here... not anymore, anyways." He said as he came up to stand next to me and look at the room.

I would be looking at him through the corner of my eye right now if I could see him, but these damn glasses keeping blocking my vision... should have switched glasses before I left. And turned and looked him up and down, trying to take in his detail. (As I've said before;) his fur was light grey, though, now that I was really looking at it, it wasn't all grey, some patches around his face and arms where white and random hairs were black, meaning that he probably wasn't full bred (like me). He was a bit taller than me, though not by much. He looked to be a little over six foot, while I stood five-eight and a half. His muscles weren't huge, but they weren't anything to sneeze at. It didn't look like he worked out, rather gained them from work (whatever it is he does).

"Oh!" a voice said from somewhere behind me. "It's you! I wasn't expecting you here so early!"

Funny, I thought to myself. I don't remember hearing a Spanish accent yesterday when she was thanking me... but then again, I was kinda out of it after the tiger went down.

The wolf came up to me and gave me a big hug and I hugged back. Normally, I don't like to be touched by very many people, but I couldn't very well just deny her embrace, now could I? "Hi, Ms..." it was just then I realized that I didn't know her last (or first) name.

"Albuquerque," She finished for me.

Well that's bit of a mouthful and easy to forget... I already forgot how she pronounced it...

"But, you call me Mrs. Al!" she said. Her English wasn't perfect and her accent was a bit thick, but I understood what she said. She turned her attention to Marcus. "Haga el favor de ver si la comida esta lista?"

My Spanish wasn't all that great, but I'm pretty sure she said something about food being ready.

I discarded that and held out my hand. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Al, I'm Boe."


Lunch with Boe earlier was fun... Mother seemed to really like him (well, he did save her life, so I'm really not surprised that she likes him) and something about him is just genially... attractive. It could just be me, but I think he was flirting with me the whole time we were there. I mean, I was flirting too, but it's another thing when the person you're flirting with is flirting back.

I slowed my motorcycle to a stop at a nice apartment building. I pulled my helmet off and sighed. I can't believe I was doing this... It's already like, ten o'clock...

I got off the bike, took the keys out and started for the apartment building. I Went to the room 83 on the second level and (painfully) knocked on the door. It wasn't long before the door opened to revile a short, ivory/white colored rabbit. Her brown straight hair flowed around her eyes and down to her mid-back, where it stopped bundled in a loose ponytail.

"You're here!" she said happily. "I didn't think you'd come..."

I didn't say anything... I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to be here, yet, here I am like always.

I followed her inside, setting my helmet on the t.v. stand next to the door. Her apartment wasn't very big; the kitchen, dining room and living room where all one room, not separated by walls like full houses. To my right was three doors; two of them led to two different bedrooms and the one in the middle was the bathroom. To my left was the conjoined kitchen and dining room.

Debbie turned to me. She wasn't wearing much; one of my old high school football jerseys and thin white undies (I could only tell because the back of her (my) shirt was lifted up by her short fluffy tail). "I wanted to apologize again, in person this time-"

I stopped her there by holding my hand up. I didn't need another apology. Hell, I didn't even want one. Then why was I here? I don't know... maybe I'm still looking for something hopeful inside of her. "I forgive you." I said, and I wasn't lying. I can never hold grudges, even though, sometimes, I wish I could.

She smiled. "Really?"

I nodded and she gave a small, "relieved" laugh before she stood on her toes and kissed me... and I kissed back.

I knew where this was going... straight back to the bed.