A Bronze Rising: Battle, Such as it is

#14 of a bronze rising the bronze proves that he is more than capable of countering a few armed humans the boy had been brutalized, that much was clear.

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A Bronze Rising: The Gate

Tobias approached the front gate following the wall to his left. He felt foolish tramping through the forest undergrowth in his father's war regalia. How many people had his father killed while wearing this? 'None,' Tobias chided himself, 'It's a...

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A Bronze Rising: The Offer

#5 of a bronze rising the bronze makes an offer to the human stooge by the harsher scent, i could tell that the human was male.

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A Bronze Rising: Scenting

#4 of a bronze rising what exactly has the bronze retrieved from the human settlement? the human was so long in responding i began to wonder if the creature was even capable of speech.

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A Bronze Rising: Kidnapping

#3 of a bronze rising in order to supplant the existing society, first the bronze must gather information ...human. yes, that's what they were called. i circled lower and lower sacrificing the height i had taken from the thermal.

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Rising darkness -teaser-

It was midnight. The full moon and the stars shone coldly in a cloudless sky. A gentle breeze swept over the country. But suddenly the glow of the moon and stars wavered a little. The breeze stiffened a bit and somewhere in a deep dark forest,...

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Rise of the Gods - Prologue

#1 of rise of the gods somewhere in the endless void of space a being of infinite power pondered what it was to do. it had created the universe that it currently resided in as a means of alleviating its boredom.

"Something Rises in the Morning"

"something rises in the morning" by ken anderson, 11 october 2021 it was moonrise when i realized, something changed me, deep inside. something heinous, something vicious, something different, something mine.

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Unto the Rising Sun

"the sun rises quietly, and in it, the day begins anew for your people so far below. the sun rises, can you not feel its heat upon your body, calling you to spread your wings and to let yourself greet the new world?"

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Once a force in the ring, now's he's coming for you with a vengeance rising from the ashes of hatered from the depths of hell a monster of an anthro roams for justice.


The Rise of Cadoc Bor

Thus, the warlord filled many a beast with fear, yet to his horde, his conquests were met with cheer; sworn to protect their great chief evermore, all would hail the rise of cadoc bor.

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