The Rise of Cadoc Bor

Story by Foxpiper on SoFurry

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This poem was written as a request by SalemtheCruel about her new Redwall character, Cadoc Bor, the son of Ruggan Bor.

Cadoc Bor is © by SalemtheCruel, All rights reserved.

Redwall is © by Brian Jacques, All rights reserved.

The Rise of Cadoc Bor



Reigning victorious from another war,

Stood proudly the tribebeasts of Juskabor;

None were stronger than the verminous clan,

Ruled by their leader, the fearsome Ruggan.

After such a shameful defeat at Redwall,

The chieftain was determined to give his all;

With every woodlander or rival tribe slain,

The warlord always felt there was more to gain.

Over several seasons and battles won,

Ruggan had sired a mighty fierce son;

With fur grayish-brown and temper quite vicious,

The young fox proved to be very ambitious.

The ruler's son always fought by his side,

Showing utmost loyalty until he died;

It was on that fateful day all beasts would see,

A son uphold his father's dark legacy.

The sounds of bloodshed were heard all around,

As the new chieftain sought to claim more ground;

Infamous were his efforts to gain precious land,

Bringing death to all from the hills to seastrand.

Thus, the warlord filled many a beast with fear,

Yet to his horde, his conquests were met with cheer;

Sworn to protect their great chief evermore,

All would hail the rise of Cadoc Bor.