Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 2
The queen looked surprised and put her claws on her cheeks. "oh dear, it seems your transports have experienced a little...accident with methane," she said softly. "you bitch!!" coffer shouted at the hanging queen.
Dua’s Lust
The queen shivered and watched him with keen eyes a startled mewl slipped from her lips as dua's tongue slipped from his mouth and trailed across her smooth fur a soft purr from the queen followed and dua lifted his head.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 6: Word Spreads
By late afternoon, albumen and yoke were called before the queen. as they stepped before the throne, queen omelet looked at them with anxiety in her eyes. she was eating from a platter a leftover omelet from breakfast.
Winter's Warmth
The queen loosened her cloak slightly, exposing her finely jeweled necklace, fitting for a queen in lieu of a proper crown. the gnolls stepped aside, letting the one in the middle of their ranks step forwards, kneeling before the queen.
The Werewolf Queen and the Little Blue Bird
Werewolf queen and the little blue bird the werewolf queen had with her a little blue bird, an often grating companion with which she knew she'd be heard.
Star Hopper chapter 17 (last chapter)
A sigh left ian's muzzle, a year had already past, now he was the mate of the queen and a father.
Chapter 7: The Great War- Ambush!!!
"everyone, i would like to introduce crystalia, trainee of the queen."
The Crown: Chapter Six
When the last general finished, the queen said with a regal wave, "sennaven, the map." sennaven rushed to the easel holding the map of the continent, lifting it (with some effort) and placing it at the corner of the table, within the queen's reach.
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 11.
"the queen?! you are not the queen! my mother is the queen, which makes me a prince!" "mother, it think this peasant has gone mad with a plague," another one, similar to red, except more handsome said.
Jen of Asara Part 1: Of Kings and Contests
Just a step or two behing the queen followed jen, the queen's bodyguard, a vixen of twenty-four years, dressed in simple, yet well crafted, leather armor. jen was just as beautiful as the queen, though in a more rugged sense.
[p] Getting Plugged
queen's gift, though, is the gift of reality.
The Scout
The city queens, ever-fertile females from which the life of the community flowed. all but one seated at large, rounded chair. all observing from within the centers of their personal dens. guarded sanctuaries from which a queen rarely departed.