Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#2 of Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed

"Hello Anthony," she said gently as Tony's eyes widened. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"That can't be! I killed you on LV-31!" Anthony shouted. The Queen laughed, she had a gentle voice, femininely high, but deep at the same time.

"Wrong, as you can plainly see. I am very much alive, I have my children to thank for that," she waved her claw towards the Warriors and the Drones. Suddenly, her "smile" faded and she looked down sadly. "Or at least what's left of them."

"You killed half of my hive on LV-31. I was racked with grief at the loss of so many of my darlings," the Queen reached out and caressed the eye panel of the nearest Drone. It cooed and rubbed against her claw. "I noticed during the fighting you were very close to those two there. And it broke my heart to see how devastated you were over the death of that one."

She pointed a scaly claw at Coffer and Ruston, then at the blood-spattered body of Milton Cramer. Ruston snarled at her. She returned the snarl ten fold.

"I was going to just kill you, Anthony, and be done with it, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I'm not sure why, I just couldn't," she explained. "Therefore, I will offer you a deal. I will allow you to kill two of my children in exchange for those two."

"Why do you want them?" Ferrintino shouted. "You already have a whole mining colony to impregnate."

"I don't want them for that. I don't need anyone for that anymore, actually," she said slowly.

"What are you talking about?" he asked her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," the Queen said slyly. "So what do you say? It would be best for them, you know."

"How?" he asked. He did care about what happened to his marines, and if the queen was giving them a chance to escape, he was determined to take it and return with a stronger attack force. She actually produced a girlish giggle when attempting to answer his question.

"Hmhmhm, you wouldn't understand for, as I remember, you scorned me when I offered you this same deal. Remember? Hmhmhm," she giggled as he remembered her offering. His eyes widened.

"You can't be serious," Ferrintino blinked multiple times, trying to comprehend what the Queen was offering.

"Yo, Anthony, what's happening?" Coffer whispered. Ferrintino looked down at him.

"Trust me, you may not be cool with what's happening," he shook his head slowly. "Well, we have a chance to leave as long as you guys stay here with...them."

"You can't be serious," Ruston gawked.

"That's what I said," Tony shook his head gloomily. "I really have no other choice. If I say no, then we all die here and I can't handle that because she's gonna send me home with your blood on my hands, I just can't handle that. I'm sorry. But the good news is you get to tear two of those bastards apart, which was part of the deal."

"It's for the best right? I can handle that, I suppose. By the way, why does it want us here anyway?"

"Well, um...I...uh...come ‘ere," he knelt down and whispered in his ear. The Queen smiled from across the chamber.

"Holy. Fucking. God. That's crazy! How would that even work?!" Ruston asked in disbelief. Ferrintino shrugged his shoulders.

"Evolution. The most fucked up thing in the universe," he shrugged. Ruston and Coffer stood up. Ferrintino reached out his hands, grabbing Ruston's in one and Coffer's in the other. They shook hands like good friends should and said their goodbyes, until they heard a scoff-like noise from the Queen's direction.

"Oh, the agony, I hate my soft side. Anthony, would it make things move any faster at all if you stayed here, too?" she asked. "You'd have the same roles they would. Oooooo, lucky me."

"Well, this is a predicament," he thought to himself. "If I stay, then I feel disgusted. If I go, I feel guilty. Either way I lose, but...I guess it's the lesser of two evils..."

"Alright. I'll stay," he said. "Slimy bitch."

She clicked to two of her warriors. They walked over to the marines in comatose and the ones who had regained consciousness. The ones who woke up were knocked out cold and dragged out of the room.

"Wait! You said you wouldn't hurt them!" Ruston shouted.

"Silenccccce! How dare you question my word!" she screamed at him. "They will be taken to their ships and left there for when they wake up. After which they are free to leave."

"Alrigâ€"" he was stopped when a huge explosion sounded just outside the colony building.

"What the fuck was that?!!?" Ferrintino shouted angrily. The Queen looked surprised and put her claws on her cheeks.

"Oh dear, it seems your transports have experienced a little...accident with methane," she said softly.

"You BITCH!!" Coffer shouted at the hanging Queen. She barked at a few of the closest Drones. They clicked and climbed up the Queen's sides, slicing the gooey chords that tethered her to the ceiling. She, at the same time, strained to rip herself from the eggsack attached to her abdomen. These two actions were completed at relatively the same times, allowing her to land with a loud thud. She landed on her feet and stood to her full height, stretching her underused legs.

"I had nothing to do with this! When you landed, I could smell the methane leak even from outside this fortress. One of your pathetic troops fired his weapon at my children and lit the methane. It was not my fault," the freed Queen walked slowly over to the marines who tried in vain to open the doors. She rested her claw on Coffer's shoulder. He shrugged it off quickly and yanked his combat knife from his belt. Spinning to face the Queen, he stabbed her outstretched claw and elicited a loud screech of surprise and pain from her. She reached over to her claw and, with shaking digits, pulled the blade from her palm.

"I'm bleeding...bleeding...you've made me bleed," she moaned in shock. Her amazement quickly turned to rage and she flicked her palm towards Coffer. A few small dots of blood flew from her injured claw and landed on Coffer's arm. He screamed in pain and ripped the armor off. There were a few holes that had buried directly through the armor and into his bare skin.

"I've never bled before, I don't intend to let my first time be forgiven," she said cruelly, turning away from them and towards the Xenos around her. "I grow weary of this, mend the one's shoulder and send them all to me."

She stormed out of the chamber, purposely crushing eggs underfoot as she went. The aliens walked up to Coffer, who was sitting on the sticky ground trying to stop the blood from going any deeper to his arm. He only hurt himself more when he scooped it out with his fingers. The nearest warrior walked up to him and tore his hand away from his wound, drooling into the burns. The acid ceased to burn and Coffer's whole arm went numb. The blood became mere colored water and Coffer could get it out as the Drones crawled over to Anthony and Ruston and motioned for them to follow them. Anthony pushed one of them out of his way as he walked. Then he quickly remembered. He pulled his pulse rifle to bear and shot the Drone in the face as it stood up. He did the same to two more. The Xenos snarled and hissed at him.

"She said two, but now that I'm here that makes three for three. Fuck you guys," he said as he helped Coffer stand and walk out the chamber with Ruston close behind. The Xenos looked at each other.

"This is really going to be a difficult season, I can tell," a Drone barked at a Warrior. It looked at him and then at the exiting marines.

"Eh, it could be worse," the Warrior replied. "It could be that time of the month...I fucking hate evolution."

The Drone shrugged and walked away.

