Field Work

The most boring, unadventurous cougar of them all. his name was clyde. and he was no manner of mountaineer at all. clyde was an average cougar.


The Trial of the Lost

The cougar said as he pulled out into traffic. the rest of the trip was made in silence, the cougar smiling to himself and the young tiger lost in thought as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

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Frank Beary Alabaster, Private Investigator

The puma fans a paw at beary's regurgitated chili. beary, totally humiliated at this point, wants to really strike back at these thugs.

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Hunted - Part 2

"can i get some help here," the cougar calls out, "this one got a lot heavier after passing out." hound snaps out of his tensed stance, as he and leena rush to help the tired cougar.

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[Draconicon] Beta-Testers, Chapter 8: Growing Problems

He was short, a puma from the looks of him, and carried... _are you fucking kidding me?!_ "you're a bard?!" the puma whipped his head around, huffing. "and what, pray tell, is wrong with a student of the bardic arts?

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The Crown: Chapter Two

In other words, beldai, and the yunka-shu cougars within it, had lost. yang-wo cried for the better part of an hour.

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After a minute the cougar tensed as the flesh began to knit together. little did the cougar know that i could sense all of his functions, every physical feature of the cougar some how rushed into my mind.

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The Elevator

Chuckling at the babies the puma stepped into the elevator car and swiftly diapered the two cubs up.

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The Warrior's Dove Ch:3

It happened in a flash, the cougar jumped forward, as i stumbled back best i could. landing on my back, the vicious assailant was upon me. teeth glared upon my body and throat, and it froze my mind.

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Chapter One: The Plain Green Bottle

"just two empty cups" whispered rane as he smiled at the cougar. then just as quickly as he grabbed her, he let her go.

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On the Hunt Ch. 2

Seated at the desk was a cougar wearing robes similar, if not identical, to the vixen in the woods. upon entering the room, the cougar got to his feet and moved to meet us. "how are you feeling, argent?" he asked as he walked over. "where am i?"

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The desert

The cougar looked closely at his face, and pulled axel's hood back a little, while they both just stood there like frozen. the cougar's eyes widened a bit.

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