Chapter Fifteen - Down Goes The Colony

She laughed. "what..." i said, frowning as i looked at her. "i'll do something weird." she laughed. "like back in the forest. something like that." "why..." i mumbled as i looked down. "i'm kidding." she laughed.


Wolf's Tickle Torure

- hahahahahaha p-please stop hahahahahahahaah- pleaded while he laughing -aaaww. his laugh it's so cute- said orange- right guys? - right- said all the wolf laughed his face turn red. so the four foxes took him a short rest.

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A Dream Realized 3

John swung her up onto his shoulder and laughed. "you won't always be able to sit on my shoulder, so don't get lazy on me." in response mist just smacked him in the back of the head, making him laugh.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 31: The Memories We Make

The shepherd laughed on the other end. "h-hey don't laugh!" _"okay, okay."_ he was still laughing but then held it back down. _"since you sound so drunk right now, i'm guessing you want a ride."_ he burped and scratched his ear.

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Mack and Helen

Joel laughed as mack lifted himself up, putting all his weight on joel?s neck and laughing uproariously. ?macky!? joel laughed as he let mack down on the ground. ?you?re exactly the same as before... only maybe a little shorter.?

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Birth(Chapter 23)

Carol laughed and said, "i'm a grandmother to three children now, i need to feel young." ron laughed now and said, "i'll take you out tomorrow night." carol grinned, "good."

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First Day of Sophomore year(Chapter 24)

Paulie laughed as they walked out of the classroom, "i'm happy my mom isn't that psycho." dean took his turn to laugh and said, "oh ya, she's totally sane." in a sarcastic voice.

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Chapter One - Dog Fight

Zeke laughed. "if they speak normal then they'll understand me!" "well duh." cammy laughed. "i wonder if the humans and pokemon here taste any different than the ones at our place." electra said. "of course you would." cammy laughed.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 10: Final Term Examination

This time, tom laughed. if he were to spend the entire winter and new year holiday like this, he would be a very happy wolf indeed. he ceased laughing and drank from martin's bottle.

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 12

Dammit'," flare laughed. spyro managed a laugh but had to stop when his side throbbed. "well at least he can laugh, that's a good sign. laughter is good medicine, let's all tell jokes until he's well again."

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Blind Date

Perhaps the little girl could tell her friends about it, and they could laugh, and in the end everyone could laugh, and smile, and shrug it off. the restaurant still worried her, though.

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Chapter Twenty Five - Who's That Pokemon!?

I said, laughing. "well what do you want to do then?" "well i have no idea." she said. "play in the park?" "well i guess i could do that." i laughed. "well then let's go!" electra laughed as she took my paw.

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