Chapter Twenty Five - Who's That Pokemon!?
#25 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx
I awoke to the sound of crying all around me. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood to listen to it, so I just sighed, rolling onto my belly as I tried my best to go back to sleep. The only thing that brought me to my senses was the fact that I was no longer laying in the chair. Now, I was laying on a cold metal surface. All of a sudden the crying just stopped. All was silent, except for the sound of breathing and little occasional squeaks. What really got me going was probably the fact that there was something crawling on me. Something big, about half my size, or something like that.
I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes lazily as whatever was crawling on me hopped off. When I opened my eyes however, I almost jumped right out of my fur.
I was sitting on top of a big metal cart, like the ones that they put food on in an airplane, and there were Pichu everywhere. There were probably about fifty or so of them all crawling around on the floor, and one of them was just climbing all over me. Confused, I picked him up and held him in my arms, my ears perking up as I turned to the left to see Electra. She was sitting there with one of them in her arms, and she was gently stroking its head.
"Electra..." I said calmly as I hugged the Pichu against my belly. "Where... Did these come from?"
She didn't seem to hear my question, as she continued gently stroking the Pichu in her arms.
"Electra..." I repeated as I made my way over to her. "Electra..."
She still didn't seem to notice me. Maybe if I touch her..."
"Electra..." I said as I reached out, placing my paw on her back. "Where did these come from?"
"Dallas." Electra said as she looked up at me, smiling. "Dallas..."
"Yes?" I asked, tilting my head as I placed the Pichu down. "Are they ours?"
"Dallas..." She said as she reached out, placing her paw on my nose. "Dallas..."
"What?" I asked, frowning. "What are you doing?"
"DALLAS!" She yelled as she pushed me, and I fell off the cart.
I jerked away as I fell off the chair I was sleeping in, scrambling to my feet as I looked around.
"Geez, I was gone for like five minutes and you fall into like, the deepest sleep ever." She said as she hopped down, laughing.
My heart was racing as I stared at her, the palms of my paws beginning to sweat as I looked around. Everything seemed normal. That was probably one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had...
"What's up?" She asked as she nudged me. "You look all funny."
"Oh... I just had a really weird dream..." I said, smiling. "So what did Audino say?"
"Well she said I was fine but I should come back in about an hour." She said. "Because there's something she needs to look at or something."
"Oh... Okay..." I said, laughing. "Well what do you want to do then?"
"Well I have no idea." she said. "Play in the park?"
"Well I guess I could do that." I laughed.
"Well then let's go!" Electra laughed as she took my paw. I smiled at her as we left the Pokemon Center and walked down the sidewalk.
"Ugh, it's so sticky out." Electra growled. "Wasn't it supposed to rain or something?"
"Well maybe it went away." I said. "I mean, the weather does weird things all the time."
"True..." She said, laughing. "Hey, why don't we try that maze thingy?" Electra asked. "You know, the one that we had to run past when Onyx tried to catch us before." She said.
"Well I don't have a problem with that." I laughed as I turned to the right. "Split up?"
"Of course!" She laughed. "Not like they're here anymore anyway. And even if they were, good luck lifting me." She laughed. "A lot has changed since we last met them. They won't be able to pick me up no matter what they do, and they probably won't be able to beat me in a fight either." She said. "Plus, I don't know why, but I feel extra mean and moody today..." She said.
"Well then..." I laughed. "Not sure what to say to all of that..." I laughed. "I guess you're right. Heh. So then we're splitting up?" I asked.
"DALLAS!" Cammy yelled as she came running over to me, growling. "What the HELL was that for?"
"What was what for?" I asked as I stared at her.
She was covered in something white.
"What's that powder all over you?" Electra asked.
"Well Dallas here thought it was funny to dump a pot of flour over me and Zeke." She growled. "Zeke's over there rolling in the stuff. And then he shook off and got it everywhere and UGH!" She growled. "What the hell!"
"I didn't do that." I laughed. "I was here the whole time."
"Yeah he was with me." Electra said. "Although he wasn't with me when I went in to see Nurse Joy..."
"So you DID do it!" Cammy snapped.
"NO!" I shouted.
"Actually when I came out he was sleeping on the chair. I had to pull him off to wake him up." Electra said. "He was in a deeep sleep. No way he could have done it in the five minutes I was gone." She laughed.
"Well then who did?" Cammy growled.
"I have no idea." I said. "But it wasn't me.
"Well I thought it was you... Zeke didn't say anything when he saw whoever that Pikachu was... And usually he greets you when he sees you, so... It might not have been you..." She said.
"It WASN'T me." I said. "No maybe it wasn't me, it simply wasn't me." I said.
"Yeah couldn't have been. And Dallas wouldn't do anything that mean." Electra said. "Especially since he loooooves you!"
"Hey!" I said as I turned around. "Stop it!"
"Ugh..." Cammy sighed. "My fur is a mess..."
"Well it's going to rain soon." Electra said. "You can wash in the rain."
"Or the Pokemon Center." I said. "They'd clean you up, I'm sure of it."
"Yeah just shake off first." Electra said.
"I'll just... Go do that..." Cammy sighed as she dropped down onto all fours.
"Whoa! Go over there!" Electra laughed. "I don't want that on me!"
"Right." Cammy said as she walked off.
"Sooo... Are we still doing the maze? And splitting up?" I asked.
"Yup yup." She laughed. "But not yet. Wait until we get inside.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well there's only one pathway at the start." She said. "Let's go in a bit before we split up."
"True..." I laughed. "Well that's fine with me."
"Good." She chuckled as we came to the first intersection in the maze. "Okay, split up."
"Well okay." I laughed as I made my way over to the right. "You sure?"
"Of course I'm sure." She said. "And no cheating!"
"I wasn't going to!" I laughed as I walked inside the tunnel. "I don't ever recall there being a roof on it..."
"Well maybe they did that to prevent people and Pokemon from cheating." She said.
"Well maybe." I laughed. "Either way I wasn't going to anyway."
"Whatever." She chuckled as she pushed me playfully. "Just go."
"Fine." I laughed as we walked on.
"I'm going this way." She said as she turned to the left. "You go that way."
"Fine with me." I said, dashing off to the right.
"One of us is going the wrong way!" She shouted as he both turned around the corners of our sides of the maze.
"I'm aware of that!" I shouted back. "Or both of us because there's another path!" I laughed.
"Lovely!" She yelled back.
The lights inside were dim, but not terribly dim. Just enough for a human to see I guess. I however, could see perfectly fine. Being a Pikachu and all. To tell the truth, I had no idea where I was going. I just made a bunch of random turns without taking the time to remember what they were. I saw it as just a fun activity I was doing with my mate, and not a serious competition. Everything was silent, and the lights seemed to get dimmer and dimmer as I traveled down the tunnel. I came to an intersection, and I stopped to look around. Three of the four paths were dimly lit, and as far as I could tell, the path to the left wasn't lit at all. To me, that one seemed to be the least appealing one to travel down. Of course, being me, I chose it. I figured that, if any way was the way out, it was the least appealing path. I figured they made it appear less appealing so that less people and Pokemon travel down it, and therefore less of them get out quickly.
I dropped down onto all fours, cautiously making my way down the tunnel, staying in the center of the path so that I could tell whether or not there was an alternate path to my left or right. I didn't want to light the area with sparks, because I felt like that would be cheating. The only thing that made me want to light up the area was the sound of something running toward me from up ahead. I stood up, perking up my ears as I squinted in the dark in an attempt to see what was coming at me. I could tell that, by the sound of the footsteps, it was something small. A Pokemon, around the same size as I was, maybe even smaller. I could tell by the sound of the footsteps that it was running to the right. My right. So I stood where I was at the left side of the tunnel. I wasn't expecting it to change directions however, and I was taken off guard when the footsteps suddenly jumped right in my path. I put my paws out in front of me to stop whatever was going to run into me. Since it was something small, I didn't pay too much attention to holding my ground, which was a mistake on my part. Whatever it was smacked right into me, sending me tumbling backwards. I managed to grab what I thought was its tail, but... It was flat... After being dragged a couple feet I leapt into the air, just as it turned into another pathway of the maze. I lost my balance again, but clung tightly to the flat furry appendage as I was dragged across the tunnel on my belly. I didn't know why I was holding onto it in the first place. Something inside me just... Almost forced me to grab it... Like an instinct or something... How I managed to do it in the dark, I have no clue.
I growled under my breath as I pulled on whatever I was holding onto, tugging myself to my feet as I took off running behind whatever Pokemon this was, refusing to let go of the tail. I growled again as I tugged backwards on it, in an attempt to stop whatever Pokemon this was. I wanted to spark my cheeks so badly now, just to see what the hell was dragging me, but I told Electra I wouldn't, so I didn't. I felt whatever it was fall to the ground. I knew it would get up right away, so I pounced on it. It was about the same size I was. It was furry too, and it kind of smelled like... Something... I couldn't place my paw on it, but it smelled extremely familiar... I put my arms around it as it squirmed underneath me. Then, the least likely thing happened. It somehow pushed against me, and pulled itself out of my grip. Surprised, I quickly grabbed one of its legs before it could sprint off again, and I pulled backwards against it, pulling it off of its feet. Once again, it pulled itself out of my grip, and I pounced on it.
Whatever this thing is, it's abnormally strong. How the hell did it just pull away from me?
I grabbed it and held it in a tight hug as it began to writhe madly underneath me. It got a grip on one of my paws and pulled it off. I felt it grab my now free arm with both its paws, and I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen next.
"The the FUCK off of me!" It yelled as it tugged on my paw, literally pulling me off of it and throwing me across the tunnel.
That voice...
I was probably thrown a good two hundred feet before smacking into a wall. I growled as I got to my feet, dashing as fast as I could back down the tunnel in hope of catching up to whatever this thing was. I could hear its footsteps as it took off in the opposite direction, and I tried my best to speed up.
Whatever it is, it's fast too... Electra never said I couldn't attack...
I let out a loud wail as I fired a thunderbolt down the tunnel. I watched as the yellow bolt illuminated the tunnel for a split second, but I didn't get a good look at what I was up against. It was too far away for me to see it clearly, but it appeared to be yellow. Maybe it was just the yellow light from the bolt, but I could have sworn it was yellow.
It let out a loud cry as the thunderbolt struck it, and I heard a smack as it fell to the floor. I had no idea where it was now, and I wasn't counting on tripping over it either.
I cried out as I tripped over the Pokemon, flipping over onto my back. Before I could get up, It picked me up. Digging its claws into my right leg, it then whacked me hard in the belly with something flat, once again sending me flying all the way back to the other side of the tunnel, except this time I grabbed onto it, bringing the Pokemon with me. I quickly flipped around before I smacked into the wall, and shoved him between me and the wall, gasping as we both smacked into it. He smacked into the wall, and I bounced off of him, quickly jumping to my feet. My right leg hurt like hell, but I didn't care.
He wants to play dirty huh? Well two can play at that game.
Despite the fact that I was still regaining my breath, I lunged blindly at him, and if he hadn't been for that spark he made, I wouldn't have known where he was.
I grabbed him around the middle and threw him into the wall, growling as I pinned him there, my face pressed against his as I stared him in the eye. Even though it was pitch black, I could still see. Barely, but I could still see. It wasn't even really... Seeing... It was more like... Sensing. I could feel everything around me without actually touching anything... And then... Somehow my eyes just saw it. Everything was blue, but I could still see.
"What the HELL do you want!" He growled as he pushed against me.
"What the hell do YOU want!" I snapped back as I pressed him against the wall with basically all my strength, which as I recall, would be a lot more than enough to crush any Pokemon this size.
"YOU hit ME first!" He snapped.
"No YOU did!" I snapped back. "When you fucking ran into me!"
"You're such an asshole, get OFF of me!" He yelled as he pushed against me with his feet. Amazingly, once again he was able to break my grip. I felt his paw swipe across my face as he flung me to the other side of the tunnel, but this time I pushed off of the wall, instead of smacking into it. However, when I got back to the wall he was at just seconds ago, he was no longer there, and I wound up smashing into THAT wall, thinking he was still there. It took me a second to recover from that, but when I did, I was back on my feet, my ears perking up as I listened for his footsteps. I picked up no noise whatsoever, so I dashed down the tunnel as fast as I could. I was utterly lost now. Thanks to him, I had no clue where I was. I was sent flying this way and that, chased him down turn after turn, I had no clue where I was.
Then it hit me...
I didn't hear anything because he didn't run... He stood still and held his breath... So that I WOULDN'T hear him... He knew that if he didn't move I'd think he ran... Smart little bastard...
"FUCK!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, growling as I struck the right wall with a thunderpunch, squeaking as I quickly withdrew my paw in pain, whining as I shook it off.
I knew he was long gone by now, so I just walked. It wasn't until a few minutes later than I began to see light. Not tunnel light, a bright light. It was also then that the reality of what had happened dawned on me, and so did the pain. By the time I reached the end of the maze, I was in so much pain that I just fell over into the grass.
"Dallas?" Electra asked as she sprinted over to me. "What happened!?
"I don't FUCKING KNOW!" I yelled. "I got attacked by something!"
"By what? What could have possibly done this?" She asked as she pulled me to my feet. "You're a mess! Your fur is all... Icky looking and you're all cut up. What happened?" She asked.
"I got attacked! By something strong!" I whined. "And it got away!"
"Ugh, I told you not to go back in there..." She growled. "You never listen to me..."
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Oh come on, not this again..." She growled. "Do you remember ANYTHING?"
"I remember splitting up in the maze and that's it." I said. "I never went BACK in." I said.
"Yes you did! We met up out here and I told you about the creepy thing and you went back in to find it!" She said. "You DID!"
"What!? What creepy thing!?" I asked. "I don't recall ANY of that!"
Electra sighed as she looked into my eyes.
"Dallas... You came out HERE... And I told you already. There was something in there that attacked me too. It ran into me and fell over. And like I said before, I was in a bad mood, so I picked up whatever it was and I pinned it down. And it tried fighting against me and everything but it wouldn't let go. It was abnormally strong too. Usually when I lean all my weight on something I wind up crushing it, but it seemed to be just fine. He was a squirmy fellow I can tell you that!" She said. "I was all angry at it for running into me that I picked it up and pinned it against the wall. He tried to push me away from him but I kept him pinned to the wall... And then I realized it was a Pikachu, and I let go. If it weren't for it being a Pikachu, I would have torn it apart." She growled. "Fucking running into me like that and not even saying sorry or anything at all..." She growled.
"Electra..." I said as I looked her in the eye. "You... Pinned it? And it couldn't push you off?" I asked.
"Yeah..." She said. "It kept trying to push against me. He used his feet and everything. He was really strong though, I'll give him that." She laughed. "I don't know if it was his smell or something but he reminded me of you." She said. "Then I got out here and I saw you waiting here and I told you what happened and you said you'd go back in and find out what did it and I told you no and you went back in anyway. And then you come out here again like... This..." She said, frowning. "You're in really bad shape..."
"Electra..." I said calmly. "The same thing happened to ME... Except when I pinned him... EVERY time I pinned him... He somehow... Managed to push me off... As if he was... Stronger than I was..." I mumbled. "Barely, but he was still stronger..." I said.
"Wait what..." She asked as she tilted her head to the right. "Repeat that?"
"I said I couldn't hold him down!" I growled. "How the hell did you do it?"
"I don't know..." She said. "I just did it..."
"Electra..." I said, sighing as I looked her in the eye. "Do you know what this means?"
"It means I held him and you didn't." She said.
"What else?" I asked.
"Um... It means that I shouldn't have let go?" She asked.
"No! It means you're... Stronger than I am..." I said.
"Yeah, Okay." She said sarcastically. "You're losing it. Let's get you to the Pokemon Center."
"I'm not kidding!" I yelled. "If you could hold it back and I couldn't then there's no other explanation!" I said.
"Maybe you're just weaker than I am." She said.
"Same thing!" I yelled. "How did you get so strong!?"
"I don't know, I thought I always was the same..." She said. "I didn't notice myself getting any stronger..."
"Well you did." I said, whining as I fell over onto my back. "Oooohhh... Did he try to hit you?"
"Well no... He seemed like he was in a hurry... When I pinned him to the wall he started... Begging me... For his life... As if he expected me to kill him because I was stronger or something..." She said.
"Dallas your leg is all torn up..." She said.
"I know that! Don't worry about me!" I said. "I need to know more about what happened!" I said.
"I'll tell you later..." She sighed. "You're more important than any information I could give you right now." She said as she picked me up. "Come on, I'll carry you if I have to, but we're going to the Pokemon Center right away. And no, NOT through the maze." She said. "Around it. Geez Dallas you need to learn to use your psychic moves more!" She laughed.
--END Chapter Twenty Five.--