Chapter One - Dog Fight

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#1 of Part Three - A Journey Through The Unknown

NOTE: This is part THREE of the series. Visit my profile if you wish to start from the beginning, which you probably should.

"Okay, so I have no idea where the house is..." Kevin said as he pulled over onto the side of the road. "It should be right here..."

"Well... That sucks." Cameron said. "Does anyone have ANY idea what happened? I mean, I really like spending time in your ridiculously large house..."

"That stupid Palkia clone sent us to another dimension or something." Cammy said.

"Well that actually makes sense." Zeke said as he sat up. "That's why the Pokemon are all weird and everything is different!"

"Well if you ask me..." Kevin said, laughing. "There's humans here, they have cars, they look pretty normal... They have Pokemon that they train at the park, they-"

"Hey!" Cammy interrupted. "They were all training their Pokemon in the park! And that's the Pokepark from OUR dimension, so... Maybe their dog park is like our Pokepark. Maybe they just call their Pokemon dogs!" She said. "Same thing, but different name."

"That makes sense." Cameron said.

"So then... For now on, we have to call each other dogs." Cammy said. "Instead of saying Pokemon you say dog."

"But when I say dog I think of Growlithe..." Zeke whined.

"Well the humans here think of Pokemon when we say dog, so we have to say dog." She said.

"I wonder what they call cars..." Kevin said.

"Well let's just call cars cars for now. Until we find out what they call them." Cammy said. "And no, I'm not going to go around asking what things are." She said. "Make myself look idiotic..."

"Well... We should go back then and battle one of their Pokemon." Electra said. "I wanna see what these new Pokemon can do!"

"Well I don't see why we can't..." Kevin said as he turned around, heading back down toward the park. "I mean, it's not like we're any different. We have Pokemon, they have Pokemon, we're humans, they're humans... And besides, I have money if we need anything." He said. "I keep a large chunk of cash in the glove compartment." He laughed.

"Lovely." Cameron said, laughing. "So we can get our big house back!"

"No." Kevin said. "I have no idea how long we're going to be here..."

"But there's probably hundreds of millions of dollars in there!"

"Eh..." Kevin said, frowning. "Go ahead, spend a little. But don't go crazy." He said as we pulled back into the dog park.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." I said, sighing as I looked down at my Pichu. "We need milk... Do they have milk here?"

"Good question..." Cammy said. "I have no idea. Heck, do they even speak English? Will they understand US if we speak?" She asked.

"Those are all good questions. And all of them can't be answered until we go look." Cameron said.

"Yeah." Zeke laughed. "If they speak normal then they'll understand ME!"

"Well duh." Cammy laughed.

"I wonder if the humans and Pokemon here taste any different than the ones at our place." Electra said.

"Of course you would." Cammy laughed.

"Hey, not my fault!" Electra laughed as we parked.

"Okay everyone shush." Kevin said as he shut off the car. "I'm going to walk outside and see if these trainers are weird and stuff. I'm leaving the window down a little so you can hear what's going on. If they're completely stupid or something, then... I don't know. But if they speak the same way we do, then we're fine I think." He said as he opened the door. "Wait here."

"Hey dude, your car just appeared out of nowhere!" Some kid said as he ran over to Kevin. "How'd you do that!?"

Well if they ask things like that, then they're pretty stupid In MY book...

"I drove it in and parked..." Kevin said.

"No before that!" He said. "It just went POOF!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said. "Know where I can find some milk?"

"At the store." The kid said as he ran away. "Weirdo!"

"How am I the weird one..." Kevin said as he walked back to the car.

"Okay, now I want one of you to come out here." Kevin said.

"ME." Electra shouted as she handed her Pichu to Cammy, before hopping over the seat and out the window.

"Err, okay..." Kevin said. "I was hoping for someone I could hide in my hood or something..."

"I can hide in your hood." She said.

"And crush me!" He laughed. "How about I take Cammy? You stay here with your Pichu for now."

"Ugh, fine." She said as Kevin opened the door, and she hopped in.

"Yayyy..." Cammy said as she hopped out, laughing. "I get to meed the stupid part of the universe!"

"I don't think they're stupid." Kevin said.

"He asked how you got your car here..." She said. "That's pretty dumb."

"Hey man sweet ride!" Some kid said as he walked by. "You've gotta be rollin in dough if you're drivin that thing!"

"What..." Kevin asked as he stared at him.

"Yeah, what?" Cammy asked. "Dough? Like bread dough? Why would I roll in dough?"

"Hey what's that thing you got there on the ground?" He asked as Cammy climbed up and into his hood.

"What thing?" Kevin asked.

"That animal. It went into your hood." He said.

"Oh, that's my dog, Cammy." He said.

"Oh... Well see you!" The kid said as he ran off.

"Still think the humans here aren't complete retards?" Cammy asked as she rolled her eyes. Of course Kevin couldn't see her rolling her eyes from behind him, so he just shrugged.

"Okay, so two of them aren't the smartest people out there. That doesn't mean they aren't ALL stupid." He said.

"The FIRST two we meet." She said. "If they're not all like that then we're having real bad luck here." She laughed.

"Do you think being stranded here is GOOD luck?" he asked.

"Well no, but I'm just saying. Worse luck."

"Hey man who are you talking to?" Someone asked as they approached us.

"Me." Cammy said. "He's talking to me."

"My dog." Kevin said, smiling. "Hey, do you by any chance know where the PC is?"

"The PC?" He asked. "What PC? Be more specific."

"The PC that you can access worldwide." He said.

"You mean the internet?" He asked.

"No." Kevin said. "The PC."

"Well MY PC is at my house. Yours is probably at your house too. Other than that I have no idea what you're talking about." He said as he turned around and walked away.

"HEY!" Kevin said as he followed him. "One more thing."

"What..." The man said as he turned back around.

"Are my dogs allowed to fight your dogs here?" He asked.

"Dog fighter huh? Well as far as I know dog fights are held on the other side of the park." He said. "Just drive on over there if ya want a good fight."

"Okay thanks." Kevin said, turning around and walking back to the car.

"Hey, we can fight on the other side of the park." Kevin said as he got in. "I know you were all wondering that.

"I was." Cammy said as she hopped into the back. "I really want to see what these Pokemon can do." Cammy laughed.

"Dogs." Kevin said. "You have to call them dogs. You can say Pokemon when we're together, but just remember to say dog when other humans are around.

"Why? They can't understand me anyway." Cammy said.

"Eh... Then say what you want." Kevin said.

"I wanna try and fight one of their dogs with Zeke!" Cameron said. "It'd be a perfect way to train to become a Pokemon master! And Zeke is the only one in here that looks like their dogs so he'll blend in." He said.

"Well he doesn't look exactly like them..." Electra said. "He's different."

"Well he's the closest out of all of us." Cammy said.

As everyone was talking, I was observing what was going on outside. Their Pokemon didn't seem all that tough to be honest.

"All they're doing is throwing things and making their Pokemon go chase them and bring them back..." I said. "They're not even training."

"Maybe they're working on their speed." Cammy said.

"I want to work on my speed too!" Zeke said as he stood up. "This car is small!"

"Well it wasn't meant for you to stand in it..." Kevin said.

"I knowww..." Zeke whined. "So can we go to the fighting place?" He asked.

"Of course." Kevin said as he pulled out. "I'm guessing we just follow the paved path..."

"Well it's wide enough for a car and it's blacktop, so I guess so." Cameron said.

"Well everyone's parked in the grass over here." Kevin said as he parked inbetween tow cars. "So we're not lost..."

"LOOK!" Cameron said as he pointed up ahead. "There they all are!"

"The sign says the park isn't responsible for what happens to your dog during fights...." Kevin said.

"Well they weren't responsible back at our place either." Cameron said.

"But there was a Pokemon Center." Cammy said.

"Well they look like they're only biting each other and circling..." Zeke said. "I wanna fight! All they know is bite! And I know ice fang and shadow ball and so much more things than bite!" Zeke said. "And I can win you money! It says so!"

"Well..." Kevin said. "It DOES look like they're significantly weaker than you..." He said. "I don't want to take advantage of them though..."

"Advantage? They're here to fight! They MUST be tougher than that or they wouldn't be here!" Zeke said. "THEY are the ones risking their Pokemon by being here where there's no Pokemon Center around! Come on! I can take them!" He said as he wagged his tail. "They want to fight!"

"Oh fine." Kevin said as he got out of his car.

"Hey rich man, what do you think you're doing here?" some guy said as he stared at Kevin.

"Well I'm here for the dog fight. I'm going to compete against you guys." He said.

"HA!" He laughed. "Only the toughest get in here, and ya gotta go through a lot of training before you get in here bud. You're gonna get murdered."

"Well it looks like your dogs only know bite..." Kevin said. "That's not very tough..."

"Well what else do ya expect them to do?" Someone else said. "Hey man let em in. I wanna see him lose. I bet he'll last about what, five seconds in here?" he laughed.

"Yeah man, rich people don't know nothin about what we do!" He said. "What'cha got here anyway?" He asked. "Some Chihuahua?"

"I have no idea what that is..." Kevin said. "No, I don't have a... Chee... Wa wa... Whatever it is. I have a Mightyena." He said. "Come on out Zeke!"

"ROOOWWWUUUUU!!!" Zeke howled as he leapt out of the car, landing next to Kevin as Kevin shut the door. "Dramatic entrances rule!" he barked as he ran around in circles.

"Now listen Zeke." Kevin said as he knelt down in front of him. "No talking for now okay? I don't want to freak them out. If you wanna talk use your Mightyena language." He said. "You know, the one that only other Pokemon understand."

"Got it!" Zeke barked. "No talking unless it's in my language!"

"Good boy." Kevin said as he patted Zeke's head.

"What the FUCK is that." One of the guys said as he stared at Kevin and Zeke.

"It looks like some sort of wolf." one of them said.

"Exactly." Kevin said. "Zeke is a wolf."

"So wolves exist here! Cool!" Zeke barked.

"His bark sounds fierce..." One of the guys said as he raised an eyebrow. "Even though I've never seen a dog like this in my life, he does look pretty intimidating... Rich guy's got guts!"

"I'm only making excited barks! I haven't even made an angry one!" Zeke said.

"I don't give a shit what he has, he's going down!" one of them said as he spit on the ground. "Now quit socializing with your mutt and get him over here!"

"Are you good with battling on your own? I mean, without me giving commands?" Kevin asked.

"Of course! I worked against Onyx for a while!" Zeke said. "I used to never have a trainer telling me what moves to use!"

"Good." Kevin said as he stood up. "So, who are we fighting?"

"ME." someone said as they stepped in front.

He was a big, buffed out guy with tattoos on his biceps, and he had his arms folded. Next to him, stood a brown and white bulldog. Of course to Kevin and Zeke, it looked like a joke. Neither of them had seen such a dog before, so neither knew how to judge it.

"That small thing?" Zeke asked. "It's so... Tiny... Compared to me I mean..."

"Hey quit your growlin." The man said. "You won't be growlin in a little while when this here match is over. We're going next, and my dog is going to chew your wolf thing to pieces!" He laughed. "I don't care if wolves are the superior being. Imma prove right here that dogs still stand a chance." He laughed. "I gotta admit though. He's got some lovely fur patterns there. It's a shame I've gotta tear ya up." He said.

"Yeah right!" Zeke barked. "That little thing won't stand a chance!"

I watched as Zeke stared curiously at the small dog next to its owner.

"I can't understand a word you're saying." Zeke said as he stared at the bulldog. "Speak!"

The dog just growled, showing his teeth before barking at Zeke.

"Hey cut it out. I'm not barking at you so why are you barking at me?" He asked.

Again the dog just stood there, growling and barking.

"You're starting to annoy me..." Zeke said. "You can bark too so you must know the rule that barking at me is a threat..." He said. "You make me feel threatened when you sit there and bark like that. At least tell me why you're so angry." He said. "I don't want to have to hurt you, please stop provoking me..."

"Well you're going to fight in a minute anyway." Kevin said.

"That's it boy, show em what you're made of!" The man laughed. "Show em how much tougher you are. Heh heh, hear that bark eh? That's the bark of a fighter." He chuckled.

"These Pokemon are so stupid! I can't even understand what they're saying!" Zeke growled. "They don't understand a thing! He's just barking!"

"Zeke's getting pretty annoyed..." Cammy said. "Trust me... You don't want to get him angry..."

"What happens when he gets angry?" Electra asked.

"Well... The wolf inside him comes out. Let's just put it that way." Cammy laughed.

"Well they're fighting anyway, so why not let what ever is going to happen happen?" I asked.

"Exactly." Cammy said. "I wasn't about to stop him..."

"I wanna see Zeke fight." Electra said. "He said he was targeted by Onyx for his strength." She said. "So he'll do fine..."

"Yeah I think he'll be fine." Cammy said.

"ENOUGH!" Zeke yelled at the bulldog, in a bark so loud, that I literally had to cover my ears. However, the Pichu's ears were more important, so I placed my paws over theirs instead.

Everything went silent after that. The only thing you could hear was the sound of Zeke's heavy breathing, and an occasional growl. Everyone just stared at Zeke, who bared his teeth at the bulldog, his fur seeming to stand on end as he lowered his head.

The trainer just stared in disbelief as his bulldog backed off immediately, whining as it turned around and hid behind the man's legs.

"What... The fuck..." The man said as he straightened his hat. "...Was that?"

"That was Zeke." Kevin said. "I'm not gonna touch him because I think your dog there might have angered him a bit."

"A BIT?" The man yelled. "He damn near blew my ears out with that bark!"

"Hey, what can I say? That's the bark of a fighter!" Kevin laughed.

"Yeah, good luck man." One of the guys said, laughing as they patted his shoulder.

"Shut up." He growled as he straightened his hat again. "Aw fuck..."

"So, we gonna do this or what?" Kevin asked.

"Fuck no!" The man said.

"Hey, you're the one that wanted the fight, so we're fighting." Kevin said.

"I'll kill that thing..." Zeke growled as he ran forward, leaping into the pen.

"Holy shit..." The man said as he turned around, sighing as he picked up his dog. "Heh... Good luck." He laughed as he tossed him into the pen.

What the man didn't know, was that Zeke could understand human language, and since the man had to tell his dog what to do, Zeke would also know what to avoid. Not only that, but Zeke was a Pokemon. They were built for battling through generations of fighting and training. His bones, his body, his muscles, they were all stronger than his dog's. Zeke was born a fighter, whereas his bulldog was trained to be a fighter. Pokemon fight naturally, it doesn't have to be taught to them. Not to mention, Zeke had moves like fire fang that this normal dog did not have. Zeke was an all around advantage, from speed to strength. Zeke had it all.

"Quit your whimpering!" The man yelled. "You ain't no weakling! So what if he barks real loud! We can still take em! Go for the throat!" He shouted.

The bulldog seemed to snap out of it as the man said that, and once again went back to acting tough, baring his teeth and snarling at Zeke as he inched closer.

"Come on boy, run up there and tear this wolf to pieces!" He yelled.

"Well since you're yelling commands... So can I..." Kevin said. "ZEKE! Dodge it and then... Do whatever you want!" Kevin shouted.

The bulldog took off running, and Zeke just stood there. I had no idea what he could possibly be doing, until the dog leapt at him. As soon as the dog's feet left the ground, Zeke bolted to the right, effortlessly dodging the dog's attack.

"Not today..." Zeke growled as he snatched up the bulldog by one of its legs. "Heavy..." Zeke growled as he tossed it into the air.

"How the hell did he just toss a sixty pound dog like it's nothin!" The man yelled.

"Come on you fuckin mutt bite him! Do whatever ya can just win this thing!" the man shouted.

Zeke didn't even move as the dog plopped to the ground, Zeke's ears flattened to the back of his head as he growled at the bulldog. As soon as the dog hit the ground, it sprang to its feet. It was obvious that the dog was hurt, because he was limping. He was lucky to even have his leg after a bite like that.

"You're lucky Zeke didn't bite down or that leg would be gone." Kevin laughed.

"Bite em!" The man yelled.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Zeke howled as the dog rushed forward unexpectedly, growling as it clamped down on Zeke's right front leg. It had been limping seconds before, and it appeared it was going to give up. This was a surprise to not only Zeke, but to everyone around the pen.

"Yeah your wolf is done!" The man laughed. "Ain't no escapin the grip of them jaws there!"

"Get OFF!" Zeke yelled as he snapped at the bulldog, but it seemed there wasn't really a place for Zeke to get a hold of him, and he kept losing his grip. It was then that Zeke stopped moving and just stood there, which confused both Kevin and the man. However, the people on the other side of the pen were just staring wide eyed at them both. Zeke was facing away from us, so I couldn't see what he was doing. What could he possibly doing that's scaring them all to death?

"I SAID GET OFF!" Zeke yelled as he nailed the dog, in point blank range with a shadow ball, right in the back of the head. The dog literally exploded, the force of the shadow ball kicking up an enormous amount of dust, sending bloody chunks of bulldog in every direction. When the dust settled, Zeke just stood there for a second, before hopping out of the pen. His leg seemed to be just fine, it wasn't even bleeding or anything.

"I had no idea that would happen..." He growled as he shook himself off. "These dog things are freaking fragile!"

"What... The FUCK just happened!" The man yelled as he stared at Zeke. "What the fuck was that!?!"

--END Chapter one.--