Team Valiant Chapter 3: First Mission

He made sure carl was well hidden in some shrubbery before running back to assist volcan it seemed the battle had turned against the blaziken; during his struggle with the surprisingly strong hypno he had attempted to disorient his target with a headbutt

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Pepper Remembers

She saw a groggy brown bear emerging from its den and immediately changed course to deliver a headbutt.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.5 - Black and White

The reptile staggered from the hit but stayed his ground to suddenly grab both the lobster's claws and headbutt the bearded face.

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Mental Combat

Rex used the momentum of his charge to headbutt the creature in the chest, driving the air out of his lungs, at the same time, bayron attacked the face with his claw, making a surprising big cut.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 11 - Yoshis Aplenty

A brutal headbutt into the gut made yoshino unable to stand, the young inexperienced yoshi soon crumbling onto the ground with a restrained whimper. the drums stopped.

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I headbutt him in the chest in desperation which makes him laugh, and then he puts his forehead against mine, speaking softly, "you want this as much as i do. just... just forget gerrald for now.

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Willem and Rolf - The Revolt at Castle Minas

After this was over, he resolved to headbutt the husky as he did the stone. - "yers didn't even run! awful thieves, youze are! can't even let us 'ave a bit of fun." rolf said holding his axes imposingly above his head.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 4

_"headbutt! she's going to headbutt me!"_ the world swirled in front of her eyes for a moment, but not because of a smack to the head, but a kiss. soft and so deeply caring.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 6

Faith could be heard ranting and raving behind art, having just received a headbutt from the back of his head. he looked behind him to see her slam the door as she was leaving the room.

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The Human Species Ch.21 - Swarmed Trainer Silver

"zen headbutt!" jirachi exclaimed cheerfully, surrounding himself with a white aura of energy before flying towards lucario like a speeding bullet.

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The enemy of my enemy...

Harrar suddenly yanked his head back, then threw it forward, hitting the naga right between the eyes with a solid headbutt.

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Not Just Another Day

Byris got up and winced, "you're the one who always use to headbutt me when we were younger. thought you would be use to it bu now vaelnor." he says trying to laugh it off and hoping vaelnor wouldn't delay him very long.

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